RjB Software company logo
Established: Unknown
CEO: Ryan J. Bury
Whereabouts: Unknown
Workers: Ryan J. Bury
RjB Software is, in their own words, "an independent software company specialising in freeware games, run by designer Ryan J. Bury. RjB Software has become well known for games such as Afterlife, XG Arena, and the widely anticipated Evowok Breeder, but is also behind the powerful Regnus scripting language."

Afterlife: Rickard\'s Quest Afterlife: Rickard\'s Quest
Rating : [4.5]
Producers: RjB Software
"They say the roads to "
XG Arena XG Arena
Rating : [4.1]
Producers: RjB Software
"In the future, racing and combat combine together to present a unique blend of action and racing. How far can you advance, before your vehicle can't handle anymore? Find out in XG Arena"

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