Ken Silverman personal photo Ken Silverman
Age: 48 years
Nationality: American
Whereabouts: America
Social status: Unknown
Companies: None
At the age of 17 Ken Silverman got contracted by Apogee to make a new 3D engine, called the "Build Engine". (This engine was used to make such games as Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior.) From then on life was decided for young Mr. Silverman. He has spent almost his entire life programming different kinds of small programs and games, and continues to do so. As he says himself; "For me, programming is not just an interest or a hobby - it IS my life."

Ken's Labyrinth Ken's Labyrinth
Rating : [3.2]
Producers: Ken Silverman
"Play the role of 16 year old Ken Silverman and fight your way through a mystical labyrinth!"

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