Chris Crawford personal photo Chris Crawford
Age: Unknown
Nationality: American
Whereabouts: Oregon, USA
Social status: Unknown
Companies: None
Has a master degree in physics.

Was hired as a game designer by Atari in 1979, and continued to work there untill 1984. After that he started designing computer games on a freelance basis, particularly focusing on the mac platform.

He has also written several books about designing computer games.

Founded the Computer Game Developers' Conference, and ran it for seven years, but was later kicked out of it.

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Trust and Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot Trust and Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot
Rating : [4.7]
Producers: Chris Crawford
"Step into the shoes of Vetvel, one of the seven acolytes of Kira, who are trying to be the next shepherd, in this highly innovative and impressive game."

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