First of all, thank you in advance for looking at this page. Abandonia Reloaded is a site that is dependent on active users. Without you, this site would never be.

You might ask yourself "What can I do?". The answer is A LOT! There will always be something on the site that can be improved, and there will always be something we are looking for. So this page lists some of the things we need help with, just to get you started. The best you can do for Abandonia Reloaded is show initiative and come up with new ideas.

The main focus on this site is to showcase games, and for this we need quality reviews and screenshots. If you are confident of your writing skills and english knowledge, your help will be invaluable in this area!
You can find more info here:
If you know of a great freeware game that isn't on Reloaded, or know an independent game maker who might be interested in becoming a part of our community, we could always use your help in scouting out great games and game producers.
This site has a pretty big server bill, and the best way to help us is to support us by donating some of your money. Everything we receive is used to pay server costs, and if we get more money than we need, we use it to buy prizes for our official competitions.

Thanks for your donations, really appreciated :)

Finally, if you have an idea on how this site can be improved, please let us know by using the contact form! We are always looking for ways to improve!


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