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Lost In The Nightmare

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#136 CoolBlue-Gord10



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Posted 06 January 2008 - 10:20 PM

I am so sorry for the corrupted download file :P I thought it was working well.

I am uploading it again.

I have uploaded the archieve file again but it still gives an error message for the litn.021 file.

So I uploaded that file separately.
I think the problem will be solved if you don't extract the litn.021 file in the original archieve and then download http://dosya.coolblu...rruptedfile.zip

#137 ScytheKnight



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Posted 12 January 2008 - 08:08 AM

Ohh sweet!!

Can't wait to check this out, the original was one of the creeper games I've played and got me totally hooked on the Horror-Adventure game genre.

#138 ScytheKnight



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Posted 17 January 2008 - 09:06 AM

Ohh wow.. great work, GREAT WORK!! :rolleyes:  :D

Got the new Best Ending 1st try...  :tease:

Just one question, have you ever thought of having a native English speaker giving the text the once over? It's understandable and gets the point across, but it's really rough around the edges. Having a good writer go over it could really give the game a boost.

#139 CoolBlue-Gord10



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Posted 30 January 2008 - 12:15 AM

Thanks everyone :D

The game was already proofreaded for the deluxe version, but almost the half of the proofreaded lines weren't visible in the game because of my mistake. A quote from the "Story Analysis and Post Mortem" document:

"One of the most important features of the deluxe version was the proofreaded English texts, but more than the half of the lines were absent in the deluxe version (I think it is because I used the "Update Translation Source" option of AGS on the edited original proofreaded script in a careless way. And I noticed it after releasing LitN:SOS!). As I have lost the edited version of the proofreads  (some editions like deleting the excess space lines were required in order to make the proofread work in AGS), I had to edit the original proofreads, a work that would take my hours/days just on my final exams week! "

But finally I could finish the editing of the real proofread text. It took me days to edit the lines in order to make them work correct in AGS 0_o
For anyone who waits the proofread pack to start playing the game:
Extract the Script3Sone.tra file into the folder of the game, run winsetup.exe and choose the Script3Sone.tra in the Language section.

And I have a good news to anyone who liked the game's story and would want to see its background:
I released the story analysis of LitN:
This had been such a highly personal and emotional documentation; you are warned.  :rolleyes:

#140 lordanubis


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 10:01 PM

I'm up to the point where
but the inventory doesn't respond when I try to select an item. I tried installing the patch, but it said "acsteup.cfg" was an unknown version. Help?

#141 Frodo


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 10:05 PM

Hey Lordanubis.

Yeah, it's a known bug.  Just delete the 'acsteup.cfg' file from the folder, then install the patch.   ;)

And welcome to Reloaded.   ^_^
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#142 lordanubis


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 02:02 AM

dammit, the patch installed (thanks Frodo) but the inventory is STILL frozen. Anyone know how to work around this?

#143 Frodo


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 02:12 AM

Load a game from before the inventory froze.  I hope you don't have to go back too far.   ^_^
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