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First Annual Abandonia Reloaded Freeloader Awards

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#1 Tom Henrik

Tom Henrik

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 11:01 PM

Now that we have managed to settle down a bit in the New Year, and we have accustomed ourselves to facing yet another year, we've decided that it is the perfect time to take a quick stroll down the events of 2006 and reckognize those individuals who has had a major part in making the site and forum what it is today.

Inspired by a topic from a member on Abandonia, we have decided to make an official AR Forum Award! :)

The rules are quite simple:
We request that you give us your nominations for the following categories. Once one week has passed, we will take the top three nominations for all categories and turn them into polls. This is then followed by another week of voting, where everyone votes for one of the candidates in each category. The winners will be those with the highest number of votes after the voting period is over.

Since this is an award ceremony, there will also be handed out suitable awards to the winners afterwards.

The categories are:
  • People:
    • Best Admin
    • Best Crewmember
    • Best Interviewer
    • Best Reviewer
    • Favorite Producer
    • Friendliest Member
    • Funniest Member
    • Top Contributor
  • Stuff:
    • Best Avatar
    • Best Banner
    • Best Game
    • Best Interview
    • Best Review
    • Best Signature
    • Best Topic
    • Most Memorable Quote
Remember that you have a week from now to nominate someone in the above categories, before this topic is closed and polls are created.

Best of luck to everyone! :D


#2 Juni Ori

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Posted 13 January 2007 - 08:16 AM

Best Admin: AJ (usually around and always doing her job - even when she's busy irl)
Best Crewmember: Frodo (one of the newest and one of the most active)
Friendliest Member: Prejudice (can't recall a single time him being unfriendly at any level)
Funniest Member: Daka (I find treehuggers funny :D)
Top Contributor: Tai (no. doubt.)

Best Avatar: Sean (one of the best I've ever seen)
Best Game: ADOM (longest lived game on my HD ever)
Best Signature: Sean (as in Best Avatar)
Best Topic: Introduce Yourself (not because I started it - not even sure was it even my idea)
...70 years... LOL

#3 Potatoe


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 11:11 AM

Best Admin: Tom_Henrik
Best Crewmember: Juni
Best Interviewer: DeathDude
Best Reviewer: DeathDude(quantity AND quality)
Top Contributor: Taikara

Best Avatar: Doubler's Llama
Best Game: Savage
Best Review: Savage's Review
Best Signature: Doubler's Llama
Best Topic: Blood-pigggy's game in progress thread.

#4 Japofran


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 12:13 PM

Favourite Producer: Yahtzee (or however it's written). If this category is for what I understand.

Top Contributor: DeathDude. I guess other admins' and crewmembers' will be recognized in the appropriate categories, but this site wouldn't be working so well currently (DDOS attacks aside :D ) without all those reviews coming in from DD, who's working very hard playing games (ahem but still) and reviewing them. Plus you gotta love his Canadian slang. :D

Best Avatar and

Best Signature and

Best Banner (if that's what figures in his sig, not sure here either): Tom Henrik. They're artsy and... Love is in the air ppl :P

Best Game: Trilby's trilogy. If I have to choose one of the three, it would have to be Trilby's Notes if only because it has a text interface. :)
..oO Mustached Crusader of the PEEKOCKSWOOZZLE Order Oo..
"STFU and show me your screenies!!"

#5 BeefontheBone


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 01:44 PM

The "best banner" category is referring to the banners which appear in the middle of the main page and are randomly chosen each visit/refresh. The "signature" category would include sig banners.
QUOTE (gregor)
also consider this - the turkey *male genital*ula is called little asia on some geographical maps maps.

I'm your solar-powered princess/Your technological soulmate.

#6 taikara


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 02:18 PM


I've posted a public copy of the banner list for your convenience :D
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#7 Tom Henrik

Tom Henrik

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Posted 13 January 2007 - 02:50 PM

My nominations would be:
  • Best Admin: Taikara
    At the time when we were in the progress of making this site, the ESA incident occured on AB and both Kosta and myself had to stop working on AR altogether in order to focus on solving the issue over at AB. Taikara was left completely alone with building and putting stuff on AR, and did an excellent job. It is safe to say that if she had not taken up the reins after Kosta and myself had to run, this site would never have been. A job she has continued with to this point. She is truly the heart and soul of this site.
  • Best Crewmember: Frodo
    This one was very difficult, but Frodo just managed to get to the top. She might not be as active as certain crewmembers, but she always delivers top notch quality in the work she does - and with her knack for obtaining and writing extras for featured games, she helps improve the site immensly.
  • Best Interviewer: DeathDude
    DeathDude has done a great job making interviews for the site, and has kept on improving in that field ever since he made his first interview. He has also done quite a lot of them, making our site exclusive in that aspect.
  • Best Reviewer: Frodo
    Again, a very difficult decision, but Frodo is my nomination for this category too. While she might not have the highest amount of featured reviews, she always deliver a complete package with her reviews. Solid screenshots, good written reviews and as many extras as she can fit into that package.
  • Favourite Producer: Yahtzee
    Yahtzee is a very active producer, throwing out one game after the other, but he still manages to keep the games within the same high level of quality and suspense.
  • Friendliest Member: greywolf
    Seriously, has anyone ever seen this man angry? Or even slighty annoyed for that reason?
  • Funniest Member: Blood-Pigggy
    This guy just cracks me up sometimes. That doesn't mean everything he does and says is funny, though. Just that when he is funny, he is soaring miles above other comedians. His latest post on AB "Then I got sexy. I guess that's just the way it swings..." is a great example of that.
  • Top Contributor: DeathDude
    Without a doubt. This man has the biggest ratio of updated games, reviews and screenshots out of all the members on this site. In addition he has supplied several interviews and banners. DD has an honest desire to help this site grow, something he proves every single day.
  • Best Avatar: Doubler's Llama
    This one is just awesome in every aspect. The swirly lines on the right of the llama-head looks like motion lines - creating the effect that the llama has just quickly moved his head into the frame from somewhere out of the right and gone "Hey there!" or "BOO! *snigger*". Not many avatars speak to me, but Doubler's does. Besides, that llama is just so darn cute.
  • Best Banner: Trilby's Notes - Taikara
    Posted Image

    It is just amazing in every aspect, from the crumpled paper border, to the ominously red eyes of the tall stranger. And the font choice and in-game phrases match everything perfectly. This is a banner that really grabs the attention of the viewer and does not let go.
  • Best Game: Ark 22
    This is just an amazing game! I think that everyone who has tried the game at one point will agree. The story is captivating, the graphic cute and the controls and gameplay is excellent. This is a rare gem in the gaming world.
  • Best Interview: Ark 22: Srehpog's Flood of Brilliance
    This is a marvellous interview, covering every aspect of the game and producer, and one where the producer and interviewer has really managed to connect to eachother. The result is an interview that really stands out.
  • Best Review: Ark 22
    I know that I have nominated Ark 22 a lot, but there is a reason - and the reason is that it is an allround brilliant update, and the review is no exception. A wonderful review written with in-depth and thorough knowledge of the game, and written in such a way that you can't really resist giving the game a try.
  • Best Signature: BeefontheBone
    His current signature tells the horrible truth, but in a way that makes you think and laugh at the same time - then feel a bit ashamed that you laughed. Excellent signature.
  • Best Topic: Humourous Videos
  • Most Memorable Quote: "Tom works to increase your metabolism, suppress your appetite, burn calories and increase energy."
    Proclaimed by a Herbal Bot in a spam topic.


#8 greywolf


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 07:00 PM

  Best Reviewer: Taikara - Although she doesn't have the most reviews, every review I've seen her write is put together extremely well and well-written. She knows her english, grammar, and especially essay construction (well, in terms of reviews, anway :) ).
  Favorite Producer: Fallen Angel Industries - I come from a Clickteam-ish background, and they were my favorite freeware makers then, and still are even now.
  Friendliest Member: PredjudiceSucks - PJ is awesome. I don't think I've ever seen him show even a hint of irritation or offense at anything.
  Funniest Member: DakaSha - He consistently makes me laugh with his antics in the shoutbox and around the boards.
  Top Contributor: Deathdude - Hands down. He's the Duke of Reviews - 'nuff said.

  Best Banner: Stranger by Night (by DD) - Every time I see this banner, I think it's amazing how it captures a spooky aura that is almost tangible.
  Best Game: ADoM. Period.
  Best Signature: Dakasha - the blending between all the environments *still* has me staring at it every so often.
  Best Topic: The ADoM thread - really, I don't think any other thread will ever match this one in terms of on-topicness, information dispensed, and quantity of material discussed.
  Most Memorable Quote: "PICKLOWEASTAL!!" - Really, can anyone else remember a quote from the forums off the top of their heads other than this one?

I know I've repeated some other people's nominations, but this is my way of seconding them :D

#9 BeefontheBone


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 07:40 PM

  • Best Admin - Tom Henrik - every time I turn round he seems to be fighting bots or prepping loads of games in a day, making banners and graphics and getting jobs in Florida :D
  • Best Crewmember - Frodo - Despite her weird taste in music (:D), she's constantly providing reviews and extras and is always ready to jump in with an updat eif anyone's busy.
  • Best Interviewer - DeathDude - Our most active interviewer, whose stream-of-consciousness style lends itself well to interviews, even if it does give us lots to edit :)
  • Favorite Producer - Can I nominate Toady One? Dwarf Fortress may not be actually here yet, but he's a great producer :P
  • Friendliest Member - greywolf - like Tom said, he's never angry and always ready with some advice.
  • Funniest Member - AJ - even though we're sharing the same head, she still makes me laugh the most often, usually with a comedy warn increase.
  • Top Contributor - MdaG - Not only does he scout loads of games for us, but they're usually good quality ones. Yay!
  • Best Avatar - My Mad Cow avatar by Tai; no idea where that pic came from, but it's most definitely a mad cow.
  • Best Banner - Trilby's Notes once again. The paper border is fantastic.
  • Best Game - DROD: AE. Best. Puzzle game. Ever.
  • Best Review
  • Best Signature
  • Best Topic
  • Most Memorable Quote

QUOTE (gregor)
also consider this - the turkey *male genital*ula is called little asia on some geographical maps maps.

I'm your solar-powered princess/Your technological soulmate.

#10 Frodo


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 08:42 PM


Best Admin - Taikara.  For dealing with all the site issues, server slowdowns, and many other site-related problems that most of us don't even know about.  She is a saint.  

Best Crewmember - Doubler.  He just gets on with things with no fuss.  

Best Interviewer - DeathDude.  Has a good knack of asking the right questions.  

Best Reviewer - DeathDude.  He has more reviews featured on the site than anyone else.

Favorite Producer - Yahtzee.  He produces top-notch games time after time.

Friendliest Member - Tom Henrik.  He always makes time for everyone who needs it.

Funniest Member - Juni Ori.  His obsession with hairy legs & hairy feet really appeal to me.  

Top Contributor - Taikara.  She works tirelessly for the site.


Best Avatar - Greywolf.  I love that wolf howling at the moon.

Best Banner - 5 Days A Stranger.  The combination of that scary writing, the mask & knife, the dark hotel in the background.  It's just so... CREEPY.  

Best Game - Noisy Mountain.  A lovely, well written adventure game with a shock ending.  

Best Interview - Prodigal (DeathDude).  Very professional, and very interesting to read.

Best Review - Flight Of The Amazon Queen (Tai)>  A brilliant review, with a touch of humour.

Best Signature - Doubler.  His llama is just adorable.  

Best Topic - What Race Would You Be (Blah Blah Blah)

Most Memorable Quote - Can anybody else see the cowboy that I do everytime I look at that image?
Sean talking about Danny's avatar - http://www.reloaded....h...ic=1745&hl=
Please click on my dragons to help them grow -    Posted Image   Posted Image   Posted Image

#11 DeathDude


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 05:55 AM


Best Admin- Taikara- Always engaged in some capacity with AR at all times, whether behind the scenes or planning the next steps of how to make the site even better, a tireless worker for AR, a huge asset.

Best Crewmember Frodo- Always willing to help out and constantly it seems engaged in review writing, extra gathering, or just putting up updates, ready at any moment to do the next task.

Best Interviewer AJ Raffles- Had some really goods ones that started the ball rolling in regards to interviews and paved the way for the ones that came later.

Best Reviewer Frodo- Delievers quality with every review and very detailed as well.

Favorite Producer Yahtzee- Has the most games of anybody at the site, and all of them are really superb games.

Friendliest Member Tom Henrik- Always willing to lend a hand or provide some help when need be.

Funniest Member AJ Raffles- Always is able it seems to chime in with the right line at the right moment, to deliever that zing to whatever is being discussed.

Top Contributor Frodo- Besides writing reviews, provides her own written extras such as walkthroughs, always there ready to update too and alert mods and such to any issues that may be going on.


Best Avatar Doublers Avi- So awesome the expression of the llama, it's like the perfect pic ya could get and it's a llama so even more bonus points.

Best Banner Trilby's Notes - Taikara, Such an awesome banner with its paper border, the meancing source pic, and just the fonts used and the in game text that surrounds the border, very captivating.

Best Game Alien Arena 2007- Yeah bit of a bias choice. :D But still this is one of the top of the line FPS's out there, one of the most well known too, being mentioned in such magazines as PC Gamer, if your a FPS fan, you cannot miss this game.

Best Interview Ark 22: Srehpog's Flood of Brilliance- Such a captivating read, that really examines so many aspects of both the development of Ark 22 and other areas as well.

Best Review King's Quest 3 A nice enjoyable read on a classic remake, plenty of detail and very indepth on the aspects of the game and much more, can't go wrong with this one.

Best Signature- Taikara's Sig- Maybe it's just those big eyes from that character, but just the all around composition and style of the sig, is just sweet.

Best Topic The Lessons I've Learned From Video Games...- So many classic moments in that one.

Most Memorable Quote Beefs- Any of his ever changing quotes, always have some memorable quality, don't have one at the top of my head.

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#12 PrejudiceSucks


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 12:24 PM


Best Admin : That, for me, would have to go to Kosta. Although he isn't actually active here very much (at least not that I know of), this whole thing is a creation that owes a great deal to him, with the whole Abandonia 'franchise'. So yeah, cheers, Kosta, although every admin, and indeed submin, has done a great deal for the site - it was a pretty hard choice.

Best Crewmember : Again, an extremely difficult choice, but I think I'll go for Frodo - hard working, a good laugh, and the amount of reviews and extras she puts out almost speaks for itself. Again, though, thanks to you all for your hard work, it's very good of you.

Best Reviewer : Deathdude. Stalin (a dubious source, I know, sorry) once said "Quantity has a quality of its own". Deathdude has quality from the quantity of reviews on-site belonging to him, and they're all very good reviews too - nice one!

Friendliest Member : A.J. Raffles - always ready to put up with my god-awful German, and even when she's got an essay or exam around the corner, she still doesn't snap at people - from my own experience, that's an extremely difficult feat.

Funniest Member : BeefontheBone - a never-ending stream of amusing content flows from this man's keyboard onto the interweb. Usually quotable, generally lightens up my day a bit.

Top Contributor : Frodo. Writing excellent reviews is one thing, writing very useful guides to said games is even better. A big thumbs-up for the Duchess d'Extras.


Best Game : In my own personal opinion, probably N. A great time-killer, a good challenge, and all for under 5mb? Well worth having. Savage is also pretty spiffing, but that doesn't quite have the replay value after a while.

Best Signature : DannyMc252's 3D-esque one. Another high-quality product by Taikara - although almost any of her sigs could go here, really.

Best Topic : The English Gentleman's Club Reloaded. Truly a bastion of Britishness to ward off the cruel intent of the rest of the world, wot wot, etc. (not trying to blow my own trumpet or anything, it was just quite amusing)

Most Memorable Quote : Woooooooooorrrrmmmmss  :D

#13 Juni Ori

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Posted 14 January 2007 - 02:21 PM

Should this topic be open a little longer, because we are temporarily lacking members due to server lag? I'm not sure are everyone checking our forums even weekly now, so in my opinion perhaps a little longer time would give everyone a chance to nominate people and stuff...

View PostFrodo, on Jan 13 2007, 10:42 PM, said:

Funniest Member - Juni Ori.  His obsession with hairy legs & hairy feet really appeal to me.
Aww... :D If you only shaved your legs, I'd marry you... :)
...70 years... LOL

#14 Doubler


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 02:53 PM


Best Admin
Taikara. AR is to a large degree synonimous with Taikara. Doing a difficult and demanding job with style, a huge asset indeed.

Best Crewmember
Frodo. Difficult choice, but Frodo has always been extremely supportive, helpfull and productive. Hats off :D

Best Interviewer
AJ Raffles. Quality. :P

Best Reviewer
Hmm, can't say I've read reviews from all members on the site, but I'd vote Taikara for the same reasons as Greywolf.

Favorite Producer

Friendliest Member

Funniest Member
BloodPigggy. Seriously non-seriously. The only choice as far as I'm concerned :D

Top Contributor
Deathdude. DD's productivity is beyond all belief. Does he write reviews all day long with one hand, play the games with the other? Has he hired a small army of wage slaves? I don't know, but :)


Best Avatar
My llama - Thanks Tai, I wear it with pride :D

Best Banner
Trilby's Notes.

Best Game
Noctis, for as far as it's a game. Although I play it irregularly, when I play it I can hardly believe such a game exists. Getting lost in a foreign galaxy, exploring forests, vulcanic wastelands, dusty fields, deserts, arctic environments... Foggy planets, cratered planets, watery planets, ice planets, planets with crystalized surface... Then looking up and gaze at the stars, wondering where you'll go next... Nothing compares.

Wonderfull sig and avvie by Taikara :D

#15 DakaSha


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 06:09 PM

* People:
o Best Admin - Taikara
o Best Crewmember - This is VERY hard. I'm gonna take DD because of his hard work with the reviews and because hes very easy to get along with. I almost picked Juni because its fun to argue with him but i guess thats not what this is about.

o Best Interviewer - I wouldnt know

o Best Reviewer - Not picking anybody because i cant decide.

o Favorite Producer - erm... Thomas Biskup? Even if its only one game on the site ^^

o Friendliest Member - DD.. I'd also take Frodo but DD speaks more so i guess it counts more also :P

o Funniest Member - Pigggy of course(and hes going to steal this one from me i know it ^^. but its justified)
o Top Contributor - hard. I'd go for DD though since reviews are probably the biggest pain in the *money-maker*... also hes done alot of fine banners. I dont know what goes on behind the scenes though

    * Stuff:
o Best Avatar - Doubler
o Best Banner - Hard but Ark 22
o Best Game - Well this is all subjective but erm... ADoM?

o Best Interview - ?

o Best Review - ?
o Best Signature - This is going to seem so fake because he picked mine but i love the simplicity (which also looks great) behind Greywolfs sig. And being a tree hugger i just have to love that wolf.

o Best Topic - :D. im not even going to think about it :D

o Most Memorable Quote - For now ill have to make it PICKLEWEASEL!.. but pigggy prob said something that ill pick... mabye "poop" :)

edit: i might change one of these before the weeks over. if i do ill make it clear... and another thing: i REALLY would have liked to vote for AJ on one of the people votes. problem is i think she is a great mix of all the nomination possibilities. but there was always somebody else on my mind for the single votes :D just wanted to say that

Posted Image
For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2