Since the Space Invader is the official mascot of Abandonia, I wanted to use him on AR as well, but I wanted to give him a makeover. I wanted to give him a more lifelike 3D feel (shading and so on...), and at the same time try to seperate his face from his arms and legs. I managed to make his face more detailed, but his limbs isn't quite what I wanted.
To talk you through the layers:
I made these 5 Space Invaders in order to get a feel for the size, that would look best on AR. In the end I went for number 3, which I still feel was the best choice.
First I gave the head (particularly the jaw) a remake, trying to round some of the edges of and give him more life. Then I created the five different facial exressions ranging from "Yuck!" to "Smokin". These were then sent to Kosta for approval.
Kosta's work, using PS (I believe) he threw a bucket of paint on the different icons, telling me the color he wanted them to have.
My edited version of Kosta's work. Highlighting and shading each icon, using the colors Kosta wanted, in order to make them more 3D-like. These were then sent to Kosta for another round of approval.
We agreed that the "Yuck!" and "Smokin" Icon were too dark, and thus we made them lighter. This also meant that we had to remake the others as well, as they looked too similar to the new ones. Also, the teeth were removed from the "Smokin" one.
My first attempts at the Internet Adress Bar Icon (favicon.ico) for AR. Unfortunately, none of these could be used as I managed to screw them all up. Favicons need to be 16x16 in size, and those I made were 17x17.