Well, I know you guys have probably gotten use to our recently added skin. But, no matter the skin.. we were still running an old forum. IPB 2.3 is very out of date. It lacks proper web 2.0 features, and has plenty of security risks. Hence why we often get spam bots.
So, the relaunch of reloaded continues. The upgrade process has begun. We will soon be running the new IPB 3.1. I've already sent the upgrade files to Adnan.
List of features: http://www.invisionp...board/features/
Demo: http://community.invisionpower.com/
The package we're using is fully loaded with all IPB plugins. Including blogs, pages, etc. Reloaded will be a full blown social network.
Now, here's where the problems come into view. Once this is done, the shoutbox will likely disappear. After all.. I believe NONE of our skins will be compatible with the new platform. I do plan on adding in a very sleek red theme, to match the site.
During the reskinning, I will add our shoutbox to the forum. That way we can still chat even with the default IPB skin.
Todo List:
- Check forum settings
- New Skin
- New Pips
- User bars
- Forum icons
- Add shoutbox into new skin
Please excuse the dust during this renovation. It should only take a few days, to a week depending how the installation upgrade goes.