All content submitted to Abandonia Reloaded (reviews, screenshots, walkthroughs, game guides, interviews etc) becomes the property of Abandonia Reloaded to use as necessary. Games themselves are not considered content, therefore, remain property of the respective developers\owners. Once content has been submitted and published, it may not be used or published elsewhere without permission!
The game updating process for Abandonia: Reloaded is a bit different than on Abandonia, so please take a moment to read this information CAREFULLY.
The content on Abandonia: Reloaded will be exclusively controlled by the admins, updaters, and game producers. Because we work so closely with game producers, we must also closely monitor the content of the site.
We will still accept member-submitted content, but we cannot guarantee it will be used,
The basic process is as follows:
- We scout out freeware games.
- The game producers are contacted and informed of our intent to add the game.
- Interviews are requested.
- Information is collected on the games, which includes:
- Producer/company information
- Game information (download location, etc)
- Screenshots
- Reviews
- Interviews (optional)
- Producer/company information
- Finally, the game is added.
The most helpful thing you can do for AR is alert us to freeware games that are not currently on the site. Please post in the Requests section of the forum if you know of a great freeware game that's not up yet.
If you personally know a freeware game producer, you may contact them if you think they might be interested in joining the AR community. Please do not contact game producers randomly to solicit interest. Doing so is discourteous, and counterproductive to the goals of the site.
Please let one of the admins know if you intend on contacting a game producer you personally know about participating in AR, so that we can do everything necessary to accomodate his/her participation.
You can submit reviews for games, but we may choose to use our own. Contact either Frodo or Doubler via PM if you are interested in submitting a review for a particular game. Please be sure to check whether the game is already on the site before asking whether you can submit a review.
After you have discussed a review submission with one of us, we will let you know when we start pulling the game update together.
Also, please note that unlike our sistersite Abandonia, we don't use HTML tags in our reviews, so please don't use them when writing a review.
*N.B.: Please submit reviews in .txt format whenever possible - this makes it easier for us to use them since they don't contain internal formatting (which can mess up when we copy into our admin system) and can be viewed on all OSs and by people without proprietary software (like MS Word). Reviews not submitted as .txt files may take longer to process.*
The way screenshots are handled on AR is completely different from Abandonia. Since we need both originals and thumbnails, the process takes a bit longer, and we also have a very high standard. Please contact Frodo or Doubler via PM to arrange a screenshot submission. We can only accept screens of the best quality and variation.
The number of screenshots we would like, would ideally be between 5 - 15 shots. We would appreciate if you could also include a screenshot of the games title screen, and a screeshot of the company logo, if possible.
Again, please be sure to check whether the game is already on AR before contacting us about a screenshot submission.
If a game featured on AR has available extras, such as walkthroughs, mod files, or patches, you may contact Frodo or Doubler in order to submit them to the site.
We are also highly interested in featuring producer extras such as design sketches, discarded screens or sections of games.
These guidelines may change as the site grows. If we do decide to change them, we will let you know via this post, so it will be bumped to alert you if anything changes.
We most definitely appreciate your interest in helping the site grow. Just remember:
The most helpful thing you can do for AR is help us discover great freeware games and game makers!