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Curse Of Soterios

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#31 Frodo


    Your neck looks very... tasty!

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 01:45 AM

Heartland Manor...
Emma grabs Nick, and kisses him.
EMMA: Please... don't stop.
NICK: You like that? *grins*
Emma nods. She puts her hand up to his face, touching his face so softly. She kisses his tender lips. He rests his hand on her leg, sending goosebumps up and down her spine. Emma reaches down, and puts her hand over his. With his other hand, Nick pushes her hair out the way, and kisses her neck, his wet hair brushing against her cheek. It takes Emma's breath away. She wraps her arms around him, and rubs his back. She squints her head round, to kiss his ear. Nick looks up, and their lips meet again. Emma strokes his wet hair, while Nick nibbles her ear...
Emma's never done anything like this before.  She's never kissed a man before, and she's certainly never felt excited by a man hugging her before.  She pauses for a moment, overcome with new feelings and new emotions.
NICK: *stops* What's wrong? Is this too much for you?
EMMA: *shakes her head* There's nothing wrong.
Emma looks at Nick and strokes Nick's beard. Nervously, she leans forward, and kisses his chest. He takes her hand and their fingers intertwine. He kisses her, and gently pushes her down, so she is lying down on the bed, and he lies down next to her, still kissing. Emma can feel her pulse racing.  She's both exctied, and terrified, both at the same time.  He runs his fingers through her long hair, and she strokes his arm affectionately.  They lie there for a moment, looking at each other.  Then Nick kisses her lips.  No words are spoken.  She wraps her leg around his... almost playing footsie with him, as he kisses her.  His hand slips inside her shirt... she doesn't resist.  

Emma has never done anything like this before, so she's glad Nick is being so gentle with her.   They kiss each other passionately, exploring each other.  And just as Emma thinks it can't get any better than this... Nick blows her mind.  He inhales sharply, shifts position, and slowly enters her. WOW!  

Soterios Forensics Lab...
The investigator from the crime scene walks into the lab. In his hand, is an evidence bag containing a long hair.
INVESTIGATOR: Evening. I got something for you. *holds up the evidence bag with the hair*
FORENSICS SCIENTIST: Oh man, you gotta be kidding me! Have you seen the time? I'm just bout to go home.
INVESTIGATOR: Sorry, the new sheriff wants a rush job on this one. He needs results on this pronto... if not sooner.
FORENSICS SCIENTIST: NEW sheriff? What's that supposed to mean?
INVESTIGATOR: You haven't heard? Our beloved sheriff was killed. Shot 3 times. Not a pretty site, I can tell you. Sheriff Thompson has taken over, and he's out for blood. This hair is probably a clue to the killer.
The forensics scientists mutters something under his breath, and grabs the evidence bag from the investigator. Looks like he's here for the night!
Heartland Manor...
It's morning. Emma opens her eyes, but doesn't move. She immediately thinks back to last night, and a huge smile spreads across her face. Her and Nick had made love! They had actually made love! It was such a wonderful experience. Emma is excited, just thinking about it. But in the cold light of day... how would Nick feel? Would he still want her? Or would he be disgusted that he slept with a monster? Would he even still be there, if she turns over? She takes a deep breath, and rolls over... and sees Nick lying beside her, watching her.
NICK: *smiles* You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to wake you.
Emma reaches out to stroke his face.
EMMA: I'm awake now. *smiles*
NICK: So... how was last night?
EMMA: Last night was... WOW! *bites her lip, trying to contain her excitement* I never... um, you know... I never did that before. But it was... WOW! *smiles*
NICK: I see your 'wow', and raise you a 'ZOWEE'.
Emma smiles, and kisses his lips.
EMMA: What is it about you, Nick Zarano? I've never felt this way before... about anybody.
NICK: Animal magnitism?
Nick looks at her, hoping she'll get the joke. She does.
EMMA: *chuckles softly* What do you want for breakfast? *strokes his chest*
NICK: *looks at the floor* Hmmm, I hear the pizza is good.
EMMA: I can vouch for that. Best pizza I ever had.
After another quick kiss, they finally climb out of bed. Emma puts on her dressing gown, and Nick pulls on his boxers. Emma picks up the plate of left-over pizza, and they both go down to the kitchen. Nick warms the pizza up in the oven, while Emma pours some orange juice for them both.
Emma jumps, dropping the orange juice onto the floor.
NICK: Someone sounds impatient! *looks at the buzzer*
The continous buzzing and banging makes Emma nervous. But something tells her, whoever's outside the door isn't going to go away. She gulps, and makes her way to the front door. She opens the door, and peeks outside.
MAN: Miss Lockhart? Sheriff Thompson. *shows his badge* We're looking for the whereabouts of one Nicholas Zarano. His last known address remains unoccupied, and since you were connected with him in the past, we believe you may know where he is.
EMMA: Um, well, Nick's here. But why do you...
Sheriff Thompson burst through the door, along with 2 armed policemen.
EMMA: *shocked* What...
Sheriff Thompson and the 2 policemen follow the voice, and find Nick in the kitchen, tucking into the pizza. Nick looks at them, completely shocked. The 2 policemen aim their guns at Nick.
EMMA: What are you doing? You can't just burst into my home, and point a gun at someone. *upset* GET OUT! *stands between Nick and the policemen*
SHERIFF THOMPSON: Nicholas Zarano, you are hereby under arrest for the murder of our town sheriff last night. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand why you are being arrested?
EMMA: WHAT? Nick didn't do anything. He was here, with me all night.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: *ignores Emma* Mr Zarano, do you understand why you are being arrested?
NICK: What the fuck? If the old sheriff was killed, it's nothing to do with me.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: You had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit the crime.
NICK: So that automatically means I'm guilty? Like hell it does.
EMMA: You can't arrest him! You have no proof!
NICK: Can I at least get dressed first? Or are you going to drag me off in nothing but my boxers?
Sheriff Thompson indicates for Nick to go and get dressed, telling the policemen to stand outside the bedroom door. Emma stays downstairs, trying to reason with Sheriff Thompson, but he's having none of it. As far as he's concerned, Nick must be guilty. And by arresting Nick, he can file this case as 'Closed'. Upstairs, Nick pulls on the same clothes he was wearing yesterday. Well... that's the only clothes he has, since everything else is in storage. Minutes later, he is cuffed, and dragged downstairs.
The sheriff sneers at Nick.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: This is getting to be a habbit, isn't it, Zarano? Oh yes, I've read your police file. You've been out of jail... what... less that a day? And already you're going back where you belong.
NICK: Are you dear? I didn't kill the bloody sheriff! I was here all night.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: Yeah yeah. Sure you didn't. Let's go.
The policemen drag Nick outside.
EMMA: Nick, where is Anna? She can help.
NICK: I don't know. I honestly don't know.
The policemen load Nick into the police car. Nick looks at Emma through the window, as the car speeds away.
Emma stands there for a moment, trying to think... trying to figure out what to do. How can she prove Nick's innocence? How can she prove he was in the manor all night, and not at the police station killing the old sheriff. Suddenly, she remembers something. She races upstairs, and opens her bedside cabinet. She pulls out an old box, and lays it on the bed. Inside the box is various personal effects belonging to her parents - their wedding rings, her mother's necklace, her father's watch etc, and a few other things... and... a business card. She grabs the card, and runs down to the phone, to dial the number.



RECEPTIONIST (OVER THE PHONE): Good morning, Davis Law Office. How may I help you?
EMMA: Hello, I need to speak to Mrs Davis, urgently.
Emma is put on hold.
MRS DAVIS (OVER THE PHONE): Hello. Alexis Davis. What can I do for you?
EMMA: Mrs Davis, my name is Emma Lockhart. You dealt with my father's will...
MRS DAVIS (OVER THE PHONE): And your father is...?
EMMA: Governer Lockhart.
MRS DAVIS (OVER THE PHONE): Ahh, yes. Governer Lockhart. I remember the case well. I'm truly sorry for your loss, Emma. How may I help you today?
EMMA: I need a lawyer. My friend has just been arrested for a crime he didn't commit. Please... can you help?
MRS DAVIS (OVER THE PHONE): Okay, I need you to calm down. Has your friend officially been chared yet?
EMMA: I don't know. They arrested him, and dragged him off to the police station. That's all I know.
MRS DAVIS (OVER THE PHONE): Okay, I want you to come down to my office, and we'll see what the best course of action is.
EMMA: Thankyou!

Emma hangs up. She quickly throws on some clothes, and heads down to Alexis Davis Law Office. Emma has barely been outside her manor for the past month... let alone when she knows there'll be a lot of people around... let alone into an office where she'll have to talk to strangers. But she doesn't have time to think about that now. She just wants to get Nick released.
Davis Law Office...

Emma arrives at the laywer's building, and is shown into Alexis Davis's office. Alexis greets her with a smile. Alexis is a middle-aged woman... attractive, with long brown hair.

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Emma hasn't seen Alexis Davis for almost 3 years, but she remembers her as being a kind woman, although very shrewd in the courtroom.
Emma explains how Nick was arrested for murder, even though he was nowhere near the police station last night. Alexis Davis listens, asks questions, and takes notes.
ALEXIS DAVIS: This is an interesting case. I'm curious to know what evidence the arresting officer has against your friend. I'm also interested to hear your friend's side of the story. *grabs her briefcase* And there's no time like the present. Let's pay a visit to the police station.
Soterios Police Station...
Emma, and Alexis Davis arrive at the police station, and enter. Alexis looks up, and sees something very interesting, but doesn't mention it to Emma.
ALEXIS DAVIS: Hello, I believe you're holding my client here. Nicholas Zarano? I'd like to see him please.
Alexis's tone of voice is very 'matter of fact', and Emma is glad she isn't facing Alexis in a courtroom.

DESK SERGEANT: *looks up* Zarano's in interrigation with Sheriff Thompson. You'll need to wait. Sit down there. *indicates the seats at reception*
ALEXIS DAVIS: My client has a right to have his lawyer present when questioned. Should he not be given that right... then we have grounds to sue. Now... which room is he in? *opens the gate leading behind the desk, to the inner-workings of the police station*
DESK SERGEANT: Um... Interrigation 4.
ALEXIS DAVIS: Thankyou so much.
Alexis walks through the gate. Emma goes to follow, but the desk sergeant blocks her.
DESK SERGEANT: *to Emma* She's his lawyer. What are you?
EMMA: *turns red*
ALEXIS DAVIS: Don't worry Emma. We'll have this whole mess sorted out in no time.
Alexis walks off, leaving Emma behind at Reception.
Alexis soon finds the Interrigation rooms.
Inside Interrigation Room 4, Sheriff Thompson is laying into Nick.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: Why did you kill the old sheriff? If you tell us know, it may go in your favour.
Someone knocks at the door, and bursts in.
ALEXIS DAVIS: *to Nick* Don't say another word! *to Sheriff Thompson* Hello there. I'm here to represent my client. I'm Alexis Davis.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: You're... client? You're... representing...
ALEXIS DAVIS: Nicholas Zarano. Yes, that's right. Do you have a problem with that?
ALEXIS DAVIS: Good. Now I'd like some time with my cleint, if you don't mind.
Sheriff Thompson does mind, but he doesn't have any choice. He leaves the room, leaving Alexis with a bewildered Nick.
Once alone, Alexis explains to Nick that Emma hired her to represent Nick. Alexis asks him why he was arrested, and he tells her the same story Emma did - that the police just burst into the kitchen, and told him he was under arrest for murdering the old sheriff, even though he hadn't known the sheriff was dead. When Alexis finishes interviewing Nick, she goes to find Sheriff Thompson.
ALEXIS DAVIS: Now when I was in Reception just now, I noticed a video camera on the wall, behind the desk. What did the survelance footage from last night show?
ALEXIS DAVIS: The survelance footage. I assume it's been checked? After all, a crime was committed right here in this building. That video footage could prove to be vital evidence.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: Well, um. We know who did it. He's right there in Interrigation. We don't need to see the survelance footage.
ALEXIS DAVIS: *sighs loudly* Arresting someone without sufficiant evidence? Not good, Sheriff Thompson! I suggest you roll that footage NOW, before I have you arrested for harrassing my client.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: *mutters under his breath* *barks an order to one of the policemen* Find that footage from the video camera from last night. Now! Or do I have to do everything myself.
Five minutes later, Alexis Davis, Sheriff Thompson, and the policeman are sitting in front of a computer, watching the survelance footage from last night. They see someone emter the police station, but their face is hidden by a hood. As the person approaches the old sheriff, they draw their gun, and fire. Since the face is hidden, there's no way to tell who the person is.
ALEXIS DAVIS: Pause it a minute. Now it seems to me, this person, this... killer, is of average height. Notice their head is roughly the same level as the sheriff's head. My client is considerably taller! You can continue playing the footage now.
The footage plays. They watch as the cloaked person fires, and the sheriff collapses to the floor. Then the person fires twice more. They still can't tell who the person is, since the face is kept hidden. Then the person turns to walk out.
ALEXIS DAVIS: PAUSE IT! RIGHT THERE! PAUSE! *the footage is paused* Zoom into this area. *indicates an area on screen* Blue boots! Whoever shot the old sheriff was wearing blue boots. My client's shoes are black.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: So what? Doesn't mean squat, except that he changed his shoes.
ALEXIS DAVIS: My client doesn't have any other shoes. All his clothes are in storage, along with his other belongings. All he has, is what he walked out of jail with yesterday afternoon. Which includes black shoes.
Sheriff Thompson glares at the computer monitor showing the survelance footage. But no matter how much he glares, he can't make blue boots turn into black shoes. He sees his case against Nick slowly falling apart.

ALEXIS DAVIS: I'd like to see the evidence you have against my client now.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: He had the means, the motive, AND the opportunity.
ALEXIS DAVIS: So did you. If fact, you have more motive than my client does. He was already released when the crime was committed. He was already a free man. He had nothing to gain. You, on the other hand, have now been promoted to Sheriff.
SHERIFF THOMPSON: ... GOD DAMMIT! *slams his hand on the table* Okay, let him go.
Alexis smiles. She's good at her job... and she knows it!
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#32 Leilah Dawn

Leilah Dawn

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 06:49 AM

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CHARACTER NAME: Kendyl Louise McLain

AGE: 18

STATUS: Long time citizen of Soterios.

APPEARANCE: Thin, long blonde thick hair, big blue-green eyes, full lips, dimples.

HOME: Small country side house, and a huge farm. Owned by her parents. Her father is Mayor of the town.

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BACKGROUND: Kendyl is a small Irish teen, beautiful to say the least. She is very old fashioned, just look at her home. She's very impressionable and tends to cling to people she just meets. However she has a secret, she's a vampyr, not a vampire that can't walk in the sun, no she's an ancient ferrie type of creature, she sucks blood for food but she can also eat human food, you can see her in the mirror, she comes up in pictures and she loves the sun. She's abnormally fast and gorgeous. She's also very kind. Her parents own a small country side house, and a huge farm. Her father is Mayor of the town. You'll most likely find her on a horse, or wandering through the forrest. She's amazing when it comes to animals, they love her and she loves them.


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Edited by Leilah Dawn, 03 August 2012 - 07:43 AM.

#33 Frodo


    Your neck looks very... tasty!

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 11:44 PM

Soterios Police Station...

Nick is released, much to the frustration of Sheriff Thompson. What he thought would be an easy case, has been blown apart, thanks to that Alexis woman. Now he has to go back to the drawing board, and start again. One thing's for sure though - Alexis Davies has made a powerful enemy! Sheriff Thompson isn't going to let this drop!

Alexis, Nick and Emma walk out the police station together. Alexis has other business to attend to, and leaves Nick and Emma to make their own way home.

Soterios Streets...

EMMA: I'm sorry Nick. This wasn't how I imagined your first day out of solitary.

NICK: Me neither. I've seen enough... no, more than enough... of the inside of a jail cell!

EMMA: Um, why don't we go back to Heartland, and finish our breakfast?

NICK: *looks at his watch* Breakfast is over.

EMMA: Um, second breakfast? Lunch? Snack?

NICK: *chuckles softly* Hehehe. How about snunch? A kind of late-lunch-come-snack?

Nick puts his hand up to her face, and softly kisses her forehead. He knows it was a big deal for Emma to leave her manor, contact Mrs Davies, and come to the busy police station, with so many people. Especially since she had barely been outside during the month he was locked up in solitary confinement. And he appreciates is.

Emma and Nick head back to the manor. Since it's early afternoon, a busy time of day, the town centre will be busy with people. So Emma and Nick go the long way round, going through parks and side-streets. As they reach one the parks, particularly favoured by dog owners to walk their dogs in, they see a woman walking in their direction. The woman is late-teens, long blonde hair, very pretty. The woman notices them, and smiles brightly.

WOMAN: *smiles* Hi there.

EMMA: *turns red, and looks down at the ground* Um... hi.


The woman continues on her way.

NICK: *looks at Emma* Friend of yours?

EMMA: Kendyl? No. I don't have any friends, except for you and Laur.

Nick turns, and watches, as he sees a dog run up to Kendyl, and start barking, wanting Kendyl to play with it. Kendyl bends down to pet the dog. The dog's owner appears, and starts chatting to Kendyl.

EMMA: She seems really nice, it's just... you know... I get nervous around people.

NICK: *takes her hand* YOU'RE really nice! *smiles* C'mon, let's go home.

Heartland Manor...

Back at the manor, Emma and Nick head to the kitchen for 'snunch'.

EMMA: *thinks* So, um, what would you like? I can whip up some omelettes? Or how about some spaghetti?

NICK: Omelettes is fine, Emma. But I want something else first.

EMMA: Oh? What would you like? *looks around the kitchen*

NICK: This!

Nick cradles her face with his hands, and kisses her passionately. Emma hadn't expected that, and it takes her by surprise. But she likes it! Her hands come to rest on his arms, as her heart races. The kiss lasts for several minutes.

EMMA: Wow! I like it when you do that! *smiles*

NICK: Me too. *kisses her again* BUT... I'm starving! How about those omelettes?

EMMA: Okay, okay, I take the hint. *kisses his cheek*

Emma opens the fridge, and takes out some eggs, cheese, milk, and herbs.

EMMA: While I'm cooking the omelettes, why don't you get a bottle of wine from the larder?

Nick grins, and goes to the larder. He returns shortly with a nice bottle of red wine. The perfect accompinament for omelettes!
The rest of the afternoon flies by, with Emma and Nick having fun talking, kissing and cuddling, and just being together. Thankfully, there are no interruptions this time. But as evening approaches, Emma begins to get restless. And Nick notices it.

NICK: Emma, what is it? Is something bothering you? *concerned*

EMMA: Um, I have to... um... go down to the basement. I was working on something, and I really need to check on it.

NICK: Something to stop the change?

EMMA: *nods*

Nick stands up, and puts his hand out, for Emma to take.

NICK: Come on, I'll go with you. *smiles*

Emma smiles, feeling relieved. The monster inside her is something that she fears and detests in equal measures. And she had been worried how Nick would react if she brought it up again. But when she looks into his eyes, she sees genuine concern. She takes his hand, and stands up.

The Basement...

Emma unlocks the door to the basement, and they both climb down the stairs. As they enter the room, Nick looks around with a smile.

NICK: Well, it's been a long time since I was down here. Remember the first time I was here, and we... *looks at the wall* ... that wasn't there before, was it?

EMMA: *follows his gaze* The cage? Um, no, I had that built about 3 weeks ago. The local blacksmith came and did it. It's made from solid steel, so it's strong! And I payed him a lot of money, not to tell anyone about it.

They walk through the archway, into the lab. Emma opens her journel that was lying on the table, and studies the last few pages.

NICK: *watches her* All that science stuff confuses me. Just looking at your notes gives me a headache. How do you understand it all, Emma?

EMMA: I have to! Science, biology... it's not something I find easy. It's taking me a long time to understand things. And even now, almost 3 years later, I still find it tricky. But there's no-one I can go to for help. At the start, I asked the doctor for help... but he just dismissed me as a delusional grieving daughter. So... I had to learn on my own.

Nick takes her hand, and squeezes it, showing his support. She's not alone any more. Emma appreciates his support.
Emma looks at a test tube rack on the table, containing 2 test tubes.

EMMA: *looks at Nick* This is a new formula I've been working on. This time, it affects the muscles. In theory, it should relax the muscles to the point of near-paralysis.

Nick looks alarmed.

EMMA: Don't worry Nick, it's only temporary paralysis. The effects should only last for a few hours.

Emma consults her journal again. She grabs a knife, and slashes her hand, causing a nasty gash to appear. Blood immediately pours out of the open wound.


EMMA: Oh, I'm sorry Nick. It's just... I made 2 batches of this formula - one was heated, the other wasn't. I need to know how they compare, when in contact with my blood.

NICK: But doesn't that hurt? *shocked*

EMMA: A little. But if it stops the monster in me, then it's worth it.

Emma holds her hand above both the test tubes, and lets the blood from her wound drop into the test tubes. Afterwards, she puts the test tube rack in the fridge, to keep the blood good. Nick pulls her over to the sink, and gently washes her wound. He wants to put a proper dressing on it, but it's already stopped bleeding, thanks to her wolf blood's healing properties. He looks at her, and strokes her hair.

EMMA: Thanks for being so caring, Nick. It means a lot to me. *gently kisses his soft lips*

Two days later, Emma decides to go and visit Lauren. For the last month, Lauren has been coming to Emma's home, since Emma had been afraid to go out in public. But now, Emma plucks up to courage to go to Lauren's home.

Lauren's Cottage...

Lauren is surprised and delighted to see her friend out and about again. They hug each other warmly. Lauren gives Emma the Worry Dolls she had bought for her a few days before, and explains that if Emma tells one of her worries to each doll, then that worry would disappear. Emma is touched. Although Lauren doesn't know the truth about Emma being a werewolf, it's a thoughtful gift, and one that Emma will treasure always.
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#34 Nick


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Posted 05 September 2012 - 08:55 AM

In an unknown location, it's night time.. Nick stands by what appears to be docks, as fog rolls in. He's on his cellphone.

Nick: It's me. Remember that favor you owed me? I need your help.

Nick hangs up.


Nick is sitting in the park. It's early morning. Nick told Emma that he had something important to do, and would see her later in the day. As the sun rises, Nick notices a woman walking past.. he recognizes her.

Nick: Kendyl.. right?

Kendyl has about three dogs on leashes she is walking.

Kendyl: Oh yeah! You're that guy.. you were with Lockhart.

Nick: Emma.

Kendyl: Yeah sorry, small town. But we all know each other in some way. Her family is pretty famous here. *smiles* But you.. with that accent, you aren't from Soterios, are you? Actually, you don't seem like you are from the UK either. You have a cute American accent. *laughs*

Nick: I'm from New York.

Kendyl: Ah, nice.


Nick: Oh uh, I'm Nick. Nick Zarano.

Kendyl: Well nice to meet you Nick Zarano. What are you doing up this early, if you don't mind me asking?

Nick: Oh, I'm meeting someone. He's uh.. coming in from out of town.

Kendyl: Nice.

Nick: *looks at the dogs* Are you a dog walker?

Kendyl: How did you guess? *laughs*

Nick: Well the three dogs, the bag of doggie treats, and a full potty bag kinda gave it away.

Kendyl: It's my newest job. I love animals, so it works for me. I've been going place to place, trying to find work. How about you?

Nick: Pardon?

Kendyl: Where do you work?

Nick: *thinks fast* Right now, nowhere. But I'm a writer on the side. I already have one book published.

Kendyl: Wow! You're a writer?! Maybe I can get you to sign something of mine someday. *smiles and laughs*

Nick: Uh.. yeah.

Kendyl: Well I um, ought to get going.

Nick: Okay. See you around town?

Kendyl: Yeah. Definitely. *smiles*

Kendyl looks at Nick, as she walks away.

An hour passes..

Finally, Nick spots an Australian man in a leather jacket carrying a sliver briefcase. He walks over to Nick's bench, and sits down.

Both men don't make eye contact.

Man: ​So out of the blue, after all these years, you call me with this outrageous favor.

Nick: You owed me.

Man: ​You do realize I am risking my life coming here? I was in Istanbul for fuck's sake. I'm taking a big risk here.

Nick: Did you bring the antiserum?

Man: ​I did. Wasn't easy. Level five security on this stuff. Highest level for classification. Each dose, costs one million dollars.

Nick: And the flash drive?

Man: Inside the case. You'll find the proper instructions on how to make more of this antiserum, without the cost.

Nick: Do you think it will work?

Man: It's never proven us wrong before. It's provided immunity to mostly any disease, and counteracted mostly any venom. If your girlfriend's "change" is occurring chemically because of one of those, this will stop it. I've seen cases.. similar to hers, and this treatment worked. One injection, everyday. Every morning. Right when she wakes up. It's important to not stop the treatment suddenly. That can cause serious side-effects. Understood?

Nick nods.

Man: And if this doesn't work, you know what's next.

Nick: She's not getting ECT. I can't do that to her.

Man: Well I hope this works then. Now if you will excuse me, I have a train to catch.

Nick: Thanks.

Man: Yeah yeah. Next time, you owe me.

The man walks away, leaving the silver briefcase with Nick.

Heartland Manor..

Nick walks into the manor, and heads upstairs. Emma is still sleeping. She wakes up.

Emma: Hey. *looks at briefcase, as Nick places it on the bed, and pops it open* What's that?

Emma looks into the case, and sees containers of antiserum.. warning labels, and a flash drive. This appears to be military material.

Nick: This is the cure. This will prevent the change from happening. You want to try it? I promise I'll give you a foot massage after. *smiles*

Hyperion Manor..

The old manor is boarded up, and closed. A mysterious figure wearing a robe breaks down the doors to the manor, and walks inside.

The person pulls down their hood, revealing long black hair, pale skin, .. and a young face. Her finger-nails.. painted black. The woman runs her hands across the furniture, and sings to herself.

Woman: Seven devils all around you.. seven devils in your house.. see I was dead when I woke up this morning..

The woman picks up a photo off the floor. A photo of Nick Zarano.

Woman: I'll be dead before the day is done.. before the day is done. *smiles*

Male Voice: My god.. it's you.

The woman turns around, and sees Desmond walking down the stairs.

Desmond: Lily.. it's you. You're back. Unless.. my eyes mistaken me..

Lily: Hello Desmond.

Desmond: You can't.. be alive.

Lily: I am. You're the one who is dead.

Desmond: But.. how?

Lily: *smiles* I have my ways.

Desmond has a flashback to that night, centuries ago. The night in which Desmond was killed, and supposedly.. so was Lily.

Desmond: I loved you Lily. With everything I had. Til I found out you were a slut. After my money, and my family's position.

Lily: Well, *picks up an expensive item off the fireplace* Not much has changed. I'm still the same slut you fell in love with. Only prettier.

Desmond: What do you want? Why did you come back? And.. how?

Lily: That will all be told in due time. But first, I have to find someone.. someone you may know. *holds up a picture* This handsome man.

Desmond: *angry* You leave him alone Lily! He's not apart of our world!

Lily: Ah, but soon he will be. Besides, I hear he's dating a werewolf.. so he does know of us.

Desmond: How the hell do you know about that?

Lily: I have my ways.

Desmond: Lily, leave him alone.

Lily: When he meets sweet, innocent me.. he'll fall right for me. Just like you did. Then.. it will happen.

Desmond: What will?

Lily: That's none of your concern. It's only Emma's concern. It all.. comes back.. to her.

Lily walks out.

Desmond: Lily! Wait! *looks around* How do I warn Nick?!

#35 Frodo


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 09:37 PM

Heartland Manor...

Emma looks at the briefcase, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement.

EMMA: The... the cure?

Emma has dreamed so long of hearing those words. A smile spreads across her face.

NICK: *nods and smiles* Yep.

Emma pulls the briefcase towards her, and studies it. She runs her hand over the containers of antiserum, hardly able to believe this amazing thing that Nick has done for her. A scary-looking injector has it's place in the briefcase lid, and a flash drive is housed next to it. Most people would be alarmed to see this. But for Emma... this could be the answer to her nightmare. She can hardly contain her excitement.

NICK: *picks up one of the antiserum doses and looks at it* This antiserum is powerful stuff. You won't find this anywhere else in Soterios. It's top-secret military stuff. Very hush-hush. High level security, and all that.

EMMA: But... how? How did you get it???

NICK: I called in a favour from a friend.

EMMA: Your friend knows? About me?

NICK: He knows you're sick. That you have a rare disease that's attacking the cells in your body, and the doctors can't treat it. He swears this will provide immunity against it, for you.

EMMA: ...

NICK: So what do you think?

Emma gasps. She clutches his hand tightly.

EMMA: I... I owe you and your friend so much. How can I repay you?

NICK: *thinks quickly* How about a kiss?



Emma looks into Nick's eyes. She cradles his face with her hands, and kisses him passionately.



NICK: *grins from ear to ear* Now *that's* what I call a kiss.


EMMA: Hehe. But seriously, if there's anything you or your friend need...if there's anything I can do... please let me know.



Nick nods.

Emma looks again at the opened briefcase. She takes the injector from lid of the briefcase, feeling it in her hand

NICK: I should warn you... my friend told me you'll need an injection every day. And once you start taking it, you shouldn't stop the treatment suddenly, or you'll get serious side-effects.

EMMA: That's fine! That's more than fine! But what happens when I run out of antiserum?

NICK: *takes flashdrive from the briefcase* This tells us how to make more.

EMMA: *strokes his face* Nick, you are so amazing! *smiles* I love you!

NICK: Love you too Emma. *smiles* Anyway, come one. This needs to be done in the morning, when you wake up. Are you ready?

EMMA: *nods* Uh-huh.

Nick loads up the injector with a dose of antiserum. He pushes her long hair away from her neck, and injects her. She winces slightly, as the needle enters her. Nick waits until the container is empty and she's had the full dose, before removing the needle.

NICK: There. All done. So how do you feel?

EMMA: I feel... um... fine. A little dizzy maybe... but fine.

NICK: Dizzy, huh? Let Dr Nick take a look at you. *holds up 3 fingers* How many fingers am I holding up?

EMMA: *reaches out to touch his hand* One... *kisses the first finger* Two... *kisses the second finger* Three *kisses the third finger* Three fingers.

NICK: Hehe. You're fine.

Nick takes her hand, and looks at her palm. There's still a faint cut showing there.

NICK: So no more slashing your hand, okay?

EMMA: *nods* *pulls his hand towards her, and kisses it* Thankyou Nick. Thankyou so much!

NICK: *shuffles down the bed* And now, as promised... your foot massage. *smiles*

Nick pulls her legs out from under the covers, and start massaging her feet. She closes her eyes, and gives a long, contented sigh.

EMMA: Nick, that is bliss! Writer... boyfriend... computer wizzkid... doctor.. massager... miracle worker. You never cease to maze me, Nick Zarano! Is there anything you can't do?

NICK: *jokes* Well... patting my head and rubbing my tummy is kinda tricky.

EMMA: *laughs* Hahaha.

NICK: That's what I like to hear... your laughter. *still rubbing her feet* By the way, I bumped into Kendyl this morning.

EMMA: Kendyl? How is she?

NICK: She's fine. She's got a new job as a dog walker. And she said I cute a cute American accent. *laughs*

EMMA: *strokes Nick's cheek* Well she's right! I love your accent!

NICK: *exaggerates his accent* Well gee honey, you say the sweetest things. *grins* *goes back to his normal accent* I kinda like *your* accent.

Emma leans in to Nick, and they share a tender kiss. Several minutes later...

NICK: Well, now you've had your injection... and your footrub... *smiles* how about some breakfast?

EMMA: Aww, I could stay here all day, with you rubbing my feet. *holds his hand* But you're right, we should get some breakfast. How about I make us some French toast?

NICK: Sounds great.

Emma climbs out of bed. She stagges slightly, still dizzy from the effects of the antiserum. Nick catches her, and helps her downstairs. They go into the kitchen, and Emma makes French toast and orange juice for both of them.


When breakfast is over, Emma heads down to the basement to write in her journal. She's very strict with herself about keeping notes related to 'the curse', and any possible treatments. And Nick's antiserum is a VERY important treatment. She opens the journal, and begins writing.





N has done something wonderful! He’s found an antiserum that he thinks will stop the change from happening. N said it will counteract almost any venom are disease. I can’t put into words how happy I am… how much this means to me.


The antiserum has been worked on by a team of people - people who know what they are doing. Unlike me, who struggles to understand what all these chemicals do, and how they affect each other. I am confident this will work. I will be free!


I took a dose this morning, by injection. N injected it into me. I must do this every morning. N never ceases to amaze me. Not only has he stuck by me through this, when he could so easily have turned away… he’s really trying to help me. I am falling more and more in love with him each day.



Emma smiles, and closes her journal. She heads back upstairs, and spends a peaceful day with Nick.





Several days pass. Emma is careful to take her injection every day. She keeps the briefcase in the room, and doesn't leave until she's had her injection. Sometimes Nick injects her, sometimes she injects herself. And afterwards, Nick always gives her a footrub. It quickly becomes part of their daily routine.


Soon, it's time for Emma's weeky Get-Together with Lauren. Emma kisses Nick goodbye, then makes her way to the cafe.





Rainbow Dreams Cafe...


Emma and Lauren take their usual table at the back. They have a good old natter. Eventually, the topic of Nick and Mark comes up.



LAUREN: You know... you actually seem quite relaxed today, Em. Does a certain dark-haired American have anything to do with that? *teases*


EMMA: Hehe. Yeah, I guess he does. Nick is... special! Honestly Laur, I never dreamed I could fall in love with someone.


LAUREN: Who would have thought it? Little Em, in love.


EMMA: I still dunno what he sees in me though.


LAUREN: He sees all the good in you, Em. Anyway, when am I going to meet him again? And I mean properly. Not just glancing at him from the next table.



Emma giggles, as she remembers the first time her and Lauren saw Nick... right here, in this very cafe, at a nearby table.



LAUREN: So...? When can I meet the man who brought a smile to my best friend's face?


EMMA: *smiles* Soon. I'll see what I can arrange. Anyway, how's your Mark?


LAUREN: Mark is wonderful! Did I tell you he's a singer?


EMMA: *laughs* You may have mentioned it a couple of time.


LAUREN: Em... I really want you to meet Mark.



Emma looks alarmed.



LAUREN: My best friend, and my boyfriend. It would mean a lot to me, Em.


EMMA: Umm...


LAUREN: It doesn't have to be here in the cafe. It could be in my home, if that made you feel safer. You know nothing can hurt you in my home. My parents love him already, and you know what their like, hehe.


EMMA: What? Mark is good enough for their little girl? *teases* Wow!


LAUREN: Hehe.  It seems so.  So will you come and meet him, Em? Next week? I'll arrange everything.


EMMA: You're like the sister I never had, Laur. And if Mark makes you happy, then I'm glad. Yes, I'll meet him. Here. Next week.



Emma and Lauren make plans for Emma to meet Mark the following week, at Lauren's house. They continue chatting for a while, before going their seperate ways, and heading home.


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#36 Nick


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 11:25 AM

Grimm Brothers Jewelry Shop..

Nick walks into the slightly Gothic, slightly mystical jewelry shop. It's a play on the mysterious town of Soterios, and all the secrets that lie within. Tourists who come to Soterios, looking to find that mystery, usually find nothing but angry citizens, busy families, and the usual crowd. So instead they come here to the shop, to a place offering a slice of the unknown. The shop is only capitalizing on the sometimes stupidity of the common-folk.

Nick walks around the shop. Currently, he's broke. But he's looking anyway.

Salesman: Can I help you sir?

​Nick mutters a "no", and walks behind some cases, trying to draw as little attention to himself as possible. He walks around, noticing a particular piece of Jewelry that he likes. It's an ankle bracelet. Nick looks around.

He waits, and finally a woman comes into the shop, and talks to the salesman.

Once the man takes out a book, and begins to look through it for the woman, Nick quickly pockets bracelet box. He spends a few more seconds wandering around, then leaving.. making a clean getaway.

Nick walks down one of the dirt paths around town. The cold wind slicing his face, Nick pulls up the neck on his jacket, trying to stay warm.

Nick reaches the part of the path where no buildings are in sight, just trees.

Voice: CAW!

Nick jumps. He turns around, and sees a crow.. who has landed behind Nick.

Crow: Caw-caw.

Nick: Damn bird.

Nick walks down the path.. but something seems off.

Crow: CAW!

Nick turns around, and sees the crow following him.

Nick: Shoo.

Crow: CAW!

The crow is suddenly spooked, and flies away.

Nick: .. This fuckin' town is starting to creep me out. What am I talking about.. I'm dating a werewolf.

Nick shakes his head, and continues down the path.

Moments later, Nick hears something.. something frightening. A woman screaming. For help.


Nick sees a woman laying in a nearby ditch, men around her. The woman has long black hair.. and pale skin.


Nick reaches for his gun.

Man: Don't. I suggest you don't take out the gun brother.

Nick: Why? You going to shoot me? Get out of here, before I call the police.

Suddenly, men emerge from the woods.. surrounding Nick. All of the men appear to be glassy eyed, in dark clothes, and most of them are dirty.. also with long hair.

Nick: Alright.. alright.. I don't want any trouble.

The man nearest Nick grabs Nick's arm, and touches his wrist.. gripping it.

Nick: ... What the hell are you doing?

Man: Shh..

Nick looks into the man's glassy eyes.. there's something else going on. There is something wrong with this man's soul. His beard thick.. his clothes.. dark.. his emotions.. calm.

The grip tightens, and Nick can feel his pulse slowing down. Nick becomes dizzy.

Man: We know who you are.. Nick.. Zarano.

Nick's pulse slows down to a low level, and Nick passes out. The men catch him.

The woman stands up. It's clear she was acting.

Man: Good plan Lily. It worked.

Lily: Plus he has no idea I was in on this. In his eyes, I'm a victim. Bring him.

A crow lands near the scene.

Crow: CAW!

Lily: .. *looks at Crow* Shut up Desmond.

Lily stares at the crow.

The crow flies away, and up into the trees.. watching the scene.

Lily stands over Nick, as the men lay him in the grass.

She bends down over Nick.

Lily: There's an evil in this town that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty criminals have come to fear. *touches Nick's forehead* You have a touch of destiny about you.

Man: Where we bringing him?

Lily: *looks at Nick* I kind of feel bad for him. He's been dragged into this, because of his relationship with the wolf. He's sacrificed too much for her.

Man: Again, where we bringing him?

Lily: To the old church. That's where he is waiting.

Outskirts of Soterios..

Old Church..

An old church sits on a cliff, near the edge of town. Most of the church is in ruins, and it's clear the building has been around for hundreds of years.

In the snow, men carry Nick up the cliffs, and eventually nearing the church. Lily follows.

As if the scene wasn't creepy enough, Lily once again sings to herself in the cold air.

Lily: *sings* This is the end.. hold your breath and count to ten.. feel the earth move and then.. hear my heart burst again. For this is the end.. I've drowned and dreamed this moment.. so overdue, I owe them.. swept away, I'm stolen.

They enter the church.


Nick's eyes flicker open. All he can see, is darkness. Faint light flickers in from outside, through the broken stained glass windows..

Nick sees that he is tied to a chair. As for the room.. it appears to be some kind of church.

Suddenly, Nick can see light.. then smoke.. someone is sitting across from him. The person has lit a pipe, and is smoking from it. It's a man, but Nick can't see his face.

Nick: Who are you? Where am I?

Man: None of that is really important. You see, I know who you are. I know everything there is to know, about you. But you see Nicholas Zarano, I am not after you. You are not important to me. If you had just went back to London, or went anywhere but here.. in Soterios, we wouldn't have met.

Nick: There was a woman.. what happened to her?

Man: She survived. Want some advice from me? *puffs pipe* Don't always try to be the hero. You are trying way too hard with Miss Lockhart.

Nick: Emma? You know her?

Man: Of course. Everyone knows Emma. Besides, she's the reason why you are here. I simply brought you here to give you a warning. A warning that something is coming. Something that I have been.. dying.. to do, for quite some time. And I am giving you, a mere mortal, a chance to cut your losses, and take off. Leave Emma to me, and head off into the sunset.

Nick: I don't understand! What do you want from her?

Man: .. Everything.

Nick tries to figure out the situation.

Man: So will you take my warning.. and leave town?

Nick looks into the darkness.

Nick: No.

The man leaps from his chair, pissed. He walks around the chair.

Man: She sent you up to me, knowing you're not ready, knowing you would likely die by my hand. Mommy was very bad.

Nick: ...

Female Voice (Lily): I didn't know. I thought he would easily cave.

Man: You thought..? YOU THOUGHT?!

The man takes out a knife, and waves it around.

Man: ​If we all went around this world "thinking", we'd never accomplish anything! YOU THOUGHT?! It's obvious he isn't going to do what is for his own good. So in that case, it'll take some convincing.

Nick: ... Convincing?

Man: ​You had your chance at freedom from this life Nicholas Zarano. Freedom from this town. You've lost it.

The man walks towards Nick.


Emma wakes up.. alone. She looks at the clock, and then gets out of bed. Nick hasn't contacted her in around 24 hours. Something seems off. She wonders if Nick left town.. if Nick is that type of guy, one who takes a woman's heart, and then leaves with it.

Emma sighs, and goes into the bathroom.

Once stripped down, and in the shower, Emma hears the phone ring.

She throws a towel on, and heads into the bedroom.

She picks up the phone.

Emma: Hello?

Caller: Emma, it's Lauren. I'm downstairs. I really need you to let me in.. I found something odd.

Emma quickly hangs up, and runs downstairs in her towel. She lets Lauren in.

Lauren: No clothes? I hope I didn't interrupt you and Nick..

Emma: No, just a shower, alone. I haven't seen Nick in a day or so. What's going on?

Lauren: Well I was walking in town centre, when this damn crow kept trying to attack me. I know, this seems odd.. and strange. But it's true! He kept trying to pull my hair, and lead me in a general direction. So like any normal sane person, I followed the freakin' crow.

Emma: ... Okay..

Lauren: He lead me down a dirt path, and eventually.. I found something. When I picked it up, the crow flew away.

Emma: What is it?

Lauren: Take a look for yourself.

Lauren hands Emma a bracelet box.

Emma opens it.

Emma: It's.. an ankle bracelet.

Lauren: Read the note inside.

Emma: "It wasn't until I met you, that I realized good people do exist in this world. This is a symbol of how much I love you, and also a symbol for a free lifetime supply of foot rubs. - Nick"

Lauren: Is that your Nick?

Emma: Aww.. it sounds like him. We have this special thing, where he gives me these really nice..

Lauren: Emma, sorry to interrupt, but you do realize this was laying on the ground, in the middle of nowhere. If this was Nick.. and he bought this for you.. why did he drop it, and leave it behind?

Suddenly, a knock at the door.

Lauren opens the door. It's a delivery man.

Delivery Man: Delivery for.. *looks up* Whoa.. *sees the two women, with Emma in her towel* Am I interrupting something good?

Lauren: Creep. Give me the package. And while your at it, grow some maturity.

Lauren grabs the package, and slams the door closed.

Emma: Who's it for?

Lauren: ... You.

Hyperion Manor..

A man breaks his way into the old manor, and runs through the mansion, leaving droplets of blood behind. He runs into the bathroom, and leans over the sink.. he vomits uncontrollably, vomiting up blood.

The man looks in the mirror.. and stares at himself.. his lips covered in blood. It's Nick.

Desmond appears in the bathroom. He looks at Nick, in the mirror.

Desmond: ​The first time.. is the worst. You crave it.. you crave not the taste, but what it is. But then you feel guilt, and remorse over what you have done. Plus your body doesn't react well to the change. I can understand the vomiting. But the next time.. you will crave it once again.

Nick runs out the bathroom, and Desmond follows.

Desmond: You won't be able to help yourself.


Desmond: I know what they did to you! I know, because they did it to me! The same people! Those people, the werewolves, and the like.. that Order.. they call themselves, they are the people who changed me. They are the people who later killed me, while betraying me. The same people who are connected to Emma Lockhart. Nick.. I tried to warn you. I tried to stop it. But.. it was a trap.

Nick: ... I.. I.. don't remember much of anything. I just feel.. different. And I remember waking up.. being.. as if my body was going to explode. So I went searching.. I remember.. attacking a woman.. then coming back here..

Nick drops to his knees.


Desmond: You're.. a vampire.


#37 Frodo


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 12:42 AM

Heartland Manor...

Lauren glares at the door.

LAUREN: What I creep! I didn't like him at all!

EMMA: Well, he's gone now. Don't let him get to you, Laur.

Emma smiles at Lauren, then looks again at the jewellry box in her hand. She had been concerned about not hearing from Nick, and had wondered if he had just didn't want to deal with her curse anymore, and left town. But this gift... this beautiful ankle bracelet that Nick had got for her... tells her that he DOES love her. She's so touched, she just want's to hold him, and tell him she loves him too. But where is he? If Lauren found this on the ground... where is Nick? Has something happened to him? Emma is worried. She takes the ankle bracelet from the box, admires it, and puts it on.

EMMA: So... what do you think? *holds out her leg to show off the ankle bracelet*

LAUREN: Lovely! *smiles* I'm glad you found Nick, Em. He's good for you.

EMMA: I know! I love him so much.


LAUREN: Well, I love your ankle bracelet, but how much longer are you gonna keep me in suspense? *holds up the package* I want to know what's in this package. I bet it's something from Nick. *smiles*

EMMA: There's only one way to find out.

Emma opens the package, and looks inside.

EMMA: It's a book. "Capofamiglia" by Nick Zarano. *opens the book, flicks through it, and smiles* This is fantastic! I love his other book. I keep it in my library. I've read it 3 times already!

LAUREN: Wow, how many books has he written, Em?

EMMA: I dunno. He's so modest about his writing. I wish I could make him see how talented he is. *sees something else in the box* Oh, there's a note with it. *picks up the note and reads it*


Hello there young Emma.

I took the libery of tracking down other books by that auther you were interested in - Nicholas Zarano - and managed to get hold of this one for you. Hope you enjoy it.

Your friend

Mr Harrison

EMMA: Wow, that was really nice of him. I'm going to enjoy reading this! *smiles*


LAUREN: I'm surprised he's not here though, Em. I thought you two were joined at the hip.


EMMA: To tell you the truth, I'm worried about him, Laur. Moreso, now you've found this on the ground. *holds up the jewellry box* It's not like him to just disappear like this. Where exactly did you find it, Laur?

LAUREN:  On the dirt path, Farmer Maggot's farm.  Why?  Are you going there?

EMMA:  Yeah, if Nick dropped this, maybe there's some clue as to where he went.

LAUREN: Well, you might want to get dressed first. *giggles*

EMMA: Oh yeah. That might be an idea! *laughs*

Hyperion Manor...

Nick vomits up blood again. He doesn't even make it to the bathroom this time - he's so shocked about what Desmond just said. He begins shaking uncontrolably.

NICK: *covers his ears with his hands* NO... NO... I'M NOT A... A VAMPIRE! I CAN'T BE!



Desmond looks at Nick, sadly.





DESMOND: I'm sorry I couldn't stop them, Nick.


NICK: You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY? You're... WAIT... you were that crow. The one that kept following me.




NICK: Oh god. *rocks back and forth on his knees* Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. This can't be happening! I feel like I'm going insane! I feel like I've lost my mind!


DESMOND: You're not crazy Nick. And I'm going to do what I can to help you.


NICK: How? Why? Who are these people? WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO ME???


DESMOND: They want Emma. You're connected to Emma.


NICK: But... that woman... I KILLED A WOMAN! How could I do that?


DESMOND: The guilt is hard to deal with, but it wasn't your fault Nick. You try to fight against the craving... but... you can't.




DESMOND: Nick, you HAVE to.


NICK: When will it happen again?


DESMOND: I don't know. It's different for everyone.


NICK: This is a dream. It has to be a dream. I just want to wake up now!



Nick covers his face with his hand, still trying to comprehend what has happened.



NICK: How do I make this nightmare end?






NICK: What am I gonna do, Desmond?





Nick stands up, and looks around.






But it's no use. Nick is alone. Desmond has gone.





Dirt Path, Next To Farmer Maggot's Farm...

Emma arrives at the dirt path.  This is where Lauren said she found the jewellry box.  Emma looks around, looking for... something. She doesn't know what yet. Just... something that would tell her where Nick is.


EMMA: Now why would Nick drop the jewellry box? Why didn't he come home? It's all very strange.


Emma looks up, and sees a large crow flying towards her.  


The crow flies at Emma, pulling her hair, and cawing loudly.


EMMA:  Shoo, bird.  Leave me alone.  

She tries to shoo the bird away, but it's no use.  It flies a little bit away, then circles round and comes back to Emma, cawing, and pulling her hair again.  

EMMA: What do you want from me?


The crow flies away, then circles round, and comes back to Emma.  

EMMA:  *looks at the crow*   Are you trying to tell me something?  Do you want me to follow you?  Is that it?  Are you the same crow that led Laur here?  


The crow flies up into the air, and Emma follows.  And she soon realises the direction he's taking her.  

EMMA:  Are you... leading me to... Hyperion Manor?  Is Nick here?  Or am I just completely crazy?

They soon arrive at Hyperion Manor.  The crow flies up, and perches on the roof.  


Emma looks at the crow, then slowly enters the manor, unsure of what she'll find inside.  She stands inside the entrance way.

EMMA:   *calls out*   Nick?  

Deathly silence.  

She walks into the grand hallway, and looks up the stairs.

EMMA:  Nick?  It's me, Emma.  Are you here?  

Nothing.  Just silence.  

Emma walks through to the living room.  

EMMA:  Nick?  


EMMA:  This is crazy!  As if a bird would know where Nick is!  I was just fooling myself.  Oh Nick, where are you?  Please be okay.  

Emma turns to walk out.  

CAW CAW CAW CAW   *sound of flapping wings*  

The crow flies in through an open window, and lands on the floor.  

EMMA:  *looks at the crow*   I wish you really *did* know where Nick is.  

The crow starts tapping the floor with his beak.  Emma is about to leave the manor, but something makes her turn back.  It's only then, she notices something else on the floor, next to where the crow is tapping his beak.  Emma goes in for a closer look.  

EMMA:  *gasps*   Is that ... blood?   *shocked*  


EMMA:  Is it Nick's blood?  Oh god, what's happened to him?  


The crow hops out into the grand hallway, and taps the floor again.  More blood.  Now Emma's aware of it, she sees a trail of blood.  Emma follows the trail, feeling sick with fear.  The crow led her here... the crow made sure she saw the blood trail.  And if it IS Nick's blood... what happened to him.  Is he hurt?  

Emma follows the droplets of blood, and it leads her to a closed door.  She opens the door... the room is dark inside, but she can see the outline of someone sitting in the corner.  That someone is breathing heavily.  

EMMA:  Nick?  Is that you?  

She flicks on the light, and sees Nick hunched up in the corner, rocking back and forth, his face buried in his legs.  She walks over to him, and kneels down in front of him.  She reaches out, and puts her hand on his shoulder.  

EMMA:  Nick, thank god I found you.  I've been worried about you.  Are you okay?  

Nick slowly raises his head to look at her, still breathing heavily.  But... there's blood on his face... round his lips and mouth.  Emma gasps.  

EMMA:  NICK!  What happened?  

NICK:  *still in shock*   I... I don't know.  *sobs*   Oh god Emma, I killed someone.  A woman.  I couldn't stop myself.  They changed me.  

EMMA:  *slowly*   You killed someone?  *stroking his hair*  

NICK:  *nods*  

EMMA:  *takes his hand*   Tell me what happened.  Who changed you?  

NICK:  I DON'T KNOW!  I DON'T KNOW!  I don't remember!  I just remember seeing that woman, and... and I attacked her.  I couldn't stop.  And then... she was just lying there... not moving...

Emma pulls Nick into her arms, trying to comfort him.  

NICK:  I'm going crazy Emma.  I feel different.  I feel like I'm going to explode.   *breathes heavy*  

Emma holds Nick, and tries to think.  Nick said someone changed him.  And he said he attacked a woman.  This isn't like Nick.  But the blood on his lips had to have come from somewhere.  And now he's wracked with guilt.  But it's the 'not able to stop himself' part that gets to Emma, almost as if he wasn't in control of his body - similar to how Emma can't control herself when she changes.  But he's not a werewolf - he can't be, since this happened when it's not a fool moon.  That only leaves one option - vampire.  She rips the bottom of her dress off, and gently wipes the blood from his lips.

EMMA:  It's not your fault Nick.  I think someone has turned you.  And when you change... there's nothing you can do.   *gently kisses his lips*   But I know the guilt you feel, because I feel it too.

NICK:  *looks at her neck*   You're not afraid of me?

EMMA:  *shakes her head*   No.  I can never be afraid of you.   *puts her arms round him*  

NICK:  *inhales sharply*   Help me Emma.  Please!  

EMMA:  *holds him tight*   I'll help you Nick.  You're not alone!  I'm here with you.
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