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#31 Leilah Dawn

Leilah Dawn

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Posted 10 August 2012 - 05:31 AM

I sit there feeling the blood rush to my head. Chris, he wouldn't he wouldn't hurt someone I care about. Because he loves me that's why, if he really loved me he wouldn't hurt someone who is close to kin. I didn't go hurt
Rachele as much as I'd love to I haven't. So what the hell is going on.

I look up at Harry trying not to cry.

"Please Harry, please tell me its not true....tell me its a joke."

Harry is inturruped by my sister Candice who walks in all giddy in a cute bride's maids dress. She's all peppy and cheery, which brings me back to reality. I'm about to get married to Chris. The love of my life, the father of my baby; but could he really have hurt Harry like Charry claims? I close my eyes and shake my head slowly trying to make sense of it all.

"Kennah its show time get off your lazy but and do a spin for me I want to see you in your beautiful gown."

I force a smile onto my face standing up and twirling slowly for my sister. She claps her hands jumping up and down and giggling. I mess with my curls looking around, gosh its hot in here.

Finally Alice and Violet poke their heads through the door grinning at me.

"It's time to go fairy princess."

They giggle along with Candice. I smile heading out into the hall, my sister following right behind me, Violet and Alice picking up the rear. Harry sits behind in my room sitting on my bed. He looks along my walls seeing random pictures from our childhoods.  

Kennah as a little balerina
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(Candice, my mom and I at my first ballet lesson)

(Kennah, Violet, Alice ballet painting)
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(Kennah as a little kid)
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(Kennah and Harry)
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He grazes over the ones of his sister, and I in ballet. Smiles at the painting my mother had painted of me and the girls in ballet. He gazes over random family ones and his heart almost stops when he sees the ones of me and him when we were little. We were promised to each other.

A lump rises in his throat as he lightly touches the pictures of us together. His eyes start to fill with tears when my father inturrupts him.

"C'mon man, our little girl is about to get married. I know your bummed that it's not to you, but wouldn't you rather be a part of her life rather than her not want you in it at all? She's pregnant with his kid son, she's never going to let him go."

Harry nods and forces a smile on his face.

"I'm very happy for her, i want her happy too...dad."

My father nods smiling. He puts his arm around Harry's shoulder as he leads him out of me room.

"You know i'd rather have the children mate within the family, but she's pregnant, and i don't know if she'll be too happy with us if she finds out your my son, and Violet is my daughter. She would feel lied to, betrayed even, and heck Violet would be just as pissed. Their hole lives they thought they were just friends."

Harry nods while he walks with my father.

"I promise father i wont say a word."

Father meets me at the ceremony and Harry sits beside Peter and the other boys. My father hooks his arm through mine and whispers to me.

"You look very gorgeous my little baby, your enchanting, just as beautiful as your sister and mother."

I grin at my father's kind words, my face getting red from embarassment.

"Daddy, not in public." I giggle as he leads me down the aisle to the music.

I look up as all the bridesmiads line up along the wall, their beautiful smiling faces looking directly at me. This makes me start to cry, all the people i love in one room sharing the best day of my life. My eyes start to water as Chris approaches me and my father. My knees almost give in and I almost stumble but he catches my arm pulling me back up.

(Violet at the Wedding)
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(Alice at the wedding)
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"It'll be okay baby, i'm by your side, and never leaving again." He whispers to me.

That's it, i start really crying as I step up to the podium. The man speaks, and finally it's time for Chris and I to give our vows.

I nervously turn to him, and lightly clear my throat before speaking.

"I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give.
I promise to accept you the way you are.

I fell in love with you for the qualities, abilities, and outlook on life that you have, and won't try to reshape you in a different image.
I promise to respect you as a person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own.

I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my personal world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.

I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.

And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how ... completely and forever. "

I say off the top of my head. Chris smiles tears falling from his eyes as I finish my vows. He smiles confidently preparing his vow speech in his head. Finally he begins.

"Today, I want you to know how lucky I feel for having found the one perfect person for me, the one who suits me so comfortably and who gives me joy and boundless hope and anticipation for the future.

Every day we’re together, you do nothing but make me happy. The day we met was the day I became truly alive again, and today — our wedding day — I declare my love and devotion for you before the entire world.
I make a vow to stand by your side through the best and worst of times, and to give you the best of what I have from now until the end of our days."
I nod while he's speaking, my tears flooding from my eyes. When he finishes he takes my hands and looks me in the eyes grinning like a fool.

"You may kiss the bride."

Chris lifts me up into his arms and kisses me gently yet passionatly. This was the best day of my life, no exceptions. I'm in love.

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Edited by Leilah Dawn, 10 August 2012 - 06:05 AM.

#32 Nick


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 08:02 AM

With the wedding over, the happy couple embarks on a trip to Ireland. Where Kennah's family comes from. And, a place Chris always wanted to visit. Rachele was watching the entire wedding ceremony. She was supposed to leave town.

Later that night..

Rachele walks into an Irish Pub, it's mostly empty. Some of Kennah's father's thugs search her, and let her in to see the boss.. after all, she was feeding information to them.

"Rachele.. long time no see. What can I do for you?"

Rachele looks at the man. "Do you think Kennah and Chris are right for each other?"

"You came all this way to ask me that?"

Rachele nods.

"Fine.. yes, on some level, I think so."

"Alright.. just wanted to know." Rachele turns to leave.

"Are you leaving town?" asks Kennah's father.

"No." says Rachele. "I kinda like it here."

Rachele walks out.

Little does Kennah's father know, that Rachele planted a microphone under the bosses desk. It's the 1970's, so the microphone isn't perfect. But, she can listen to the recordings when out in her car, in the back of the pub.

Rachele is determined to find some dirt on this family. She still believes Kennah isn't good for her brother.

In Ireland, Chris and Kennah walk into their hotel. Chris carries Kennah up into the room, and onto the bed. They kiss passionately.

"I love you." says Kennah.

"I love you too." says Chris, as he smiles. Chris takes off Kennah's shoes, and her dress.. wasting no time. He kisses her stomach, and her lower area, sticking his tongue right into her. Kennah grabs the sheets, moaning. After eating her out, Chris turns her over and grabs her hair, thrusting himself into her ass. He screws her doggy style.

Back in Boston, the compound is taken under control by Uncle Al. And under Chris's orders.. the compound is being locked up. Vin and Rachele walk up to the compound, noticing the place being locked.

"Uncle Al! What's going on?!" yells Rachele.

"Sorry Rach. The mansion is being locked up while Chrissy is on his honeymoon. We're controlling the business from our other properties." says Uncle Al.

"What about us?! Where are we supposed to live?"

"Honestly Rachele.. I don't think Chris cares."

Vin and Rachele sit in the woods, having a long hard talk.

"What's next for us?" asks Vin.

"Well, I'm not leaving town. I may have to find work.. and stay in a hotel. But I'm not leaving town. Not yet." says Rachele.

"Sis, come on. Give it up. What happened between us all.. it was sick. But we have to move on." replies Vin.

"Is that what you are doing?" asks Rachele.

"Yeah.. I've given it some thought. I'm moving to New York. I'll be staying with Mom. She offered, I accepted."

"Moving in with Mom? Come on." says Rachele.

"Listen Rach, unlike you.. I'm not mentally unstable. I'm not going to let this family ruin me." replies Vin.

"So.. you're leaving. Just like that?"

"There's a job offer with another family. In New York. I can't pass this up. Maybe one day I'll come back. But right now.. there's too much damage that has been done here. Between our family. Goodbye Rachele."

"Come on Vin! Don't leave like this!"

"Rachele, take my advice. Move on. Find another place to live, find a decent job, find a decent guy, have a family, and live the American dream. Because in the end, everything else doesn't matter. It won't matter what cars we drove, how much money we made, or who ran the area. In the end, it's our families that we have. That's it. Goodbye Rachele."

Vin walks away.

Rachele looks at the lake. "Then I guess everything is on my shoulders."

Back in Ireland, Chris holds his new wife against the shower wall, the water running down on them. He kisses and bites her neck, eventually sucking her nipples. Kennah's hands grab onto Chris's rock hard penis, massaging it. Chris leans down, and once again eats her out. Kennah's legs quiver, as she leans against the shower wall, finally her legs give out. Kennah slides onto the floor, where Chris fucks her, hard.. the water continuing to flow onto them.

In Boston, Rachele continues to camp out by the Irish Pub. She listens to the microphone recordings.

Kennah's father is talking to business associates.


Kennah's Father: Listen to me, we don't back down. Yes we're at peace with Chris's gang, but his uncle is controlling the show. I say we continue to take territory from them. They won't even notice.

Unknown Voice: Boss, Harry is here.

Kennah's Father: Alright gentlemen, that's it. Get going.

After some rustling, Harry walks in.

Kennah's Father: Harry, my boy. What can I do for you?

Harry: It's about Kennah.

Kennah's Father: Yeah?

Harry: I slept with her.

Kennah's Father: ... I assumed that. But I wasn't completely sure. When?

Harry: At that party. She was drunk. But I did what you had suggested at the time. I put the stuff into her drink, and made sure she'd let me in.

Kennah's Father: Well it was worth a shot. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Chris. But keeping this in the family would be ideal. Besides, you did sleep with her. Which means if we ever did.. or someone did.. say.. get rid of Christopher, we could say you're the father. It's insurance.

Harry: Well, getting her pregnant.. or anything other woman in the future.. would be impossible now.

Kennah's Father: What's that supposed to mean?

Harry: I shouldn't tell you. It could lead to war.

Kennah's Father: Lying to me would be worse.

Harry: ... Fine. After Chris found out.. well, not about her being drugged slightly, but even knowing she was drunk.. he still got revenge. He wanted to make me suffer.

Kennah's Father: How?

Harry: He did something to me.. he cut off something.. I can't reproduce.. or enjoy my sexuality anymore.

Kennah's Father: Oh god.. no.

Harry: I didn't want to tell you. Number one, it could lead to a war. Number two.. what the hell good am I now? I can't continue our family bloodline!

Kennah's Father: YOU COULDN'T PROTECT YOURSELF! What the hell is the matter with you?! He's a fourteen year old boy! You let him do this to you? What the hell kind of man are you? YOU ARE A DISGRACE!

Harry: Father I..

Kennah's Father: Father my ass. The sole purpose in your miserable existence was for you continue to family name internally. That way no one would know, while my other kids would be marrying elsewhere. THIS WAS YOUR PURPOSE! All those lies.. for nothing! You are worthless to me.

Harry: Enough dad! Kennah has to know the truth.

Kennah's Father: Oh, so now you're feeling all high and mighty? YOU FUCKED YOUR SISTER! By drugging her! Come on Harry! Wake up! The world isn't made out of peaches. You know damn well as I do, if Chris finds out, he'll kill you. And if Kennah finds out, god help you. If you think I'm going to admit to knowing, you're sadly mistaken.

Rachele can't believe what she just heard. She smiles.

One week has passed. Kennah and Chris wake up in their hotel room, in each others arms. "Good morning beautiful. Care for a nice morning massage?"

"Mmm.. yes." Kennah smiles.

"Then I hope you'll enjoy my services, instead of the hotel's. After all, my massage comes with extra services."

Kennah punches Chris in the arm.

There's a knock at the door.

Chris puts on his robe, and answers the door.. a hotel employee hands Chris a small package.

"What is it?" asks Kennah.

"Mail." says Chris. "From my sister."

"Oh god.. burn it." as Kennah climbs under the covers.

Chris sits at the edge of the bed. Kennah kicks him in the face with her barefoot. "Come play with me.. massage time."

Chris is lost in thought, reading the note in the envelope. "I felt as if you and Kennah needed to know the truth. This is the truth about something that I feel as if, you need to know now. I hope you will make decisions after hearing what is on this tape."

Chris takes out the tape. "Should we?"

Kennah looks at Chris. "Massage first. Then tape."

Chris smiles, and throws the tape onto the table.

Chris starts kissing her feet, massaging her toes, and up her legs. He kisses her knees, his hands massaging all around her thighs and calves. Kennah rolls onto her side, and Chris starts massaging her back and shoulders, Kennah moaning. During the massage, Chris teases her by sliding his fingers in and out of her vagina, and her butt.. pleasing her greatly.

"Mm.. now I want to be fucked. By my wonderful husband." Kennah smiles.

Chris turns Kennah back over, and thrusts himself into her. Eventually they do a side-to-side motion, with Chris spanking her.

Once the fun is over, they lay in bed. Chris grabs the tape, and a player. "Well, I guess we should what is on this thing."

"Play it." Kennah says.

The entire conversation between Harry and Kennah's father.. Harry's father.. plays. Once it's over, Kennah looks up at Chris. Unsure how to respond.

Chris gets out if bed. "Seems as if we have more in common than I thought.. maybe we should stay in Ireland. Forever. Or just travel the globe. No ties.. no sick families."

Kennah thinks back to her and Harry, when they were kids. Then she tries to remember that night.. when Harry had sex with her.

#33 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 04:04 AM

I sit there in shock not moving, barely breathing. My life flashes before my eyes.
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Kennah is in the park with her father and her friends Henry and Violet. Violet and Kennah are three years old, Henry is five and a half. It's Kennah's third birthday and her father thought it'd be fun to have some outdoor activity. I always remembered that my father gave Henry and Violet special attention over my other friends. He always wanted me to see Violet more than the others, Harry was the only boy I was allowed to have spend the night when we were little. Our parents used to let us sleep in the same crib/bed and they even bathed us together.
Little Kennah runs through a feild of bright yellow wild flowers. She bends down picking up a dandilion and blows on it. She closes her eyes making a wish. Her father runsup to Harry and little Kennah picking them up into his big arms and running around with them. Little Violet giggles and claps in the corner.
"C'mon Violet, come play with your brother and sister."
I gasp as I come to looking up to see a worried Chris.
"What? What is it."
I shake my head standing up. I hold onto the walls as I walk to the bathroom. I start crying.
"I feel sick baby."
I slide to the floor covering my face with my hands and crying hard.
"Harry was my brother....this whole...Harry and Violet. Violet is my sister. I
I shake my head sobbing. Chris wraps his arms around me pulling me into him. Stroking my hair lightly.
"Shhh shhh its okay baby." He says softly while still stroking my hair.
I jump to my feet and run into the bathroom getting sick again, afer finishing i stand up and wash my hands and my mouth out. I look into the mirror disgused with my reflection. I had sex with my older brother.My flesh and blood. What if he were to get me pregnant, i'd have creepy little mutant babies. I shiver looking away from the mirror and heading back into the master bedroom. I sit on the bed and sigh. Chris looks up at me sadly and pulls me into his lap. The rest of the night we cuddle in bed watching cheap old blackand white movies.
The next morning Chris and I head downstairs for a hotel breakfast. It was amazing, I got a bowl for fruit, and a muffin with a cup of chocolate milk. While Chris got a huge ass plate of pancakes, and I mean HUGE. I laugh shaking my head and rolling my eyes playfully , that boy's got a big appitite.
After finishing breakfast I head upstiars to put on some stretch pants and a tank top, throwing my long light brown hair into a high up do. I spray myself with fruit mist before  going for a jog. I proceed to jog down the street a Big jeep starts creeping down the street behind me. I look back seeing the jeep and I start to jog a little faster giving it room to cross the street, however it happens to  follow me down the street. I start to push myself harder running faster the car speeds up a little riding along side of me. I look into the window trying to see who's driving but they make it hard for me to see in. I sigh and cross the street, just as I'm about to cross the car cuts me off and almost runs me over. I scream getting knocked to the ground. I look and see Chris running up from the way I was coming from. The car speeds off as Chris helps me to my feet. He takes off running after the car.
"What the fuck! Who was that?!"
I sit there staring at him breathing hard.
"Who the fuckwas that!?" He repeats himself angrilly.
I shake my head slowly, my curls bouncing around my face.
"I...I...I" I stutter.
He pulls me to his chest kissing my forhead and my face and my lips and everywhere else. I smilea little pulling away.
"I love you Chris, you got to me before whoever that was could do anything."
He doesn't let go. He holds me even tighter.
"That doesn't matter Kennah, that person could have killed you!"
I nod  and he picks me up cradling me into his arms and walks me home like that.
"Chris I can walk!" I giggle.
He laughs carrying me home.
"I'm not putting you down. Its not safe, my babies aren't safe."
I giggle shaking my head.
"I'm only pregnant with one baby."
He laughs nodding.
"I know." He replies softly.
I blush and look down as he kisses the top of my head putting me in bed.

#34 Helen


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 04:51 PM

Also that we would do without your brilliant idea

#35 kailey



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