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Forbidden: Family Ties [18+]

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#1 Leilah Dawn

Leilah Dawn

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:44 AM

WARNING: This roleplay has graphic sexual and violent content. View discretion is advised.

Boston Massachusetts 1973

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Before leaving for school mom had my older sister Candice also known as "Candy" at the local high school walk me to my middle school across the street from her high school. Hi My name is Makennah "Kennah" Sullivan  and i have a story to tell. Well for starters, my father is a very successful man, very good at his job; he's also very loyal which is very important in his profession. I'm Kennah Sullivan, i'm thirteen and i'm a Mafia Princess. My mother is a stay at home mom, however she runs her own business another family business....she sews. Everyone in our neighborhood who are brave enough anyways, come to mom to get stuff sewn, embroidered and stitched. My mom's hands are magical almost.

"Kennah hurry the hell up! You're going to make me late for school and i'll have your ass brat!"

I roll my eyes as I grab my book-bag, sometimes Candy can be a total pain in the ass. I head downstairs grabbing the water bottle i filled with orange juice this morning, on my way out the door Candy shoves me into the wall.

"Move it punk." She says practiacally prancing past me to a beat up car that pulls up to our house.

I cross my arms over my chest and stand my ground, no way in hell am i getting into that loser's car. Peter sticks his head out of the window and looks me up and down.

"Hurry and get in we still have to go pick up Harry and Violet."

He says a cigertte hanging from the crook in his mouth. Peter is my sister boyfriend, his father owns the salami shop down the road, and is my father's good friend, a very loyal Mafia member, Violet is my all time best friend we were literally raised together, her and her brother Harry spent almost every day at my house since we were born, their father Lance is my father's right hand man. I groan and climb into the backseat being sure to give him all the attitude i can muster up, which is alot right now i can't stand Peter, they way he cheats on my sister with every girl that walks down the street, no wonder she's such a frigid bitch. The car squeels off down the road, we pull up to a nice house and there stands Violet fighting with Harry. He picks on her, almost constantly.

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She punches him one last time before rolling her eyes and climbing into the car beside me.

"Ass." She mutters before turning to me.  I smirk at her knowing very well how much of an ass Harry can be. My father loves the kid, i'm basically promised to him, which doesn't stop him from sleeping with just about every whore in a ten mile radius, but its the end of the world if another guy so much as looks at me. I lean in and whisper something to her. Harry catches my eye and I glare at him. He smirks and looks away popping a cigarette into his mouth.

"Tell me about it, i can't believe we have to ride to school in this hunk of trash." I whisper to Alice.

We both giggle as we leave the nicer neighborhoods heading into the ghetto. I look out the window at all the people glaring in at us, as if they KNEW who we were but were too frightened to say anything. I gasp as an egg is thorn at my window. Peter stops his car the breaks screeching.


I sigh and shake my head. Alice looks over my shoulder for the dead man. I glance back out the window as a group of boys in leather jackets standing their ground.


My sister screams jumping out of the car after him. Harry groans and looks at Alice and I.

"You two stay put, i don't want you getting hurt."

Peter, and Harry walk over to the group of boys.

"I don't know about you but i'm going to get a closer look!"

Alice says hopping out of the car, i have no choice but to follow. We slowly walk up to the confrontation. All i can here is screaming back and forth between Peter and Harry, and my sister's annoying pouting. A boy my age looks at me for a long time, i mean STARES at me. I blush and look away.  Suddenly i'm grabbed from behind my backside being pressed against a man's private part. I scream out thrashing my arms around. The boy pulls out his pocket knife and places it on my throat. I glance over at Violet who is being blocked by two big guys. I squeak to get my sister's attention. She screams loudly.

"Kennah! Oh my god Kennah! Let go of my baby sister you thug!"

She cries out running up to us. Another guy from their gang shoves her hard against Peter's car. The boy holding me grabs my hair and pulls my head back looking into my face.

"She's cute guys, we should make her our little pet."

I glare up at him staying strong.

"How bout that sweetie? You wanna be my sex slave?"

I spit in his face.

"Screw you hoodlum!"

I say my voice shaky.

"You little BITCH!" He yells tightening his grip on my hair.

I squeak again in pain. A few tears find their way out of my eyes. The boy who was staring at me comes up and shoves the guy.

"Let her go Vin, she's just a kid."

The guy "Vin" chuckles then kisses down my neck. I feel shivers rock my body. I close my eyes trying to stay strong. He puts his nose into my hair and smells deeply.

"Mmmm she smells like a virgin, that's my favorite kind of meet baby."

The boy presses on shoving Vin again.

"I said let her go or i'll tell dad, she's like ten!"

Vin glares at his younger brother then shoves me into the car next to Violet and Candy. Candy pulls me into her arms sobbing over my head. The boy glances at me one last time before stalking off to the highschool, his older brother following behind.

"Yeah that's right get out of here bitches!"

Peter and Harry scream at them. Vin turns around again and glares at them.  "Friday, five o clock, the park! Got it smart asses?"

Harry puffs up his chest getting in Vin's face.

"Bring it, you are going to regret messing with my girl!"

Vin looks at me, then back at Harry and laughs before disappearing after his brother, the rest of their gang following close behind.

The boys come back over to us and look at me.

"Are you okay Kennah?"

Harry asks his face showing genuine concern. He strokes my face with his large hand, i flinch away tears streaming down my face.

"I'm fine..." I say before jumping back into the car, not another word out of me. Daddy always taught us not to cry, that it was a weakness, but i couldn't help it i was terrified.

They drop us off at Washington Middle school, the worst place in town.

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Violet and I stick close together and walk to our usual spot on the side of the school where our group is usually chilling. At this school Alice and I don't have a lot of normal friends, they know about our fathers and are terrified to even look at us...so long story short, were loners. Our group consists of the children who's fathers, or mothers are affiliated with my father's mob. There is Sally (the snake) Jensen, her father is my father's (The don)  pet, we call Sally the snake because she's so slick and sly she's great at pocket picking.  Micheal (Mike) Sunderland, my cousin he's the muscle in our group, his father does wrestling as a side job and Mike is starting to take after his father. Ariel (mother hen) Carr, she's my cousin Mike's girlfriend. Nino is a bad ass so he says, Nino is Ariel's older brother and he has had a thing for me for years, but knowing that i'm basically taken by Harry he gave up, recently has been making moves on Alice.

Ariel come up from behind me and hugs me tight.

"Where have you been at Munchkin?"

I glance up at Ariel and shrug, I hop up onto the wall sitting next to Alice, Alice and i explain the whole story of our encounter this morning. Nino, Mike and Ariel have anger clearly written across their faces; Sally's eyes are wide her mouth hanging open.

"What the hell? Why didn't Harry and Peter do something about it? You could have been hurt!" Mike says angrily.

I look over at Mike and bite my bottom lip.

"It's not that simple Mike, putting others in danger for me? Not a good idea."

Nino shakes his head and punches a wall.

"You're just a kid Kennah!" Nino chimes in.

I roll my eyes and take the cigarette Alice hands me. I pop it into my mouth, pull my lighter from my knee high sock. I stoop my head, bird-housing as i light the cig. I look back up and shrug.

"Alice was there too, if they made a big scene we both could have been hurt, anyways they are having a rumble at the park on Friday at five."

I take a drag of my cigarette coughing a little. Alice blows her smoke out and looks at everyone.

"All i know is that i'll be there, will you come with me Kennah?"

I smile at her and make a face.


The bell rings signaling class is about to start. I put out my cigarette and put it in my case, hoping off the wall and heading to homeroom with Alice and Ariel.

Edited by Leilah Dawn, 05 August 2012 - 05:58 AM.

#2 Nick


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 08:32 AM

A man walks into the school men's bathroom. He paces back and forth, finally looking at himself in the mirror. He splashes water onto his face, and reaches into this pocket.. taking out a box of cigarettes. The man is wearing a fedora, and some sharp clothes. His hands shake lightly.. as he continues to pace. He's looking for someone. Finally, the bathroom door opens.. a young teenager walks in. He has short black hair, brown eyes, and is wearing a leather jacket. He appears to be attending classes here, and is hating every second of it.

Finally, the man speaks.

"Chrissy! Il mio ragazzo! Finalmente sei venuto. Tutte quelle ragazze delle scuole tenervi occupati eh? (Chrissy! My boy! Finally you came. All those school girls keeping you busy huh?)"

The teenager, known as Chrissy (Christoper), seems to hate being called by that name.

"As I told you before Uncle Al, do not call me Chrissy. And what the hell are you doing here? How did you know I'd be in here?"

Uncle Al grins.

"You have to take a piss sometime Chrissy. Everyone does. Besides.."

Uncle Al spits in the sink, for unknown reasons.

"I've been watching you. Needed to see you today."

Christopher looks oddly at his uncle.

"Why? Everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine. But your father.. he asked me to come and see you for a reason." replies a very enthusiastic Uncle Al. "After last night, you became a man Chrissy. Even if you don't like, or want, to become a man yet. You see.. a man has certain responsibilities to uphold. Make money, pay the bills.. get a little on the side, you catch my drift. But he always.. MUST protect, and stay loyal to his family. And sometimes, he has to make sacrifices for his family. Your father wants you to become a man in this family. And after school, you are going to begin your journey as a man, helping out in the organization."

A nervous Christopher grabs a cigarette from Uncle Al, and lights it.

"So what.. this is a game? He gave me three whores last night, so I could "become a man".. and now I have to repay him? Like I'm some kind of client? I'M HIS SON FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

"First off, watch your mouth. Those whores are escorts. Prostitutes. Do not disrespect them. And your father is doing you a favor. Where else would you go in society? Wake up Chris. There ain't no way to live a legal normal life around here."

Christopher just stares at the wall, annoyed. Silent.

"Be at the docks tonight. You know where, and which one. Your father's warehouse. Be there right after school. Not if you will excuse me, I gotta take a piss before I run."

Uncle Al goes into one of the stalls, as Christoper throws his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it. He leaves the bathroom, and heads towards the classrooms.

Christopher begins to think about what led him here.. his lack of girlfriends, and his father pushing him. Finally, without his mother knowing, Christopher lost his virginity via another method. A method in which his father, created for him.

Chris thinks.. going back to yet another class? Boring. He heads back into the bathroom, noticing that Uncle Al is gone. He goes into a bathroom stall, and unzips himself.. he begins to pleasure himself to last nights events, at first, remembering how it happened.



Christoper walks into his home, and hears his father yelling from the other room.. something about his wife, Chris's mother, being out of town for the next couple of days. Needless to say, Christopher is offered quite the opportunity.

His father tells him that three presents are waiting in his room. Once Christopher walks into his room.. he finds three women sitting on his bed. One blonde, one brunette, and one redhead.

Christopher looks at the women.. all of them in their late teens, to early twenties. Each woman has large breasts, and are wearing very tight-fitting clothes.

"Umm.. who are you ladies?"

The redhead speaks up. "We're a present from your father."

"We hear that you.. want to become a real man." The blonde approaches him, touching his crotch. Instantly, Christopher feels himself getting hard. "You want us to help you with that?"

Christopher speaks nervously. "Well.." Christopher is interrupted by a wet kiss from the blonde. "Shhhh.." she places her finger on his lips, and nods to the brunette.

"I'm Roxy. My redheaded friend is Destiny, and our brunette is Crystal."

Crystal takes out a kit from her bag.. handcuffs, a whip, and other items.

"Just sit back.. and enjoy it." Roxy pushes Chris into the chair, as Crystal gets down on the ground.. restraining his legs to the chair. She lets out her tongue, and slides it up Christopher's leg. He gaps softly, and closes his eyes. Roxy takes out her breasts, and sits on Chris's lap, moving her rock-hard nipples into Christoper's open mouth. Meanwhile Crystal finally pulls off Christopher's pants, and boxers.. grabbing onto his cock with force. As Christopher kisses and pulls on Roxy's nipples, Crystal takes Chris's cock into her mouth, licking and sucking.

As the two women pleasure Chris, Destiny gets down on the floor, and lifts up Crystal's skirt. She puts her head right under Crystal's lower area, and begins licking her.

Crystal moans, as she continues to suck Chris's cock.

"Alright bad boy.. it's time for your punishment." Roxy unties Chris, pushing him onto the bed. She grabs the whip, and whips him.. putting herself ontop of him. Meanwhile Crystal and Destiny go at it on the floor, french kissing each other.

Chris flips himself over, as Roxy grabs onto his cock.


Chris nods, and thrusts himself into Roxy, as she rides him up and down, moaning.

Destiny climbs onto the bed, and plants herself over Chris's face, letting him eat her out. She screams, as his tongue touches, and licks her pussy. Crystal watches, pleasuring herself with both hands.

Roxy looks into Chris's eyes, as Destiny pulls Roxy away. "My turn. Fuck me in the ass."

Destiny spreads herself out, and Chris fucks her doggy style. "Spank me hard! HARDER!"

Chris grabs the whip, and whips her, as Destiny screams in ecstasy.

Roxy and Crystal get into position, and eat each other out.. their sighs of pleasure filling the room.

Christoper yells, and climaxes in the ass of Destiny, collapsing next to her, as both Roxy and Crystal, lick and fight over the cum out of Destiny's ass.

All of this happening.. while Christopher's father, was listening outside the room.

Christopher cleans up, after thinking back upon last nights events. He zips himself up, and leaves the bathroom.

Later that evening, school is over. Chris walks down the halls, keeping his head low, passing by and bumping shoulders with other students. Everyone is in a rush to leave the school. Christopher glances across the hall, and someone catches his eye. It's a teenage girl. She stares back at him, as if time pauses.. but that moment is broken quickly, and Chris keeps walking. Little does he know, that was Kennah. He felt something.. something.. something he doesn't fully understand. Like he has known her his whole life.. even though they never met. Nevertheless, Chris moves on.. and keeps walking.

As Chris walks out the doors.. he notices a black car parked in front of the school. Chris recognizes the man standing by it.. he's well-dressed in a business suit, and tie. This is one of his father's men.

"Christopher, hop in. Your father sent me to pick you up. We're making a stop, before heading home."

Christopher gets into the car, knowing where he is probably going.

Sure enough, after some minutes pass.. the car arrives at the docks.

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Christopher gets out, and is led into his father's warehouse.. where Chris's father waits.

Mr. Moretti is a stern man, and he shows little emotion. Most of his time is spent dodging investigators, and drinking. His family comes last. Mr. Moretti's first name is Vito.

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"My son, come here. I have a job for you."

Christopher walks over, as the other men walk out.

"What kind of job?"

"Nothing too hard. But this will give you some small pay, and you will learn from the bottom up. Just like everyone else."

Christopher looks at the ground.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?"

Vito takes off his sunglasses, and walks over to the window, staring out at the water.

"There's a shipment coming in tonight. Of some valuable merchandise. You're going to help the men sort it, and deliver the merchandise to our dealers, and customers. No big deal. These kind of shipments happen every week. We good here?"

Chris nods.

"Good. I'll see you at the house. While you're waiting, start unloading the other crates of shit around here. It's a mess."

Vito lights a cigarette, and walks off.. getting into a car.

Christopher curses under his breath, and begins lifting the heavy crates.

As night approaches, four men join Christopher at the docks. That's five all together. Christopher is getting impatient. "Where the fuck are they?"

One of the men responds. "Easy kid. Just be patient. The ship will be here. Just wait."

Sure enough, a small ship is seen in the distance. Not a large ship, but a little larger than your standard boat. Big enough to hold a small crew, and some crates.

The ship approaches, and docks at the port.

Two Irish men get off the ship. Both having strong Irish accents, and wearing leather jackets.

"Chrissy.. search them."

"Hello there gentlemen. No need to search us you know. We come peacefully."

Chris searches and pats down both men. "Their clean."

"See? I told ya. Now, just as your boss ordered, twenty-five shipments of plants. It's a nice smoke for sure."

"Twenty-five? ... the fuck! You have what.. fifty on board? I can see it. We were promised fifty. That was our deal."

The Irish man turns cold.

"Now come on gentlemen.. surely we wouldn't get angry over a simple miscalculation. I'm sure if you smoke this out of your ass, you wouldn't need to worry about how much is left."

This was clearly said to annoy the Italian men. Christopher watches.

"Listen here, you little leprechaun. We were guaranteed fifty. Now we get fifty."

The Irish man comes face-to-face with the Italian man. "Or what?"

"Or you and your friend will be sent back to Ireland in a box."

"Oh really now? Is that what you think?" The Irish man whistles.

Suddenly, a gang of Irish thugs come off the ship, armed with AK-47's. They cock their weapons.

The Irish man stands proud. "Time to send a message."

"CHRISSY! RUN!" as the Italian man grabs for his gun, the Irish thugs open fire.

Christopher runs into the warehouse, as blood splatters everywhere.. two of the five mobsters have been shot dead, as the Irish thugs surround the warehouse, searching for the rest.

Christopher sneaks out the front, and looks at the two bodies.. it's the first time Chris has ever seen a dead body. His hands shake, as he picks up a gun.. and walks around the warehouse corner.


"Hey! Who fired? Did you kill one of the Guineas?" The Irish man runs over, and finds one of his own thugs.. dying. Bleeding to death from a gunshot wound to the back.

"Son of a bitch! One of our men is down! FIND THOSE GUINEAS! KILL THEM!"

Christoper hides around the corner, gun in hand. His heart pounds. This.. is providing him a rush.. it's addicting.

Christopher walks into a dark warehouse, hiding within the shadows. The only sound.. is slow dripping water. More gunshots are heard outside. It appears the rest of the Italian men, and the Irish thugs, have killed each other. One Irish man remains.. the man who was leading the charge. And Christopher is the only Italian man left in the warehouse. The Irish man picks up a gun. "You know, this has to end eventually.. I don't want to kill a teenage boy. But I'm afraid.. I won't have a choice."

The sound of a gun being cocked is heard.

"I'm not a boy. I'm a man."

Christopher was hiding behind the Irish man. He shoots the Irish man in the back, and watches him fall to the ground. Chris stands over him, as the man coughs up blood.

"Please.. don't do this. You're only a young man.. you are not a killer."

"Now you beg for your life, like a poor half-dead insect."

"This was all a misunderstanding.. you are not apart of this war."

"You killed people I know. You broke my father's deal.. This is for them. And.. it seems I am now apart of this war."

Chris shoots and kills the Irish man.

Later that evening, Chris walks into his father's mansion. His father is sitting at the table.

"I know what happened."

Christopher walks over to the table, and places a gun on the table. His father looks at the gun, then back at Chris.

"I had to do what I had to do. For our family."

Vito stands up, speechless.

"I think maybe I should be working.. elsewhere in the organization. I may have some undiscovered talents. I think I learned of those talents tonight."

Vito looks at his son. "After what you proved tonight.. I agree. What are you going to do now?"

"I think we should talk.. about getting revenge on those Irish bastards."

#3 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:57 AM

Kennah is sitting in her room with Alice and Violet when they hear noises downstairs, slamming, banging, screaming. Kennah tilts her head to the side confused, as they all go silent hoping to catch what's going on.
"I have to see what happened, are you girl coming?" Kennah askes jumping off her bed and heads into the hall way peering over the balcony at her father who stands in the parlor, surrounded by some of his soldiers  including Violet and Alice's dads. Kennah looks around seeing her mom hugging Violet's mom while Alice's sits there quietly. Kennah turns back around looking at Alice and Violet.
"What the hell is going on?"
Before thinking twice Kennah marches into the hall quickly flying down the stairs. She looks around paniced. Her eyes go wide and start to tear up.
"What are you not telling me?"
Kennah starts bawling covering her face with her hands. She looks around for the familiar faces of her brother Mathias , her cousin Lenny and her uncle Bernard.  Her eyes scan the group of men looking back at her with big light eyes filled with sorrow, and others avoiding her face all together. She gasps walking up to her father and punching his arm.
"Tell me its not true!? Where are they?"

No answer, everyone in the room is silent. Her father stares coldly down at her, his jaw clenched. She shakes her head walking backwards slowly, she trips on a step to the stair case and hits the wall. Kennah slowly slips down her butt hitting the floor, feeling sick to her stomach instantly.
"No...no no no...please no." She covers her face trying to hold back the tears spilling out of her green eyes.  She hears someone in the room move, she feels the heat of someone's body as they sit down next to her. Someone lifts Kennah's hand and holds it tight. She looks up and sees her mother holding her, her father has a hand on her mother's shoulder lightly his face racked with pain, anger and furiousity.
"Those fucking hoodlums! " She screams at the top of her lungs, burying her face in her mother's shoulder. She starts shaking with sobs which brings her mother's tears back, she strokes Kennah's hair with her hands gently.
"It'll be okay baby."
Kennah lifts her head and shakes it looking at her, she tucks a lock of shoulder length brown hair behind her ear looking into her mother's eyes. She swallows hard.
"No its not mommy, they are gone forever...ill never see my brother, or my uncle or my cousin again...i loved them mom....why them?"
Her sister stands in the doorway to the kitchen, Peter holding her hand whileHarry is standing next to him; their faces stone solid and harsh.  Alice and Violet sit there silently their heads bowed tears dripping from their noses.

Friday, 5 o-clock

I get off of classes early pretending to have a stomach ache and meet the girls in the girl's bathroom.
"I'm nervous about this rumble thing, i'm like cracving weed right now."
Alice says biting her bottom lip and tapping her foot. Kennah nods pulling a little bottle filled with weed out of her bag, shakes it a little then drops it back into her tote bag.
"Alright lets get out of her then, lets go to the park where the rumble is supposed to be." Violet says looking outside at the campus.
They all agree and head out, when they reach the park the girls sit down on a bench in the middle of the park, Kennah pulls my weed out and start breaking it up into my pipe. The girls silently watch me breaking it  as the boys head up there. Ariel sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder sadly.
"Are you okay Kennah?" Kennah nods her head putting her pipe to her mouth and taking a big hit, she takes another hit, this time a little smaller then hands her pipe and lighter over to Violet. Violet takes a few hits handing the stach to Alice. The pipe goes around the circle three more times as Candy, Peter and Hary walk up. Kennah hands the pipe to her sister who declines.

"Not right now Kennah thank you, the rumble should start any moment now." Instantly guys in thick black jackets stried over to our table, Kennah looks through the crowd of guys and spots the guy from the other day, she smiles at hit, he looks up at her his face cold and serious. Kennah frowns and looks away. He continues to stare at her until someone breaks the silence.
"So you bitches showed up?"
Harry says as they Reach the table.  The boy staring at Kennah pushes past some of the older guys and approached my table standing directly in front of me. Peter and Harry tense up. I look down then back up, my eyes locking with his. He shakes his head breaking contact with my eyes then backs up a few paces.
"C'mon tough guys....plenty of me to go around."

Kennah looks around nervously, as the boys start to follow him into a clearing.


Edited by Leilah Dawn, 05 August 2012 - 05:58 AM.

#4 Nick


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 09:09 PM

Christopher glances at the others. Both rival gangs just stare at each other. One of the men whispers to Chris. "I have a plan."

This man is known as Michael. He is one of Chris's best friends. They grew up together from an early age. Sadly Michael's parents were both killed in a car accident when he was ten. After he became orphaned, Mr. Moretti took him in. Michael is not full Italian, and instead is actually part Irish, and Italian. Though his Irish history was never told to any of the Moretti's, in fear they would treat him differently. Michael is a bit of a hot head, and has actually worked his way high up into the organization, despite being young, and not full-blooded Italian (a big secret he is carrying).

Christopher glances at Mike.

"What's the plan?" he whispers quietly, to not arouse suspicion.

"The girl." Michael replies. "You grab the girl. We'll take care of the rest."

Christopher's stomach falls to the floor. "What?"

Mike replies very calm, and serious. Don-like speaking qualities are his strong-suit. "The girl could be very useful to us. It could give us an advantage in this war. Even cause a cease-fire. Do it."

"Which one?"

Mike replies. "You know which one."

Harry speaks up.

"So are we going to do something or not? Or are you just going to fucking stand there, whispering to each other."

"Oh don't worry. We're just getting prepared." as Mike speaks, he flicks a hunting knife out of his pocket.

Harry looks at the knife, and a ball of saliva can be seen in Harry's neck.. he's nervous.

"You scared.. maybe worried about what could happen here?" says Michael, in a don-like tone.

Christopher looks at Mike, concerned.

Harry replies back. "Your people killed three members of our family."

"And YOU'RE people led us into a trap. We were fucked. What did you think we were going to do? What were we supposed to do? Light up, smoke the pot, and sing Kumbayah, while holding hands? Fuck you and your family, you little freckled weasel.

Peter takes out a baseball bat from his bag. "Pick on him one more time. I dare you."

Michael just smirks. "Boy's, let's teach these little amateurs a lesson."

Michael nods to Chris, as both sides clash with each other. As Kennah reaches into her pocket for something, she feels someone pick her up. She screams and kicks, as Christopher runs off with her.

Michael whispers to his men, to guard Chris, making sure the Irish gang doesn't notice their missing girl.

As the gangs clash, Chris carries Kennah off into the woods.

"Let me go! Now!"

Christopher continues to run, pulling Kennah along.

"Listen, this will go alot easier if you just cooperate with me. I don't want a full-blown war as much as you do. And you.. are our bargaining chip. I don't want to do th.. AAAAAARGH!"

Chris let's go of Kennah, and grabs his hand. A very frisky Kennah has bit Christopher's hand.

"That little witch! Get back here!"

Chris chases Kennah through the woods, passing by trees, stones, and the usual scenery. Christopher knows shooting Kennah is out of the question, and injuring her is as well. Eventually, Christopher catches up her.

He leaps, and jumps on her, holding her down.

Chris is now ontop of her, as they rumble back and forth, Kennah trying to scratch Christopher's face.

"Alright! Enough! Enough!"

Kennah stops.

"God damn it.. you're feisty." Chris tries to catch his breath.

Kennah just stares into Christopher's eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't want to do this."

"Then why did you? Bastard." Kennah mumbles to herself.

"... Because we need power. We need stability. We need a bargaining chip."

"And because someone told you to kidnap me?"

Chris just stares at Kennah, still ontop of her.

"I'm not a follower."

"You're different. You're not like the others. Why?"

Chris thinks. "Maybe because I have a soul?"

"Having a soul isn't going to get you anywhere. Not in this area of the world. Now.. if you have a soul.. let me go."

"I can't do that."

"Screw you."

Chris is getting annoyed. "Look.. we're going to get in that car. One way or another. There is no other option."

"Don't be like the others."

Kennah looks into Christopher's eyes.

They stare at each other for a few seconds, when suddenly Christopher leans down and kisses her. He lingers for a few seconds, then pulls back up. Kennah opens her eyes.

"Alright.. let's go."

Kennah just looks at Chris, as he gets up, pulling her up, and carrying her to the car.

"Why did you do that?" asks Kennah.

Christopher opens the trunk. "I don't know."

Kennah looks at the car.

"Get in."

"The trunk? Hell no." Kenna glares at Christopher.

"Look.. rule number one in kidnapping someone, is always put them in the trunk. I don't trust you."

"But you trusted me enough to kiss me."

Chris just stares at her.

"Get in the trunk."

Kennah gets into the trunk.

"Happy n.."

Before Kennah can finish, Christopher slams the trunk closed. Kennah begins to kick and scream, also cursing. But her voice is muffled, so no one else can hear her.

Christopher gets into the car, and starts it up.

He drives (despite not having a license) back to the Moretti Compound.

Friday, 6 o-clock

Chris walks into the compound, after parking the car in the garage.

Chris goes into the kitchen for a drink, when he hears the front door open. Michael and the rest of the gang run in, some having bruises, and ripped clothes, but no serious injuries.

"Who won?" Christopher asks, as he opens a soda.

"No one. A draw. Well, at least for now. We beat it just in time, while they were looking for Kennah. In a few minutes, we'll get someone to deliver a ransom note. Where's the girl?"

"Out in the garage. In the trunk."

"The trunk? What the fuck? You some kind of serial killer now?

"Give me a break alright! I've never kidnapped someone before. I only know what I see on television."

Mike stares at Christopher. "Alright boys, since this batchagaloop left little Kennah in the car, why don't you go pay her a visit? Just be gentle."

Christopher watches the men heading towards the garage.


The men stop, and Mike approaches Chris.

"You have a problem?"

"Look.. she's our hostage. Our bargaining chip. We need her."

Mike smiles, and laughs. "Oh come on Chrissy, we're not going to kill her! Stop thinking so evil. All the boys are going to do, is have a little fun with her. The only thing we could do bad to her, is break her in. Maybe make her bleed."

As Mike laughs, Christopher grabs Michael, and holds him over the sink.

"Hey HEY! Break it up!" the men scream. "BACK AWAY!" Christopher yells, as the men back away.

Michael looks at Chris.

"What the fuck? You have a thing for her or something?"

Chris replies. "It's not good business. Just leave her alone."

"Or what?"

Christopher punches Michael, knocking one of his teeth out. It lands in the sink with a loud clank.

Chris lets go of Michael, as he tries to regain his footing.

Michael points at Christopher. "You.. punched me? You.. PUNCHED ME?! You are making a big mistake. You never.. EVER.. go against us. This counts going against us. Wait til your father hears about this."

Christopher walks up to Mike, right in his face. He whispers. "Go ahead. And I'll tell my father all about you being a mixed breed."

Michael's smirk changes into a pale emotion-less stare.

"I know the truth about you. So let's not ruin our friendship over this. You do as I say, and you keep your power. Don't do as I say.. and you will be ten feet under. Now.. call off your men. Send them home."

Michael looks at Chris. He then thinks.. and speaks.

"Guys, on second thought, go home for the night. It's getting late. We'll take care of the hostage."

"You sure Mike?"


Christopher smiles. "Now was that so hard?"

Michael gives Chris an angry look, and follows the men out the front door, slamming it closed.

Michael begins writing up the ransom note outside, as Christopher heads into the garage.

Christopher opens the trunk.

"What the fuck?"

The trunk is empty.

As Christopher looks around, he feels something heavy on the back of his neck, and he instantly falls to the ground. Kennah stands over Chris, fire extinguisher in hand.

"Sorry. Had to do this."

Chris tries to stand up.

"This girl is going to be interesting.. I can already.. gah.. feel it." Christopher rubs his neck.

With Kennah in the empty compound, and Christopher in the garage.. she has many opportunities. Chris tries to stand up, and tries to follow Kennah.

#5 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 10:48 PM

I take off running into the house. I hear voices by the doorway so I slowly creep up the staircase, once i reach the landing I quickly sneak into a closet in the hallway. I can hear people walking up the staircase talking...about me. I crack the door to the closet and put my ear up against the opening. I hear the DON's voice, he's talking to someone.
"Father, yes we have the hostage, she's in the trunk."
It was Christopher's voice, I silently gasp, I see Chris momentarily glance at the closet. I step back further into the closet hiding behind clothes and jackets. I know that he can't make a big scene because his father would find out that his son lied about me being in the trunk. I sit on the floor in the far back corner of the closet. The voices go silent, only one.
"I'm going out, business deal, i'm proud of you my boy."
The stairs creak under his father's feet. I hold my breath hoping he'll forget that he heard a noise from the closet. Blindling light glares in the closet as the door is thrown open. A grining Chris is standing in the door way. He raises an eye brow at me still smiling.
"Hey beautiful." He says taking a step closer to me.
I look around frantically for something to hit him with when he shuts the door behind him pushing me lightly against the wall. He lifts my face, his big hand under my chin, i lose my breath, i feel butter flies in my stomach. He presses his rather strong body against mine, I blush backing into the wall as the bulge in his pants presses against my private area. He lifts his hands to my hair, his other hand tracing over my curves not knowing where to touch me first. His lips find mine as he slides his hand between my legs rubbing my crotch lightly. I jump back and fall to the ground. He bends low and lowers himself ontop of me grinding the bulge in his pants over me. He slips his hand up my dress feeling my legs and my ass. He hesitates his hands on the band of her panties. She looks into his eyes which are filled with unshed tears.

"Please...please don't...i'm not ready for that yet..."
Just her saying that made Chris want to touch her even more, however, for the time being he needs to be patient, he'll have all the time in the world to taste this sassy little flavor . He nods standing and helping her to her feet.
"I'm sorry." He blurts, "I really couldn't help myself. Your just...really...."
The closet door opens and there stands Christopher's brother Vin. Vin has a huge grin on his face taking in the small girl before him, locked in a closet with his younger brother.
"Damn mama..."
Vin raises his eye brow at Chris. "So you went along with my idea, keeping her as our sex slave?"
Christopher rolls his eyes taking her hand and leading her to a small room, with no windows. I walk in looking around. I sit on the bed and look up at Chris. He frowns sitting on the bed, he pulls out a pair of handcuffs (little do i know its the ones that he used during the three way.) He cuffs her tiny wrists to the bed post. Looking at her a small cute redhead scared cuffed to the bed, his pants begin to rise thinking about so many things he could do to her now, instead he stands, smiles at her slightly and leaves her in the room.

I sit there staring at him he leaves the room, thinking about nothing other than him touching me...that first touch was electrifying and i want his hands all over me again. I lay down on the bed slipping my hand under my dress and i do something i have never done before, i start touching myself thinking about Chris. I moan into the pillow as I begin to climax.

Edited by Leilah Dawn, 05 August 2012 - 10:53 PM.

#6 Nick


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 11:54 PM

The phone rings. Chris goes downstairs to answer it. Meanwhile Vin and Michael wait by the stairs.

"Alright, that gives up time. Let's go." whispers Michael, to Vin.

Michael and Vin walk into the room where Kennah is being held. They close and lock the door. Michael approaches her. "So it appears Chris has taken an interest in you.. I can see why. Tell me sweetie.. are you a virgin?"

Kennah doesn't answer.

Michael smiles at Vin.

"I take that as a yes then. That makes you even more sexy." He touches her hair, as she turns away. She's slightly disgusted by these men. "Oh come on Kennah.. be a good girl for us."

The prostitute across the room looks at Kennah, and mouths the words "Do what they say."

Vin walks over, and sits next to Kennah. He puts his hand on her thigh, and runs his fingers up her dress. "Hey Mike.. she's wet. Really wet.

Michael looks at Kennah. "Having fun without us huh?" Mike slaps Kennah. "That's a bad girl. You only have fun when we're in the room." Speaking of which..

Michael forces himself on Kennah, sticking his tongue in her mouth. Vin continues to finger her, while with the other hand feeling up her breasts.

Both men continue to molest her for a few minutes, when there's a knock on the door. Chris's voice is heard. "Open the goddamn door. That was Rachele on the phone. She's coming back from her trip."

Rachele is the oldest sister to Chris and Vin. She is often away on "trips", and it's unclear why she disappears.

Chris gets out his keys, and finds a special key to the room. He unlocks the door, and sees the molestation going on.

Vin looks up at Chris. "Want to join us?"

Chris glares at Vin. "Beat it. Go downstairs, and wait for sis to arrive. And Mike.. get lost."

Both men angrily leave the room.

Chris looks at the prostitute. "These guys are so stupid.. they do it in front of a witness too. You, in the other room. Now."

Chris uncuffs the prostitute, and moves a picture frame on the wall, revealing another secret room.. this one dark, with chains on the walls. Chris chains the prostitute, and closes the secret room.. leaving just Chris and Kennah in the main room.

Kennah looks at Chris, closing her legs.

Christopher walks over to the door, and locks it.

Kennah looks at Chris again. "What are you going to do to me?" Chris replies. "I want you. And I'm going to have you."

"But.. I'm.. I'm.."

"I know. But you won't be, once I'm done with you." Chris replies.

Christopher gets onto the bed, and ontop of Kennah. He kisses her passionately, forcing his hands up her dress. Kennah tries to fight him, kicking. Chris just grabs her legs, and holds them in the air, ripping open her dress, and kissing her breasts.. biting her neck.. and having his way with her.

Chris pulls off her panties, and throws them on the floor. Kennah doesn't know whether to fight, or give in. His fingers going inside of her, feeling her.. wet.

He rips her dress into pieces, kissing and licking her body. He moves two fingers in and out of her, fast. She continues to fight, Chris restraining her. As she tries to kick him, he kisses her foot.. as Kennah gasps. She begins to give in to temptation, and looks into Christopher's eyes.

Kennah makes a bold move, and kisses Chris, as he continues to finger her. Chris sticks his tongue in her mouth, and then bites her neck, moving down her body. His mouth finds it's way down to her lower area. He licks and kisses her pussy, as Kennah grabs onto the sheets. She lets out a loud moan, this sensation is new to her. He continues to eat her out.. with Kennah panting.

Then Chris repositions himself. He strips off his pants, and his boxers. Christopher moves one of Kennah's hands onto his throbbing cock. At first, she moves her hand back.. Chris making sure she keeps her hand there, with force. But then.. Chris let's go, and Kennah strokes his cock.. it's growing rock hard. She's never felt this.. or anything like this.. before.

Kennah speaks. "Give it to me."

Chris gets ontop of Kennah, and shoves his chock into Kennah's mouth, sliding it in and out. Kennah resists at first, choking. But then she embraces it, sucking and licking.

After a few minutes, Chris pulls out of her mouth.. and lowers himself. He looks into Kennah's eyes. Kennah's worried thoughts have gone.. her thoughts are instead filled with lust.

Kennah looks at Christopher. "Fuck me."

Christopher thrusts himself into Kennah, breaking her hymen. Kennah yells out in pain, and pleasure, as Chris pounds her, in and and out, throwing her legs over his shoulders. Kennah wraps her legs around the back of his neck, as Christoper fucks her, while kissing her rock-hard nipples.

Kennah's legs move in the air, Chris kissing and biting her legs and feet, in complete ecstasy.

Chris pulls out, and turns Kennah over, he lines himself up.. and thrusts himself into her ass, with no lube. She yells in pain, gasping with the mixed emotions. "Spank me.. hard.. I've been a bad girl.." Kennah bites her lip.

Christopher spanks her repeatedly, and fucks her in the ass. After some minutes go by, Christopher pulls out, and cums all over Kennah's back.. he yells out in ecstasy, finally climaxing. Kennah catches her breath, and looks over her shoulder at him.


Rachele walks into the mansion.

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Michael and Vin walk out of the kitchen.

"Hey Rachele! It's been a long time!" Mike says, as he hugs her. Vin also walks over, and gives his sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You have to stop disappearing Rachele."

Rachele smiles. "I'm busy guys. You know. So, where's Chris? And Pop?"

"Chris is busy upstairs, and Pop will be here shortly. Let's go into the kitchen." Mike says with a smile. The family is together. Well, except for Pop's wife (Vin, Chris, and Rachele's mother).

Christopher finally comes downstairs, and greets his sister. Meanwhile Vito comes home, and everyone prepares for a nice meal.



"Who the fuck is that? Chrissy, go get the door." says Vito.

Christopher walks over to the font door, and opens it.. shocked at who is standing there.

Posted Image

"Mom?" says a stunned Christopher.

"In the flesh. Now, where's the deadbeat father of the year?" Chris's mother lights a cigarette, and walks into the mansion.

"Oh god.." Christopher's stomach turns.

This is Connie. The very rich, very sophisticated mother of Chris, Vin, and Rachele. Also the wife of Vito. Mrs. Moretti.

Connie barges right into the mansion. "Where are they?"

Chris gulps. "In the kitchen."

"Thank you."

Chris just repeats himself. "Oh god.."

Connie barges right into the kitchen.

"Mom!" Rachele jumps up, and hugs her mother.

"Connie? What the fuck are you doing here?!" yells an angry and pissed off Vito.

"I heard Rachele was back in town. I figured this was the perfect opportunity for this family to air it's dirty laundry. Get it all out in the open! Right Vito? You don't have any dark secrets.. right?"

Meanwhile Upstairs, Kennah is trying to break free, Christopher's mess still on her back, causing her back to become very sticky. Kennah looks at the handcuffs. They are sticky as well. "Must have been used recently.. for some kind of sex game or something." Kennah notices the bed post is thin.. she begins to move the handcuffs upwards, trying to slide them off the bed post. BUT.. a decorative ball is at the top. Kennah looks around the room, and notices a high-heel shoe.

Meanwhile Downstairs..

"Go ahead. What kind of shit do you have to spill now? You're a piece of work. I gave you everything. EVERYTHING. You were nothing but a cheap whore when I met you!" Vito yells.

"And you were a perverted bastard. And you still are!" replies Connie.

"And let me guess.. you're fucking some other guy now? Does he make you happy? Good. Let me write him a thank you letter. To thank him for taking you off my hands." says a rather smug Vito.

Connie is pissed. "Why don't you tell your family what you did. Why don't you tell them why I left?"

Vito isn't saying anything.

Meanwhile Upstairs, Kennah is listening to the entire war downstairs, while also trying to break free. She grabs the shoe from the floor, and uses the high-heel to whack the decorative ball off the bed post. It rolls onto the floor. With one quick swipe up, the handcuffs slip off the bed post.. Kennah is free. She heads over to the picture frame.. considering opening the secret room, and saving the prostitute.

Back downstairs..

Connie stares at Vito. "If you're not going to tell them, I will."

"Fine. Listen kids.. you're mother.. she blows things out of proportion."

"Did you cheat on her?" asks Chris.

"Not technically. I had some people roleplay for me. People I hired. That's all." replies Vito.

Connie buds in. "You didn't tell them the good part. They were roleplaying your family. You had them roleplaying incest, you sick bastard!"

Connie picks up wine glass, and throws it at Vito.

"Get the hell out of my house!" yells Vito.

"This is my house. I'll burn it to the damn ground Vito! Watch me! Better yet, watch your daughter. Tell her about your sexual fantasies! You perverted old fuck!" screams Connie.

Vito holds his head.

"Dad.. is it true?" asks Rachele.

"Honey, it was nothing more than a fantasy. I wasn't going to actually do it. Connie is blowing this out of proportion." Vito glares at Connie.

"Also Vito.. just so you know.. my lawyer is bringing you the divorce papers tomorrow. If any of you want to see me, I'll be at the hotel." Connie storms out, leaving the family speechless.

The kitchen is quite.

Christopher gets up from the table, and walks into the other room.

"Well.. I think I'll call it a night. It's getting late." Mike throws his napkin on the table, and heads into the other room. Despite only being a friend to the family, he does sometimes stay in the house.

Later that night, Vito sits in on the edge of his bed, taking his watch and rings off.

Rachele stands in the doorway, wearing her lingerie. "Dad?"

"Yeah?" asks Vito.

"While we're admitting stuff tonight.. can I admit something?" asks Rachele.

"Of course".

"I started drinking. Alot. And as you can tell by my slur, I had some earlier tonight. Before I came for dinner." Rachele sits on the bed next to Vito. He glances at her bare feet, and up her glossy legs.

"Why do you drink?" asks Vito.

"Well, it's fun sometimes. I've been with so many guys.. even with three guys at once the other night. I wouldn't do that kind of stuff when I'm sober. Only when I'm drunk. When I'm drunk, I do stuff I normally wouldn't do."

Vito looks at his daughter. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I can understand your fantasy. It's normal. But needless to say, it's something I wouldn't do.. normally. But when I'm drunk, I would do it."

"Rachele.. what are you saying?" asks Vito.

"I'm drunk." replies Rachele.

Rachele leans in, and kisses her father on the lips.. pulling back seconds later.

Vito looks at his daughter. "Just sit back."

Vito lifts up one of his daughter's legs, and kisses her foot.. eventually putting some of toes in his mouth. Rachele moans softly, putting her head back, while massaging her breasts.

He kisses her toes, and her foot, up her leg. He then runs his hands up her legs.. as Rachele slowly spreads them.. Vito's hands running right over her crotch.

Rachele looks at her father. "When was the last time you saw me down there?"

"It's been years." replies Vito.

"I've grown." Rachele smiles seductively.

Vito lifts up the lingerie, and looks at his daughter's pussy. He touches the folds of her pussy, Rachele moaning. Vito leads down, and starts eating her out. Rachele lays back onto the bed, moaning in ecstasy. "Oh dad, oh daddy."

After a few minutes, Vito stands up.. and lowers his pants. Then his boxers. In front of Rachele, is her father's cock. The cock that helped bring her into this world. She looks at it.. the aroma hitting her. Rachele can't resist, the lust filling her. She opens her mouth, and slides the cock into her mouth, licking and sucking her father's rock-hard cock.

Meanwhile out in the hall, Chris walks past the rooms.. he stops by the room where Kennah is being held. He unlocks the door, and finds her gone. "Son of a.."

Christopher looks down the hall, and notices his bedroom door slightly open. Chris walks down the hall, and into the room. He finds a naked Kennah (because Chris ripped her dress) laying on his bed.

Christopher closes the door. "How did you get out.. oh wait, I shouldn't ask. But more importantly.. you escaped. Why didn't you leave the compound? Why did you come in here..?"

Kennah looks at Chris. "What is going on between us? Is there something going on?"

Christopher paces back and forth. "I don't know. You're my hostage.. you're a member of the rival family.. the Don's daughter for god's sake.."

"No. I'm not your hostage. I'm their hostage. But.. the question is.. do you want me?"

Kennah stands up, and walks over to Chris. "I've never felt like this before."

Chris looks into her eyes. "I want you."

Kennah reples. "Then fuck me."

After another round with Kennah in his room, Chris walks out into the hall.. to head to the bathroom. Suddenly, he hears moaning. Chris stops.. and walks over to his father's bedroom. He can see, from the slightly open door, that his sister.. and father.. are in the middle of something sexual.. both of them naked.

Chris looks away, in disbelief. He quickly goes back into his bedroom, where Kennah waits.

#7 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:29 AM

I looks into Chris' eyes taking his hands. I sit there quietly with him, waiting for him to mention it, mention what he just witnessed. What i just heard through the vents. His father is sleeping with his older sister, their mother wasn't lying. There must be more to the story, more dark secrets within this insane perverted family. Not Chris though, he was different. I look up into his big brown eyes he looks hurt, and very sensitive right now. I've never seen him like this. I stroke his hair gently. I cup his chin in my hands and lean in kissing him gently. He slowly lays me on the bed lifting my shirt with his fingertips. I shiver as i feel his lips going up my skin kissing every inch of my stomach and chest. Chris smiles pulling me into his arms and resting his chin on my shoulder laying down.
"Kennah, i don't know what it is about you, but you have me weak. I can't hurt you, i want you all to my self...i feel a little..i don't know possesive."
I smile wraping his arms around my waist, my fingers laced through his. I lean my face down my lips brushing his thumbs.
"I don't know either, maybe its my fiesty attitude, or maybe the fact that we are like forbidden."
He pulls me closer to him cuddling with me, he snuggles his face between my shoulder and chin. I giggles pulling away from him. He grabs my ankles and pulls me up to him I scream playfully kicking him,i tackle him bouncing on his lap playfully. He smacks my ass and I give a yelp before climbing off of him.  I smile at him sitting at the edge of the bed. He stares at me, slowly looking me up and down a big grin on his face.
"What?" I say laughing a little.
He bites his lip looking at me and shakes his head slowly.
"You're just about the most adorable thing i've ever seen in my life..."
I smile blushing, I slowly stand up and stand in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my forhead against his, he cups my cheek and brings my lips to his, as soon as his bedroom door opens he snakes his hand through my hair and pulls it tight. I scream out in pain.
"What the hell Christopher!"
I say trying to fight back, he hungrilly brings my lips to his biting hard on mine. I scream out again and kick him in the stomach. I stand up and as he tries to approach me I slap him hard in the face. He stumbles backwards alittle and sits down hard on the bed. Vito stands in the door way. He grabs me by the hair and starts pulling me to the holding room. He sees me standing there buttnaked and crying, his eyes linger on my budding breasts, and he glances several times at my other private areas. He slams the door shut and heads down the stairs. I lock the door to the holding room, running over to the bed; I fling myself onto it and start bawling.

A few hours later there's a knock on the holding room door. I sit there quietly my legs pulled to my chest. Another knock. I refuse to answer, instead i sit there spacing out staring at a wall. A few seconds later he walks in the key in his hand. My facial expression doesn't change. Chris stands there staring at me for a long time.
"Kennah, i'm....so sorry...i didn't...mean."
I tune him out, tears streaming down my face. He reaches over to put his hand on my cheek and i flinch away from him. He drops his head and sits there silently.
"Kennah, i had to, i didn't want them to know that we are on friendly terms."
I force a smile, deciding that maybe if he thinks i forgive him that he'll leave me alone. I nod my head slowly.
"You know what Chris, your right i'm just over reacting....sorry."
He leans in and kisses my lips gently, kisses my nose and last but not least lightly on my forehead.  He stands up and looks back at me.
"Don't worry Kennah, i'll fix this....i want to make us official....i feel something with you."
I smile and nod. You know what, maybe I should just give him another chance, he hasn't hit me ever before that...and...if he ever hits me again, i'll just tell my father. My father will take care of his punk ass, any guy that tries to lay a hand on me.

In the middle of the night  the door opens and shuts. I sit up, half asleep and look around. I see Chris standing over my bed pulling off his boxers. I lift up my blanket allowing him into my bed. He kisses me while stroking my legs with his rough big hands. I feel his hands travel up my thighs cupping both of my buttcheeks in his hands. He squeezes them a little while he passionatly kisses me, grinding his naked body against mine. I feel him again start to get hard. I crawl under the blankets and take his growing man hood into my small hands. I kiss the head of his penis, pressing it against my soft lips. I open my mouth slightly and lick around the head, continue looking my way down the length of his penis then slowly put it in my half opened mouth. I slide it down my throat, realizing then and there that I have no gag relexes. I continue to deep throat Chris, i can hear his moaning above. He wraps his strong arms around my waist pulling me above the covers again. He sits up over me and liftsmy leg in the air. He strokes my legs with his big hands.
"Your skin is so soft." He says kissing my knee.
"And you smell great." He mutters kissing the insdie of my knee.
He lowers his head down under the blankets spreading my shaking legs. He looks up into my face and smirks.
"Are you nervous sweetie?" He askes rubbing two of his fingers over the clit of my vagina. I gulp down my saliva and clutch the sheets on the bed.
I nod my legs tightening up every time he touches my clit. He lowers his head again and begins licking me. I moan and sigh in ecstacy  as i feel this tounge touching everything down there. I bite my bottom lip scraping his back lightly with my finger nails. I pull his face up my body quivering.
"I want you...i NEED you now...please.."
I whisper before sticking my tongue into his mouth and pulling him down ontop of me. He kissing my neck gently as he works his way between my legs and into me. I gasp as he enters, seconds later my body is shaking with pleasure as I move my hips against his. I moan in his ear as he presses himself deeper into me. He lightly nibbles on my neck while he thrusts himself deeper and deeper into me. I pull him out pushing him down onto his back. I slowly sit on it, i grab his hands and direct them to my budding breasts. I slowly move my hips rhythmcly. He moans his eyes locked with mine. I lower the top half of my body kissing him running my tongue over his while i ride him. He runs his fingers through my hair, pulling slightly as if he's asking me to pick up the pace. I sit up and he launches one of my nipples in his mouth. As i ride him harder and faster I feel him lightly chewing and licking on my nipples. He grabs my hips as he gets closer to climaxing. He pulls my hips down faster and harder as he finally lets out a groan, loading me up with his cum. He pulls me down into his arms wrapping me tightly to his chest as he falls asleep. I wake up and he's no longer in bed with me. I'm compleatly naked, with hickies all along my collar bone. I touch one of them smiling.

I lay in bed running my fingers through my hair. Chris comes into the room a nervous look on his handsome face. He looks at me and takes my hands.
"My father would like a word with you, just follow my lead, and don't speak okay?"
I nod my head slowly as he takes my hand and leads me up another flight of stairs, to a lonely large den room. Chris' father Vito is very intimidating, i mean everyone my father's scary. Vito literally scarees the pants off of me, but in his case i don't think he'd mind a view of that. We walk in and Vito smiles at me.
"Hey little girl! You showed up."
I look up at him nervously and force a smile on my face, my big green eyes giving away my fear. He slowly grins at the sight of me.

Edited by Leilah Dawn, 06 August 2012 - 09:34 AM.

#8 Nick


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 10:46 AM

Vito looks at Chris. "She's quite the girl. I assume you've had your fun with her Chrissy?"

Chris nods. "Yeah."

"Good. Because now it's time for the deal to go down. Kennah's family is willing to meet our demands. We'll be traveling to the edge of the city. Neutral territory. No guns, no weapons. We'll make the trade off, and maybe have some peace from a potential growing mob war. But.. if things go bad.. slice her throat."

Chris nods. "Yes father."

"I won't be making the trip. You, Mike, Vin, and Rachele will be going."

"Rachele? Why Rachele?" asks Chris.

"Because she wants to ride along. Be a good brother."

Chris sighs, and nods. "When do we leave?"

"In a few hours. Mike will call you to the car. And Kennah.. thanks for being such a good girl about this. If anything should ever go down.. we'll gladly take care of you."

Kennah wants to spit at Vito, as Chris leads her out of the office.

Chris leads Kennah into the room again. "I'll be back later, just wait here. Okay?" Kennah nods at Chris, as he heads out.. locking the door.

Christopher walks over to Rachele's room, and knocks. "Come in!" he hears her yell. Chris goes into the room, and closes the door. Rachele is sitting on the bed, brushing her hair.. her socks up to her knees. She's dressed up cute, ready to go out.

Rachele asks, "What's up?". Chris stares at her. "I know what you and dad were doing last night."

Rachele turns red, and looks away.. trying to avoid eye contact.. shocked at what her brother has found out. "It wasn't what you think."

"I saw you two. Giving each other oral sex." replies Chris.

"But it was just that okay.. and I was drunk. We didn't do anything else." replies a nervous Rachele.

"Fine. But what the hell am I supposed to do? Forget it ever happened? That our mother was right?" says Chris.

"Yeah. Forget about it. It never happened okay. Just leave it alone. I'm going on this damn meet with the Irish. Let's forget what happened."

Chris listens to Rachele, and leaves the room. He stands out in the hallway.. not able to get that image out of his mind.. he decides to make a bold move. One he's been thinking about since last night.

He goes down to the kitchen, and reaches up into the top cabinet for a small bag. The bag is about the size of a sugar pouch. He empties the pouch into a bottle of beer that he opens. Chris mixes it up, and carries it upstairs, along with a bottle for himself. Once in Rachele's room..

"Rachele, I'm sorry for what happened. Maybe you could have a beer with me? Take the edge off? Before the meet?" asks Chris.

"Well.. I shouldn't be drinking after last night."

"Oh come on. One beer." says an eager Chris.

Rachele smiles. "Okay. One beer with my favorite brother."

Rachele begins to drink the beer.

Within minutes, Rachele begins to slur her words. "Chrissy.. I don't feel so good."

"Just lay back Rachele.. it looks like you won't be going to the meet after all. Just lay back, and enjoy it.. then get some nice rest."

Chris makes sure the door is locked, as he walks over to his sister.

#9 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:39 PM

Rachele looks up into Chris' face a smile playing across her pretty face. She puts her hand on his package and starts massasing it. Chris' nervously looks down at her hand then back up at her. She leans in sticking her tounge in his mouth,

pushing him back on the bed. She starts to un do his zipper and button to his pants she pulls them off leaving him only in his boxers. She begins kissing his junk through the material of his boxers, she slips her panties off and grinds against

his junk, slowly sticking it into her. She looks into his eyes while she rides her little brother, moaning as he enters her deeply. She sticks her tongue back in his mouth while riding him.

"I love you Chris i love you." She moans into his ear, biting his earlobe.

He pushes her off of him and stands up to leave. She lies there in her bed, staring hungrily at him. As he goes down the hall to grab me I sit there quietly on the bed having heard nothing. He sits next to me on  the bed and kisses me


'"We are going to let you go." He says looking into my eyes.

I nod, the happiest i have ever been in my whole life. I was on edge here, afraid of everything.

A few hours later i'm sitting in the back of a limo, Chris on one side of me, and the other guys on another side of me. I look out the windows as we pull up to the designated meeting place. I start breathing heavily. Suddenly I see a group of

people, my father at the head of the group. I see my sister Candy, and my best friends Violet and Alice. I look at Chris and he looks back almost sadly. I smile at him hoping he'd smile back he just stares back coldly at me. I look back down at

my roped up hands and feet.

"It's time."

Says the limo driver looking down at his digital watch. Chris mutters under his breath, getting out of the car and pulling me into his arms holding me like a groom holds his wife on their wedding day. As soon as Vin exits the limo however i'm

handed off to him, he tosses me over his shoulder and struts up to my family, a big grin upon his face.

My father steps ahead of his mob and sees the way i'm being held. A glare presses against his face.

"Put her down."

Vin puts me down, then kickly spanks my butt. My father's glare hardens. I shake my head in disbelief.  Chris stares at me a long time before smiling a little.


I look into his eyes and lightly touch his hand.

"This isn't goodbye."

He smiles before nodding and stepping back.

I smile at him, then run over to my father. My father lightly pushes me behind him into my mother's arms as he motions for the Italian Don to come speak with him.

Within a few minutes things get heated between them and Chris' father  glances at Chris and makes a slitting across his neck motion then motioning towards me. Chris looks at me. He starts heading my way.

I walk over to him telling my mother i was going to go smoke a cigarette i went with him behind the dumpsters.

#10 Nick


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 10:57 PM

As Chris walks over to the dumpers, his father whispers something in his ear. Christopher nods.

Once in back of the dumpster, Kennah looks at Chris. "What's going on?"

"They are trying to reach an agreement.. at least for today. We should wait here." replies Chris.

Christopher looks into Kennah's eyes. "No matter what does down between our families.. I'd still like to see you. If want."

Kennah smiles. "I can't wait."

The families have finally reached a peace agreement for now. In exchange for the return of Kennah, the Irish will pay one-hundred thousand dollars. Both sides also paid the price in blood, after the war on the docks. They agree to end all trading between each other, and decide that drugs and other goods will most likely come from the Russians, and other mob organizations.

Don Vito Moretti calls his son out from the dumpsters. Chris holds Kennah in front of him, holding her arms. He whispers in her ear, during their slow walk. "I think I'm falling for you. And anyone I love, will always be protected. Don't ever worry, because I will be there for you." as Chris speaks, Kennah sighs, enjoying the sensation of his warm breath on her face.

Once near the middle of the meeting place, Chris lets Kennah goes. She runs back to her family.

Vito motions towards the cars, and both families head off. As they walk away, Kennah glances at Chris.. and he looks back at her.

In the car..

"Chrissy.." asks Vito.. "What happened to your sister? She's still at home?"

"Yeah. I think she was drinking again last night." Chris worriedly answers his father's question, and looks out the window.

Back at the compound..

Chrissy stands in the room where Kennah was being held. He looks down at the bed, and notices the wet sheets.. wet from the bodily fluids of their sexual encounter. Chris touches the sheets, and rips them off the bed.. throwing them into the wash basket.

After cleaning up the room.. Christopher takes on last glance, and closes the empty room. He locks it.

Chris walks down the hall to his sister's room. He opens the door, and walks inside.. making sure he closes the door.

Rachele is asleep on the bed, her crotch exposed.. the sheet wet around that area, from this morning's events.

Chris sits down on the bed, and strokes her hair. Rachele wakes up.

"Oooh.. my head. What the hell happened last night?" Rachele glances at Chris. "Chris?"

"Sorry, you didn't make the meet. I think you were drinking again last night." says Christopher.

"Oh god.. no! Not again. I wasn't supposed to drink again. Damn it. I wanted to go to this meeting!" Rachele is clearly frustrated with herself.

"Well, it went down okay. We have a peace treaty for now. By the way.. you remember anything from last night.. this morning?" asks Chris.

"No.. it's all.. blurry. I remember having some kind of strange dream.. and.. wait.. you were in it! I remember you in the dream.. and we were in my room.. then I think I.. oh god!" Rachele jumps up from the bed in disgust. She notices the wet spot on the sheets. Chris glances at the spot.

"Listen sis, I'm not a kid anymore. If you had a great dream.. judging by the spot, it's okay." as Chris rubs her shoulder.

"No. You don't understand.. it felt real.. but.. but.."

"But what?"

"It was you. I was having sex with you." yells Rachele.

Chris looks surprised. "Well, it was just a dream."

"But Chris.. you don't understand.."

"I do. Listen.. what happened between you and dad.. I won't get it. But maybe your brain was on the topic, and I just popped into your mind." calmly replies Chris.

"Yeah, maybe." Rachele looks away. "I'm embarrassed."

"Why?" asks Christopher.

"Because.. I would only do that stuff if I was drunk. So if I drank last night.. I thought maybe it had happened." says a concerned Rachele.

"... What if it did happen? We're two consenting people. Our parents don't have to know. No one is getting hurt. What's wrong with it? We've loved each other for years. What's wrong with showing that love?" as Chris rubs her neck.

Rachele lets out a sigh, as Chris rubs her shoulder. "Chris.. what are you doing?"

"You're sober.. wouldn't you enjoy it if you could actually remember it?" asks Chris.

Rachele turns around, and looks at her younger brother. "This is wrong Chris. It was only a dream."

"It wasn't a dream." replies Chris.

They stare at each other, and then Christopher kisses his sister, pushing her against the wall. Rachele tries to fight him off, as his hands run over her exposed pussy.. he rubs her clit. Rachele begins to moan, her legs quivering. Suddenly, her pussy begins to drip onto the floor. She's as wet as she has ever been. Rachele gives in to temptation, and gets down on her knees. She pulls down her brother's pants, and boxers. She looks up at her brother. "You sure?"

Christopher rams his cock into her mouth, as Rachele chokes. She begins to suck on her brother's hard cock, her fingers running down to her wet pussy.. she is moving her head back and forth hard, loving every minute of it.

Eventually they roll onto the bed, entangled in each other.. Chris kissing and licking her feet, legs, and the rest of her body.

Chris thrusts himself into her, hard.. they rock the bed, moaning and gasping for breath.


Kennah walks into her bedroom, thinking about Chris.. wondering if she will see him again.. maybe he'll secretly come to see her.. via the window.. or maybe some tunnels.. she doesn't know.

A voice calls her from the other room. "Kennah! Dinner!"

#11 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 12:54 AM

I wash up in the bathroom, washing my face, and hands and brushing my hair before heading downstairs for dinner. Alice and Violet have spent the night tonight, for my welcome home party my mother let me have a bunch of friends over and cake (and weed as well.) Later that night Alice, Violet and I lay in my room painting our toenails and finger nails. I have yet to mention the fact that i lost my virginity , especially whom i lost it to. I bite my bottom lip falling onto my back thinking about Chris. Violet and Alice stare at me for about ten minutes before i realize.

"Are you okay Kennah?" Violet askes me quietly.
I look up realizing they were speaking to me.

"What?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear.

"What the hell happened to you there? Why are you so spaced lately, did they smoke you out or some shit?" Alice asks me looking at me.
I look at my bedroom door to make sure no one is around to hear, then i lean in, causing them to do the same. I take a deep breath before speaking again.

"When i was held captaive......Chris and I sorta....we um....he took my virginity...!" I nervously blurt out.
The girls just sit there staring at me their eye open wide their chins hitting the floor. I blush looking at them. I shake my head and fix them with a glare.

"What? It just happened, and don't lie i know you both think he's hot! I'm not a total idiot."
I say trying to cover my tacks. The girls just shake their heads same facial expressions. Alice finally blinks a few times before speaking.

"I just can't believe you lost your virginity, you were supposed to lose it to Violet's brother, you were supposed to lose it to Harry."
I nod my head slowly, bititing my bottom lip as Alice continues to speak.

"You are his Kennah, your not free to be with just whoever you want, your too important, its dangerous that way. You are the  YOUNGEST daughter of one of the most powerful men in the world, top ten your dad is number

I close my eyes taking this all in. I sigh and cover my face with a pillow as she yet again continues to speak.

"You just need to remember that it's your responsibility to marry and have children within the Mafia."

"Well technically.." I begin to speak.

"The IRISH Mafia." She quickly inturrupts.

After the annoying questions, and interagation, the girls wanted to eat ice cream and watch a scary movie. We are laying in my bed the girls passed out when i hear something lightly tap my window. It catches my attention so i stand and look out to see if i can see anyone. Suddenly i hear a noise, and turn to see Alice standing next to me. I glance over at Violet who is sound asleep on my bed. I look back out of the window seeing a boy standing under my tree. I look back at Alice.

Posted Image

"Please i need to speak to him, its i'm important okay?"

Alice rolls her eyes and goes to lay down back on my bed next to Violet, turning my tv on and putting on the movie "Titanic."

I stradle my window sill and climb out my window. I see Chris stand under my window like he plans to catch me. I hop to the tree next to my window, wrapping my legs around the branch. I close my eyes and let myself swing down. I open my eyes and my face is inches from the slick grass. I put my hands down firmly on the ground lifting my legs in a hand stand position. I kick over into a back bend and pull myself up into a standing position. Chris just stares at me his mouth wide open. I shrug my shoulders.

"Gymnastics." I say with a smirk on my face.

Edited by Leilah Dawn, 07 August 2012 - 01:56 AM.

#12 Nick


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 02:44 AM

Chris looks at Kennah. "You trust me?" Christopher puts out his hand.

"Yeah." Kennah smiles, and takes Christopher's hand.

They walk down the street. It's only about a five minute walk from Kennah's house.. when they arrive at a small Italian restaurant. The restaurant is long closed for the night, but Chris opens the door using a key.

"What is this place?" asks Kennah.

"This is a small Italian restaurant I invested in. My family doesn't know about it. Rachele helped me get the funds. Basically I come here to get away. You see, I have an apartment upstairs. Don't have to pay rent or anything. Plus since I usually come after closing, I can raid the kitchen and bar. Come on." Chris leads Kennah into the back. "This place is five minutes from your house, and my house.. a place for us to meet, whenever we want."

Chris opens one of the fridge doors, and takes out some leftover pizza. After heating it up, Christopher leads Kennah upstairs to the small apartment. It's decorated to Chris's liking.. with film posters all around, and other random objects from films. Kennah stops.. something interesting on the wall. It's a massive map of the city, with photos, and lines being drawn all over the map. "I want to be a film writer one day. Maybe if I have the connections, and the funds." says Chris.

Kennah looks at the wall. "What is this?"

"Oh, that?" Chris walks over to her. "That's a map of the city. I keep track who is where, and what they are doing in terms of rival gangs, shipments.. I have to always watch out for myself. After that fatal shooting by the docks, I knew I had to protect myself."

Kennah realizes Chris is pretty smart. Kind of psychopathic brilliant. The only problem.. "Wait, what involvement did you have in that shooting?"

"I was there.. wasn't involved, but I saw what went done. Tried to stay alive." Chris lies, and gets sympathy from Kennah. "Well, maybe we should have something to drink? Anything particular?"

"You're choice. Surprise me." Kennah smiles.

Chris goes downstairs. While he's down there, Kennah looks over the items on Chris's desk.. bullets.. some kind of explosive casings.. blueprints for bombs.. but something else catches her eye. A book. It's titled "Infinitum". The book is filled with pages of writing. But the writing is in some kind of strange code.. like notes. Notes with pictures inside. It's unclear what this book is, and what Chris is doing with it.

Eventually, Chris comes up with a bottle of champagne, and two glasses. "Mmm.. champagne. Nice choice." Kennah laughs.

"Well, let's toast.. to our future."

The glasses clink, and the couple drinks from their glasses.

Chris and Kennah spend awhile talking about their families, and just laying in bed. Kennah can't help but wonder.. could she actually have a relationship with Chris? The man who sort of.. raped her. No.. she can't. Not in this life. Not in this kind of life. But, Kennah tries to believe.. maybe one day.. it could be possible.

Chris takes off Kennah's shoes, and gives her a foot massage.

Kennah smiles. "Mmmm.. we went from being rough, to being soft?"

Chris smiles. "There's many sides of me. You can't even imagine."

Kennah kisses Chris, as they roll back onto the bed. Chris lifts up her clothing, takes off her panties.. and goes down on her, eating her out.

Back at the house, Alice is watching TV. Suddenly, she hears someone throw something at the window. "Kennah must be back."

Alice walks over to the window, and instead of Kennah.. sees a young man. Mike.

Alice opens the window. "What the hell do you want?"

Michael smiles. "Why don't you come on down and see?"

Alice thinks.

"Oh come on.. you can't be doing anything too important up there."

Alice climbs down, and lands on the grass. She walks over to Mike. "What do you want?"

"Has Chris been around here tonight?" asks Michael.

"Umm.. no." replies a nervous Alice.

"Really? Because I for sure thought I saw Chris come this way." Michael draws closer to Alice.

"No. Haven't seen him." replies Alice.

"Fine then" As Mike turns to walk away, and pulls out a knife, and grabs Alice.. holding the knife to her throat. Alice tries to scream, but another man has come running over, and is holding Alice's mouth closed with a cloth.

"Now.. you little bitch.. my childhood friend Chris is trying to fuck me over. I'm sure you would agree that isn't a nice thing to do. So, I'm trying to get something on him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Chris is fucking Kennah. All I want to know is, has Chris been around here tonight?" Mike holds the knife to Alice's throat.

Alice chokes, when the man pulls the cloth out of her mouth. "Fine.. yes. He was here tonight. But he left."

"Very good. You've been a good girl. Maybe we'll go easy on you now." says Mike.

"You let me go.. I told you what you wanted to know. If you don't let me go, I will scream. I scream, and my father's men will shoot your penis off. So make a choice." says an angry Alice.

"I have a better idea." Mike smiles, and takes out a needle. "You won't feel a thing."

"We have a peace treaty! You're going to throw it all away?! LET ME GO!" yells Alice.

"Maybe my family has a peace treaty. But I don't." says Mike.

Little does anyone know, except Chris, is that Mike is not indeed a member of the family. So Mike continues to be reckless, and plans on taking down anyone he can with him.

Back at Chris's Apartment..

Chris spanks Kennah, and continues to screw her. Their moans and breath filling the room.

#13 Leilah Dawn

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 04:28 AM

After making sweet love for another hour Chris and I cuddle naked while I lightly stroke his chest. He looks at me grinning like a fool.  I giggle looking into his eyes.


He kisses my lips gently cupping my face in his hand.

"I don't know what it is, but i just can't stay away from you."

I smile blushing covering my face in his chest. He lightly pecks the top of my head. I put my ear where is heart should be, i sigh feeling drouzy listening to the..thump thump thump of his heart. I entwine my fingers with his my eye lids slowly blinking. I love him, i do, i think that's what it is. I can't get enough of him, i lost my virginity to him. I feel safe and warm while laying  buttnaked on his chest. He wouldn't let anything happen to me, i see that now. I look up into his big beautiful brown eyes and he kisses my nose gently. Can i say those words to him? I love you. Those words seem so simple but they mean so much. Those words can change someones life, good or bad. Am I ready to take on that responsiblity? Especially someone like him, a mob boy, who can get any girl he wants. Why does he want me? What makes me so special? I'm thirteen, i'm short for my age with pale white skin, borning green eyes and brown hair. Nothing, i'm  avarage. He cuddles me closer to his body as he slowly falls asleep. All i can hear now is his light breathing and thump...thump....thump...thump...


Posted Image

2:00 Am

I open my eyes. I swear I heard a noise, but what was it? I slowly climb out of bed and slip on his t-shirt. My bare feet padding against the wooden floor as I head to the front door. I open it sneaking out of the Itallian restraunt. I stand on the curb not seeing a sole. Its dark, the wind is chilly. I shiver against the cold harsh wind. I pull a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and duck my head out of the wind to birdhouse and light it up. I sit down on the curb, the freezing cement making my bare butt numb. I teeter from side to side until the numbness goes away. I take a drag staring across the street at the vacant Irish pub. My father spends alot of his time there, making bets, drinking and shooting people.

I take another drag looking back up at Chris' little apartment. How the hell did i get so lucky? He's a total hottie with a big warm heart. I smile to myself. I put my cigarette out before standing up and rubbing my cheeks to get some blood flow back into them, they could be blue for all i know. I twist my body looking down at my butt. Nope still white. I head back into the italian restraunt and silently back up to his apartment. I see him asleep. He's beautiful. I climb into bed beside him, lifting the blanket and catching site of it...his penis. Should i touch it? What would happen, would he wake up? My hand slowly makes its way up to Chris' penis. I start to jack him off, and eventually sucking him off. Once I get him fully hard, i giggle to myself and turn over putting my butt up against his chest.

"I don't think so missy!" He says grabbing my waist and flipping me ontop of him.

I scream and giggle as I land with a plop onto his waist.

"I thought you were asleep." I say shyly.

"I know you did." He said a big grin crossing his face.

"And can i say, that was the hottest thing i've ever seen you do."

I giggle sticking my tongue out at him.

"However, Kennah, you've been a bad girl and deserve to get punished."

This makes me laugh. I smirk looking at him.

"Oh really, and what do you intend to do to me?" I ask him tilting my head looking at him.

He lightly pulls on my long brown hair pulling me into doggy position. I scream playfully. He spanks my bare butt. He eats me out, laying under me. Sucking hard on my clit. I scream and moan as i feel my juices flow. He sits up and gets behind me, positioning his penis at the hole of my vagina. He lightly teases me sliding only the head in and pulling it out, in and out in and out.

"FUCK ME CHRIS!" I scream at him no longer able to take the torture.

He chuckles going in only half way and pulling out. Suddenly he slams into me hard. My face goes into a pillow he literally knocked me off my knees. I scream in pain and pleasure. I'm not fully formed so even after sex i stay pretty tight. I feel him stretching me out as he pounds me hard, he goes harder every time i moan. He sits back pulling me into his lap. I ride him while we passionatly kiss. I ride him slowly, moving my hips rythmically. He moans into my mouth.

"No girl has ever felt as good as you baby."

He says breathing down my neck. No other girl...no other girl? That means he's not a virgin. Who did he lose it to? Thoughts flood my head as I ride him. He grabs my hair pulling me back onto my knees. He takes hold of my hips shoving himself back into me. I moan and cry out his name as he again continues to slam himself into me. I can't control it, i start saying things. Dirty things.

"Fuck me...I want you. Oh baby right there. God fuck me harder CHRIS! You fucking pussy bitch fuck me harder!"

Those are things i've never said in my life before i was introduced to sex. Sex is the most amazing feeling in the world. I can literally feel him inside of me, which is kind of comforting in sick and twisted way. He grabs my hair holding my head back as he continues to fuck me, one of his hands fondeling my growing breasts. He finishes cumming loads of cum deep into me. He collapses ontop of me pulling me into his arms, our arms and legs in a tangle. I look into his eyes. Should I say it? Should i? No..its too early. I can't say it until i know for a fact that its true. God he's amazing though. I want him all to myself. The question is, am I the only girl he's sleeping with? That's something I need to look into. I can feel that Chris fell asleep again. This time he's still inside of me. That's a weird thing I didn't think ever happened. Chris fell asleep with his penis inside of me. My eyes slowly droop. To tired to take him out of me I just pass out buttnaked in his arms. I love you. The last thing i think before falling back asleep.


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I wake up at three in the morning. Chris has made me a bowl of captin crunch, my favorite cerial. I sit at the table in nothing but his t-shirt as i take a bite. He's sitting across from me in a white t-shirt, and a pair of ripped up jeans. My long brown hair is pulled into a high messy bun, strands hangign in my face.  He smiles at me. I look up

swallowing before I smile at him.


He shakes his head taking a bite.

"You're beautiful in the morning."

I laugh shaking my head.

"Bull shit, what kind of pick up line is that. You look beautiful in the morning?"
He laughs pulling me into his lap and kissing my cheek then down to my neck. He lightly kisses my shoulder before smiling into my face.

"I'm serious, you're beautiful."

I smile and stroke his face kissing his lips softly.

"So are you."

After finishing breakfast, we have another quick sex session before I hurridly get dressed and he walks me home. He gets down on his hands and knees boosting me up so I can reach the tree. I pull myself up swinging my leg over the branch. I blow him a kiss before hopping to my window. I look in through the window only seeing one person in bed.

"What?" Chris yells from outside.

I sit there on the window sill confused. Blood rushes to my head remembering the torture i went through when i was kidnapped. I jump into my window and search the floor and everywhere else in my room. I race down the stairs and check the living room.

"No..no no no..."

I open the front door running right into Chris. I start crying grabbing his arm.

"Chris she's gone! I don't know where she is but she isn't here!" I cry.

Edited by Leilah Dawn, 07 August 2012 - 04:34 AM.

#14 Nick


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Posted 07 August 2012 - 07:22 AM

Chris has told Kennah to wait at home, and act like everything is normal. He doesn't want a full-blown mob war. Chris knows, if the Irish find out there has been yet another kidnapping.. all hell is going to break lose. Chris is the one chess piece in a growing chess game. Except the chess pieces, are people. With lives, loved ones, and family. It seems as if Christopher has all the power right now.. and he has to do something.

Christopher rushes into the restaurant, and heads upstairs, into his apartment. He walks over to his desk, and looks at a statue. It's a statue of a man, with a gun. It's an odd piece to have on a desk. But it's there for a reason. Chris pulls on the head, and secret door opens.. revealing a room located by Chris's bed.

It's an armory room, packed with weapons. Chris never felt safe in his family. And with this kind of room, he's always ready for any possible issues.

Chris knows he needs a small gun, just in case he doesn't need to use it. He picks up a Glock handgun, and loads it. He also picks up a hunting knife. Once Chris closes the secret room, he leaves the apartment.

Moretti Compound..

Christopher knocks on the door.. no answer. He uses his key, and goes inside.

"Hello?" Chris yells.. checking each room. The downstairs rooms are empty.

Christopher heads upstairs.. and peeks into his sister's room. She is sleeping. He also checks the rooms of Vin and his father. Vin is sleeping, and Vito is out. Finally.. Christopher sees the other room closed. He tries the doorknob.. locked. Chris uses his key.

As the door opens.. nothing. No one inside.

Suddenly, a female voice. The voice of Chris's sister. "Chris? What's going on?"

Chris closes the door, once out in the hallway. "Have you seen Mike?"

"No. He left late last night. Awhile after you left. Haven't seen him. Listen.. we need to talk."

"Not now. I gotta go." Chris runs down the stairs.

"But.. but.. we have to talk!" yells Rachele.

Once outside, Chris thinks.. Michael must have taken Alice. Why, he's not sure. Where would Mike have taken her? Chris thinks back to his childhood.. there was a warehouse by the docks, where Mike and Chris used to play.. they used to play a mafia game together. Acting like mob bosses. This is probably where Alice is.

Chris heads there.

5 AM

Chris takes out his gun, and holds it at his side.. cocking it. He walks into the warehouse, and hides in the shadows. He hears the sound of a woman screaming, and crying. She's yelling all sorts of words. "Fuck!" "You bastard!" "My family will kill you!" "STOP!"

Christopher walks into the center of the room, where he sees a naked Alice being raped by two men. Mike, and his thug. They are double-penetrating her, as she screams.

Chris walks out from the shadows. "MICHAEL! Leave her alone!"

Mike pulls out of her, and stands up in shock. The thug tries to reach for his gun (the actual weapon of course).

"Reach for that gun and I will blow you dick off."

The thug gulps, and stops.. putting his hands in the air, reacting to Chris's statement.

Chris looks at Alice. Bleeding, beaten, and cum all over her face.

"What have you monsters done to her?"

"Listen Chrissy, don't go all fucking high and mighty on me. You've raped women. Besides, I'm not the one fucking my sister." says Michael.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! You little piece of shit!" Chris grabs Michael, throwing him against the metal wall. Chris still keeps an eye on the other man. "You listen to me Mike. We were good friends. Good friends. But ever since I came into the organization, you've changed. What the fuck is it? Why the fuck would you do this? WE HAVE A PEACE TREATY! We don't need more blood on our hands!"

"You thought you came into your father's organization, and had it all planned out. Now you're screwing the little leprechaun. Why don't you just admit it? You're fucking her for power. Hell, you slap a ring on her finger, you can get control of both empires. You're a power hungry bastard."

"And you are a woman-beating fuck. You are a disgrace to our organization." Chris tosses Mike onto the floor.

Mike laughs. "Our organization? I've been working with your father for years. You're new to the show. Let me tell you something about the mob.. they take you in.. treat you well.. make you feel like you are apart of them. But then.. at the first sign of trouble, they cut your throat. Then, they eat each other. You're not one of them. You never will be. So don't try to act like you are."

"That's the whole problem Mike. You ain't one of them".

"Ah yes Chrissy. I ain't. But you sure sit ain't either. You ain't capable of doing much." says Mike.

"Oh really?" asks Chris.

Christopher points his gun at the thug, and fires two shots.. killing him. Alice screams.

Mike looks at his dead thug, in shock.

"Now Mike.." Chris points the gun at Michael. "It's your turn."

"What the fuck man? Come on! It's me your talking to!"

"You could have started another mob war. As it is, I'm going to have to do damage control. Plus you with running your mouth.. about my sister.. I can't have that." Chris says.

"Chris.. we've been friends since we were little!"

"Yeah.. true. But people change." replies Chris.

Mike begs for his life. "Chrissy, listen to me. You're young. You can get out of this! Come on.. don't become one of them!"

"Too late. I already am." Christopher pulls the trigger two times, watching Michael die.

Alice looks on, in shock.

Chris bends down, and looks at Alice, stroking her hair. "Listen Alice.. here's how this is going to go down. I just saved your ass. You're going to tell your family that. Make sure they all know I'm a good guy. Second, you're going to say some Russian thugs did this to you. Not my family. Third, you're going to completely take what Mike said about my sister.. and forget it. Do we have an understanding?"

#15 Leilah Dawn

Leilah Dawn

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 08:12 AM

Alice looks at Chris shock and fear seeping from her big blue eyes. Chris folds his arms staring at her.

"Capisci?" He askes louder.

Alice looks up and into his eyes and nods quickly, her heart pounding; and hands sweating with fear.  Chris nods and pats her on the back.

"figlio ingrato." (ungrateful child.) He mutters under his breath as he walks over to a closet grabbing a sheet.

"fretta." (hurry)  He mutters again, as Alice wraps the sheet around her body.

They get in Chris' car and he drives her back to my house.

Kennah's house.

I sit in the window seat gazing out my window waiting to see the familiar face of Alice or Chris. Hours pass, until i see Alice running up to my front door. I jump out of the seat and race across the house, flying down the stairs until i reach the front door. Alice was home, and safe. Nothing was better than that feeling, nothing in the world. I hug Alice tight as she's bawling on my shoulder. I stroke her hair trying to comfort her.

"He...he raped me...he..." Alice cries out.

My eyes go wide. I glance at Chris then back at Alice.

"Shhh, shhhh hunny who raped you...who?"

Alice breathes heavy trying to calm down.

"T...the the...the Russian Mob....some jerk from the bar, he followed me back here last night and when you left with Chris last night he grabed me.....and....and..raped me." She sobs covering her face.

My eyes well up with tears as I hug her shaking little body. I've never seen Alice cry like this before, so she must be telling the truth. She was raped. I was raped...that's what happens when your assosiated with bad people, bad things happen to you in the long run. I push her light brown hair out of her face and stare into her big blue eyes.

"Alice, we will be okay.....i know what your saying Alice...we've both been through this and were going to get through this."

Alice shakes her head still sobbing. Chris watches from behind Alice's car. His hands shoved deep into his pockets. Alice lifts her head and looks me in the eyes.

"The guy who took my virginity...is dead...he's dead. Chris shot him in the head, he's gone and i never have to worry again..."

She says tears springing to her eyes. I hug her face to my chest and kiss the top of her head.

"Shhhh Alice....its okay hunny, you'll be okay."

I take the hyperventalating Alice up into my room, slipping her into bed next to the still sleeping Violet. I cover Alice up and head back down stairs to go see Chris. He's standing in my living room his hands shoved into his pockets. I walk up to
him and kiss his lips softly. I shu the door behind him and pull him up to my body walking backwards to the couch pulling him with me.
I pull my shirt over my head slowly dancing a little for him. A smirk crosses his face. I jump into his arms kissing him slowly with my tongue. He kisses me back his hands roaming my body. I turn around while he rips my bra off of me. I gasp and bite my bottom lip. I wrap one leg around his waist pulling him ontop of me as we fall down onto the couch. I put my lips to his ear and whisper softly.

"I'm not wearing panties."

He gives me a wicked smile as he shoves his hands up my shirt one hand grabbing one of my breasts the other lightly rubbing over my clit making me wet. He ducks his head and starts licking me. I moan moving my hips against his face while he continues to lick deeper. I squeal and pull him up shoving my tongue back into his mout and pulling his penis out of his pants. I rub it up and down over my clit and my legs before letting him shove it into me. I scream out. He laughs and covers my face with a pillow. He holds the pillow over my face as he continues to pound me on the couch. I hear the stairs creep but i don't move because i'm way too far into the zone to even care what happens next. I wildly move my hips against his holding his waist and pulling it down on mine. I feel him biting up and down my neck while he fucks me. He pushes in deep one last time shooting me full of cum. I sigh and he lifts the pillow off of my face. He laughs looking at me.

"what was that for, you like attacked me just now."

I giggle and cover my face.

"I guess it was just a turn on, you saved my best friend, that girl is very important to me and you saved her.."

"I...i i love you...." I say my eyes wide.

He inturupts me shoving his tongue into my mouth pumping his penis inside of me again. He was hard yet again, boy i love being a teenager. The harder i feel him pound me the louder i get.

Again, he cums in me and pulls me into his arms kissing my forhead. I smile cuddling with him. I look down at my watch. Five in the morning. I jump up and pull on his hand.

"It's five in the morning you have to go baby!"

I bring him to the door, where he pulls me into his arms , i wrap my legs around his waist kissing him softly. I hear someone sneeze. I gasp and jump to the ground. I look around the coast is clear. I giggle a little before pushing him out.

"Goodnight Romeo."

I say smiling and slowly shutting the door as he heads to his car. I run up the stairs pulling my shorts off so i'm only in my panties and a T-shirt. I climb into bed next to Alice and Violet. Alice is softly crying into her pillow, i get up close to her and wrap my arms around her shoulders holding her close to me, she's sobbing lightly on my shoulder. I cuddle close with her as we both slowly fall asleep.

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Edited by Leilah Dawn, 07 August 2012 - 08:13 AM.