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#25690 Freeware on Abandonia?

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 13 April 2006 - 10:56 PM in Suggestions & Comments

@Twit: You say I hear whatever I want to hear. You just say whatever'll fit you fine, so I'll ignore that. I know what Kosta and I discussed that day, and that's how I'll keep handling AB's updates. Only person I listen to when it comes to AR, is Kosta, as he's got the good of the site in eye.

@AJ: It's up to me as much as it's up to the other updaters. I prep games and jump in with updating, so it is up to me as well.

Just so you know, it's useless to demand handing these games over. There're plenty of freeware games that you guys can use instead of stealing our games. We do our updates as we've been told: Adding DOS-games. If they became freeware in the run of the years, then so be it. I know I'll still add it. Just saying to stop butting in and telling us how to do our work.

Edit: Fixed the tw-word - AJ

#25685 The Great Giana Sisters

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 13 April 2006 - 10:42 PM in Game & Software Requests

Super Mario Bros 1: 1985
Great Giana Sisters: 1987

I'd say Great Giana Sisters stole from Super Mario. I believe they've been sued for that, back in the days, too.
Apparently, the sueing's correct

#25682 Ninja Forever

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 13 April 2006 - 10:37 PM in Work in Progress

Story's all done and cutscenes're in the making. Shouldn't be too long before the first chapter is released.

#25681 A Question

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 13 April 2006 - 10:36 PM in Work in Progress

A. J. Raffles, on Apr 13 2006, 11:04 PM, said:

I don't know about Fawful, but Tiki has released a beta version of Tales of the Tiki, I think. Didn't he post a thread about it in the 3xBlah section on AB a while back?
Full release, back in Januari. It's also fully supported. If anybody still finds a bug in there, I still work to fix it. Plus there's been demand for a walkthrough, which I'm working on as well.

#25678 Freeware on Abandonia?

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 13 April 2006 - 10:30 PM in Suggestions & Comments

I said I wouldn't be here, but this thread does involve my work on a decent site, so I'll still say it anyways.

'bout a year and a couple months back, Kosta asked me what to do with games that were basically twice on the site. As example, he mentioned Wings of Fury and its remake, and this one game where you fight with animals (forgot its name), and its remake.

He initially thought it might be an idea to make an extra category for these on AB, the category Freeware, but I asked him where people'd have to look then, and how people'd know 'bout a remake of a game. I also asked him where games that're fully freeware, like Enclosure, would go to: that Freeware category, or the Adventure category. (Or, with his question: the games I make, like Tales of the Tiki and Ninja Forever)

Basically, that Freeware category needed to have categories of its own, so people'd be able to find the games they're looking for with ease, instead of plowing through an unsorted clutter. That's when Kosta asked me if it'd be a good idea to make a separate site for the remakes and the games that're released as freeware.

The main idea for AR that got this whole site into being, was to make a place where all the remakes of games on AB and games members of the community made/overall games that were made with the intention of becoming freeware, and were released as such.

This idea flared up again when AR got the old DOS-game from the '80s, Llamatron. Kosta asked why it was on AR, and that it was a game for AB, which further shows that it's Kosta's intention to have old DOS-games on AB (just as AB's title says, and as the update policy's been for a long time: No Windows-games, purely Dos-games) and remakes and games that've always been freeware on AR.

Guess what, in the end, AR is Kosta's site, so what he says, goes on here, and until closer order from him, I myself won't hand over old DOS-games that are turned freeware, cause they're still what AB exists for, and not what AR exists for.

What works especially aggravating, is people butting into AB and telling the updaters to give games for AB over. There're tons of great games out there that're fully freeware and can be added to AR without the need of stealing them from AB. If you guys run out of games, there's still an AGI community that feels highly neglected here, and that can provide a whole source of top-quality freeware games. So why steal the ones that should go on AB instead of putting ones up that fully go on AR and not on AB?

#18233 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 25 December 2005 - 08:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

Then again, the title makes it clear, and steering a thread 'bout urinals towards bleeding wounds is asking for a combination.

Anyways, that's quite off-topic too.

#18228 Genesia Trouble

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 25 December 2005 - 07:30 PM in DOSBox

There've been games put up there that were dismissed as being sold, as it was only in combo-packs, like Worlds Of Xeen. Putting one game up while it's still sold in combo-packs while not another one because it's sold in a combo-pack... either all or none, I'd say, and as others've gotten green light, then why not this one? Anyways, 's off-topic. First things first: getting it to work properly.

#18226 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 25 December 2005 - 07:26 PM in Forum Guidelines

Or a combination of using urinals and massive amounts of bloodloss :bleh:

#18155 Recommend A Book

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 25 December 2005 - 12:13 AM in Forum Guidelines

A book where the characters aren't all black and white... hehehe... that reminded me of Lord Of The Flies :bleh:

#18152 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 11:56 PM in Forum Guidelines

Cause you can only wipe once with that, unless you fold carefully. Besides, there'll always be leaves or moss 'round. Just... don't wipe with leaves that have a bit of a wax coating. That's not a good idea :bleh:

Edit: Oh, and no fern-leaves as well. Good thing I never tried that.

#18147 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 11:00 PM in Forum Guidelines

That uphill was at the bottom of a chasm. 't Was too rocky to dig holes. As for that necktie... it's as a main aid. When you break an arm, you'll use that to support it. When you have a bleeding wound, you'll use that to tie it off with. When you have to hold something very hot, you'll use that (although it sucks for that nowadays. I'm better off using my sleeves) Shall I go on? :bleh:

#18137 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 10:22 PM in Forum Guidelines

One thing I can definitely recommend never to do, is to poo uphill. It'll roll down while you're looking for leaves/moss, and that is not fun :bleh: Not to mention that it dirties your pants in a very unpleasant way.

#18131 Recommend A Book

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 10:08 PM in Forum Guidelines

I haven't read Shogun yet, but've watched the '80s TV-series of it. It's outstanding, to say the least. If the book's anything like the series based on the book (and done by the writer), it'll be great too.

#18115 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 07:33 PM in Forum Guidelines

Required... no, but we do hang toilet paper on hudos. And we wipe with our right hand, while we shake hands with our left, so shaking hands's safer than with somebody that'd go to a normal toilet.

#18093 Genesia Trouble

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 03:43 PM in DOSBox

The game Genesia (added to AB just a few days ago) has a bit of a DosBox-crashing problem now and then. It completely goes blank, and when in full-screen, you can't go back to Windows, but have to completely reboot. In windowed mode, you can still close DosBox and restart that. We're not sure what makes this happen, as it seems to happen at random. More info on it can be found here, at the end of page 1 and the beginning of page 2.

#18091 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 24 December 2005 - 03:31 PM in Forum Guidelines

Juni Ori, on Dec 24 2005, 03:43 PM, said:

Well, in the army we used to drop our droppings into a hole we dug when we got to campsite, sitting on a cut-loose branch positioned into useful location above the hole. Only serious problem was that rear froze.

Edit: Didn't accept my three-letter word...
We use those at Scouts too. They're called Hudos.

#18020 Recommend A Book

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 11:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

Try reading Madame Beauvary :bleh:
Edit: Ooh! Or Das Leiden Des Junges Werther, by Goethe. Now THERE's a bore

#17968 My Day Sucked...

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 04:46 PM in Forum Guidelines

Quitting her job's not that good an option. It's quite hard to get a job 'round there, so it might be better to have a crappy job that pays the bills while looking for a better one than having no income but bills to pay, while looking for a new job.

#17932 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 12:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

I'd say aromatic :bleh:

#17926 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 11:44 AM in Forum Guidelines

Didn't think anybody'd fill it in with that i instead of a very similar-sounding letter :bleh:

#17923 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 11:33 AM in Forum Guidelines

And now, for something completely different: Lemon merengue p... I'll get my coat.

#17900 The Ar Sim/rpg

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 08:52 AM in Work in Progress

My Little Reloaded. Everybody has rainbow-hair, or a cute little sign on their stomach, like a heart, or a rainbow, or a smiling star :bleh:

#17869 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 23 December 2005 - 12:28 AM in Forum Guidelines

To make them shiny :bleh: Anyways, when it comes to actual toilet cabinets, not urinals, I'm not picky at all. Just choosing the one that's the least filthy, and that has toilet paper. If I know somebody just went on one, I'll avoid that one, too. I'm not too fond of pre-heated toiletseats.

#17839 Toilet Time

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 22 December 2005 - 09:13 PM in Forum Guidelines

Stroggy, on Dec 22 2005, 09:52 PM, said:

A. J. Raffles, on Dec 22 2005, 09:39 PM, said:

What if the second person is left-handed and goes to urinal #5, though?
Well... use the washbasin.
You've been living in a student room for too long :bleh: The amount of students that actually do that's quite surprising.

#17799 Let's talk about ninjas

Posted by Kon-Tiki on 22 December 2005 - 05:16 PM in Forum Guidelines

Logically, it'd have to be ninjum, though.