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#1752 School?

Posted by Pifish on 13 May 2005 - 06:25 AM in Forum Guidelines

Edited yo.

#831 Avatars And Signatures Reloaded

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 12:08 PM in Forum Guidelines

:) Damn, now I look stupid, well time to dust off the old dunce's cap and sit in the corner, now where's the dunce's cap Similie?

#827 Avatars And Signatures Reloaded

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 11:59 AM in Forum Guidelines


7/10 for your avatar, Go MS Paint pictures (I hope that was drawn in MS Paint, otherwise I'd look quite the fool).

And for the sig: N/A

#826 Delete Button

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 11:55 AM in Suggestions & Comments

A. J. Raffles, on May 9 2005, 07:11 PM, said:

Well, not if you're a nice person who doesn't mean any harm, but suppose someone's a troll and makes a couple of posts to provoke aggressive posts by other members. Afterwards he deletes his own posts and makes it look as if they were attacking him. I've seen this happen plenty of times on other forums.
I've never seen that happen on a forum before, although it is a good point, posts that happen 4-5 times in succesion as in some kind of argument look very odd if one set of posts is deleted and one is left alone, this does obviously show that something slightly dodgy is happening, also I'm sure that there would be some kind of log that the administrator of the server has access to showing exactly what has happened in the forum.

#805 Delete Button

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:52 AM in Suggestions & Comments

A. J. Raffles, on May 9 2005, 06:48 PM, said:

But in such a case admins usually notice and are quite happy to delete your double post for you. :) And allowing everybody to delete his own posts may have its disadvantages, actually, because it is a feature which could easily be abused. Much more easily than the 'edit' button, in fact.
If you don't mind me asking, how can it be abused?  Only you or the admins have control over the deleting of posts.

#804 Butterfly 660

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:50 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

An interesting kinda game made that I found entertaining, but it has no real replayability in it check it out at Syndicate Studios I am fully aware that the site is no longer being updated but if you need any information I know someone who's brother was one of the people who made the game.

#800 Afterafterlife

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:42 AM in Forum Guidelines

Nice poll results indeed, but why is it people always seem to put the option refering to someone smoking drugs, why not "inhale", "ingest" or "fall under the infulence of"?

EDIT: On a second note concerning death in the after-life, in Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle's "Inferno" (based off the first part of "Dante's Divine Comedy")  People in Hell simply can't die no matter what happens to them, they will just heal after a while.  Just an interesting note that I think I should add.

#799 If You Made A Freeware Game...

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:38 AM in Forum Guidelines

BlackMageJawa, on May 9 2005, 08:04 AM, said:

Metal Gear: Vapour: A Point & Click I want to make with Wintermute, assuming I can ever find some good sprites. Set between the two chapters of MGS2, Vapour sees Solid Snake coming to London in pursuit of a deadly new type of Metal Gear. I'm very pleased with the plot I wrote for this one, but unless I can get good looking sprites of Snake and co, it'll never happen.
A Metal Gear Point and Click adventure game? Intreguing(I can't spell right today) just wondering but will all the stealthyness be handled?

#797 Delete Button

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:19 AM in Suggestions & Comments

One reason why a delete button might be needed is in the case of the internet or forums screwing up leading to multiple copies of the same post appearing (It's happened to me on forums before)  So just in case it might be an idea to add one.

#796 Afterafterlife

Posted by Pifish on 09 May 2005 - 08:05 AM in Forum Guidelines

My view (You'll die and come back into the same afterlife place) is influenced by that crappy episode of South Park when a guy named Garry and Saddam Hussein are fighting to be Satan's lover, they both kill each other many times and each time they just turn up back in hell.

#311 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 12:32 PM in Forum Guidelines

Kiddiarni, on May 8 2005, 10:25 PM, said:

J.C. Denton is the main protagonist of the game "Deus Ex" Here's one of many fan sites .  Very good game, buy it, I'm pretty sure that it's in the bargin bin of video game stores now.

#306 Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 12:26 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Magic, on May 8 2005, 10:20 PM, said:

Ah. I didnt realize... although now people are aware of the spyware and have got a mini review :)
Very good point there Magic.  It would be really crappy if someone wasted a 150odd meg download only to delete because of ad-ware that is hardly malicious.

#298 Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 12:07 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Magic, on May 8 2005, 10:03 PM, said:

Note: The adware in this game is an advert for Hidden And Dangerous 2, which only displays when you have chosen to exit the game from the main menu. No spyware such as Cydoor is installed

Download it @ www.gamehippo.com
Just pointing out that the download link I provided was the one provided at Gamehippo.com.

#296 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 12:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

Magic, on May 8 2005, 09:47 PM, said:

JC Denton is just so much cooler with all his sci-fi gear and that :)
Yeah, and the fact that his torch(flashlight) casts light directly out of his eyes!  At least that's what I've been led to believe.

#295 Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 11:55 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

I remeber this game but I didn't think it was the greatest a good game though, even with some minor "iffy" bits.

EDIT: By Tulac's post I was unsure if he/she actually found a download link so just In case he/she didn't here's one: H&D Deluxe Sorry if I misunderstood the post and Tulac really did find some download links.

#266 Recwar

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 10:22 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

This is a fun little game, it can get boring after a while but it's great for passing time http://www.student.k...janssen/recwar/

#265 Noctis

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 10:21 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Yes this is a very very cool little game, exploring planets, naming planets, writing funny comments on planets, then uploading the data onto the web for others to download! Yay!

#263 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 10:18 AM in Forum Guidelines

Maikel, on May 8 2005, 08:15 PM, said:

jc denton. But i'm biased. Since I never played metal gear solid.
I haven't any MGS games, but I have seen MGS and MGS2 played many times, or at least enough to make a judgement on the characters.

#259 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by Pifish on 08 May 2005 - 10:11 AM in Forum Guidelines

Yay, a semi-pointless poll, anyway I was asked a friend this question and I'd like to hear your opinion.  I for one think that J.C. Denton is, with his Sunglasses, solid blue eyes, funny silver thingys on his face, and that trenchcoat.  But this is a poll let's hear your what the members of this forum have to say.