What Makes You Tick What Makes You Tick
Made by: Mathias Kempke
Website: http://wmyt.deaddog.de/?page_id=61
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Well written story
Wonderful graphics
Atmospheric music
Quite a large download
Music is a bit quiet at times

Dr Coppelius is a brilliant professor who disappeared a year ago.  You are Nathan, and you have been sent by your university to find Dr Coppelius.  Apparently, the old professor is in great danger, and you have to warn him of this danger.  You arrive in town, and quickly find the house that Dr Coppelius used to live in.  Unfortunately, the house is completely locked up, and there is no sign of the professor. 

As you investigate his disappearance, you learn about a mysterious invention that Dr Coppelius has hidden.  You don't know what this invention is yet, but you do know that someone else is searching for it.  An old enemy of Dr Coppelius is determined to get his hands on this invention by any means necessary.  Now you must keep Dr Coppelius, and his invention, safe from enemy hands.  Will you succeed? 



The game is mouse controlled, and uses a simple verb-disc interface.  Click your mouse, and then select Talk, Look, or Use to interact with the game world.  At bottom of the screen, you will see exactly what Nathan will do, depending on which action you select.  Move your mouse down to the bottom of the screen to see your inventory.  Each item is represented by a small picture, so it is easy to see what you are carrying.  If you want to use one of your items in the game world, simple click on it, and drag it to wherever you want to use it.  You can Save, Load, or Quit your game at any time by pressing F1.  Puzzles are quite tricky, and you get a good feeling of satisfaction when you have solved them.  They game is quite large, so it may take a while to download, but it IS worth it.



I am very impressed with the graphics in this game.  There is so much detail everywhere you look.  Lots of little things just seem to bring to game to life.  Everything from the bucket swinging in the well, to Nora blinking and turning pages in her book, to the rowboat bobbing up and down in the sea is a joy to watch.  Shadows are very subtle, but are a nice touch.  Characters (and objects) cast shadows onto the ground, and this makes the game seem more realistic.  Light reflecting on the sea, or curtains blowing in the wind are beautifully animated. 



What Makes You Tick is filled with rich sound effects.  Things like the crow cawing, waves crashing against the wall or the waterwheel next to the Strange House are a pleasure to listen to.  Even the wind blowing is very effective.  Music is very spooky and atmospheric, and adds to the game.  I think there is a different song for every screen, so you get a good variety.  However, the music is rather quiet at times, so you don't always notice it. 



What Makes You Tick is a brilliant adventure game that I really enjoyed playing.  The story will have you intrigued right to the end.  The verb-disc is easy to use, and the whole game is lovely to look at.  Graphics are amazing, and everything is animated so smoothly.  Sound effects are very impressive, and the music really suits the mood of the game.  It is obvious that a lot of love and care has gone into this game.  An excellent game, from start to finish.  Why not try it for yourself? 

Review by: Frodo

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