Nick Bounty: The Goat in the Grey Fedora Nick Bounty: The Goat in the Grey Fedora
Made by: Pinhead Games
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Interesting plot
Good voice work
Graphic style fits game
3-D graphic interface
One save slot

If you thought the adventures of Nick Bounty were over, think again, as this time around Nick gets involved in another mystery, with mysterious characters, objects, and salt? What is it all mean your probably wondering? Read on you will see in Nick Bounty : The Goat in the Grey Fedora.

This time around the game begins with Nick telling his story to his poker friends about a case he has just finished and the background behind it. It was a quiet day, when Nick hears a knock on his door and someone entering. After a nice wise crack by Nick that fails on the client, she tells him that she wants to hire him to recover an object of importance for her. It seems her grandfather owned a ceramic goat and because she is not immediate family, she would like Nick to retrieve it for her. Apparently, this goat is a favorite of hers, and Nick takes the case because she reminds me her of one of those kittens, who lost their mittens.

First thing you will notice about the game is that the interface has changed from the first title. The game is now set in 3-D interface style, still point, and click but the graphic style looks quite different. A little more polish I would say, but it may be a disappointment to others as the original graphic style was kind of like a nice cartonish comic book style. Still though I think this style does not hurt the game in terms of look. The actual story of the game is a step up from the first one in my opinion, simple but engaging and really getting you into the story.

The voice work in the game is also again done with high quality as each character you encounter really does a good job, there is the odd voice that some may find annoying but needless to say. It enhances the experience of the game and really, you find few adventure games now a day that actually include voices, so consider it a bonus. 

There really isn't much in the way of problems with the game, other than the 3-D interface occasionally can be difficult to maneuver but it's not too bad of a problem. As well, the game only comes with one save slot, which you really do not see in adventure games.

Overall this game is a worthy follow up to the first game and definitely if you enjoyed the first game of this series, you need to check out this one too. Nick Bounty : The Goat in the Grey Fedora is the name, now go forth and download it or go to the homepage and play it online.

Review by: DeathDude

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Safe for ages: 13+
Windows, Macromedia Flash, and Macintosh Version available
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