Oleg Petrov personal photo Oleg Petrov
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Russian
Whereabouts: Russia
Social status: N/A
Companies: None
Websites: http://ifh.firstones.com/
08'98 The foundation of "Space Dream Factory".

02'99 Oleg Petrov creats storyline for a fanfic novel.

03'99 The novel transforms into the idea of space combat simulator game.
04'99 The first version of FLYM engine (Glide only) is created.

06'99 The project development stops.

09'99 Sierra cancels Babylon 5: "Into The Fire". The game project renews.

10'99 As of this moment game's title is "I've found her".

12'99 First russian-language site appears.

01'00 Advanced version of FLYM engine is created.

03'00 First non-public demo version is out.

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Babylon 5: I've found her Babylon 5: I've found her
Rating : [3]
Producers: Space Dream Factory
"Time to defend the galaxy once again, as you jump in the cockpit and blast away your enemies in Babylon 5: I've found her"

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