Ola personal photo Ola
Age: 41 years
Nationality: American
Whereabouts: Vancouver, Canada
Social status: Unknown
Companies: Divot Design
Websites: https://www.kg-machinery.com/
Created Principles Of Evil 1 & 2 singlehandly.

Principles Of Evil Volume 1 Principles Of Evil Volume 1
Rating : [3.1]
Producers: Divot Design
"Rogi is bored with her life as a taxidermist. So she packs it all in, and goes in search of her hero, the evil Babayaga. Will she succeed? Will she fail? You\'ll just have to play to find out."
Principles Of Evil Volume 2 Principles Of Evil Volume 2
Rating : [3.2]
Producers: Divot Design
"Rogi is still on her quest to find her hero, the elusive Babayaga. So will all her dreams come true, or will she be forced to return to her old life that she found so dull?"

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